Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, a. Move soon on gallery THE £600,000 Queensland Cultural Centre, including an art gallery , to be built at the lower ciicl of George Street, will beyond the dream stage next The Education Minister I Mr. Pizzey l said ~·es– t erda ~· a meeting wonld he held in aboul " mnnlh lo plau fu11d-r11i~ing. Thr lJl'IIJC'CI nn1111rrd hH,I M11 ,. :.ml M r P1u.rv ~:, 1rt Ihr rlrla,. :!fOBP brr:111~r thrrr l1:1rt hPrn nn \"l" h In 1·1111111C'tr " 'llh 1hr U111 r rr!-.lly''– oreat H•ll ,,ppen l. Thfl f11nct -rn1:-11H! :111111- f\fl l\' would h e tlw Cf'l\\ f'll – Ar\' . FlllAllf"C (.;0111111111r1•. ;~Wrrt:J 1 \ ;,!:~~\;,~'~::~ h~ 1 n,nnth ~·n11lcl clrririr lltr / n1eam- lo br aclopt.rd . Eager • o h,~11• ln Bri:,bane on Monduy, t.lH! Oo\'Cl'H0r t Sil' Henry Abel Bmi1h1 ,sRlrl !11111 t 1 r,~ 1 l;rlll!'\ !~~~lei ~~-t 11 ~~~~ I l:ft" ;-;~;' l~l~:::~ 1 1,;'/' 1 l ::~ ~::.j I gallcr)' wu,, , elllerl. · I fr~~~d~~~~r~~,i~l~11 c1:"r 1 \~~1\ 1 i\ big Rlld tnmnu, 1·0IIPl'· I !~~ 1 ~:ns\':.~:i-~ r:~i\1:Hr1~r 111 I r hr nrw !!rtllrrr I-; 10 h;..,·(' fn11r t1mr:-. 1 hr hnm: – tni: f.))ACf" o f fhr ))tf"H•nt ?~~l1J~'~ibn·r~t/ 1 0~~1:i~rf_l t n It will hP rnnl ro\lcct Hncl Adn1\lll!iltCrcrt solrly hy thr gl'I llrr~· t rusl er.c; A pionern,· ,·rntr11nr~· hnll. t111Clrr H'pn1·n1r r-os– trnl. ?..nd with ~r 1t lini.; for 100.0 nr 1500 peOJllC. will t-, Jart nr the ccnlrr .,.,nr cult urnl CCllll'{' I~ LO hfl thr conli11ulnr. 1110m1- m rnt to the SLRtr'i-i rrntcn~ Rrv. ,·rlrbrntrd 1:-tst ,rear. b lsnireernent with n, - r>ert• of Lhr prnJri:I led 10 the anuncdlatf' rc;-,il-\tHttinn of lhr ~nllery rllrrclnr , ~lr. Robfl't Hntnrs 1. Th~ {10\'{'flllllC'lll has nnl ~·r1 rRl\('rf Rppllcn1!oi1r- {nr n ,ti rrclor. 1..:- ,1mrnt.rd t·n~t. nr tlH' r~g/,e;i: ~:;, P~~~~t~~·,n l~~i n ight that nn desli:tm, lrn.ct brrn prrpll rrd. f'.-t1,,f. aid ThP Statr On\'r1·nrnr11t u. 111 suhslrtir,r rn111 1h111 inns f for r. up fn :1, rotnl of f~~n.onn. n,·Pr ;'\ r1,~-yr;lr prnorl. The- o,wrrnmrn1 mtcmii,– tn mnkr the olcl Gon-•rn– mrnt Ho11sr . now pnr1 nr the L1111,·rrMt~· hullrlin ~s in nron!C SL1·rr1 . par1 of thr ru lturrd r r ntrr. nt'.. tornt1on nf tlH' h11ilri– t11~ tn ,t s or11Z11111\ , tntr. t11s1dr and out, 1s co11trm -1 plH ted. Thi" !-llr n( thr c·r11t rc isl r xpcct<!ri 10 l"t1C'rniir h 011 t-nmr nt I hr prc..,rnt Bo1.111 lc Gnrd"n~. Poo~storage spac for art treasures i ., ' By o Stoff 'Reporter Tho111ond1 of po~nds worth of Q11een1- land'1 ort •treo111rea .are being stored under cramped ·ond ina..equ'ote conditions. st~;k 1 :J•blcine:,ln~na\ 8 es~l~t1~;;-v- collectln ln– wooden racks nnd an as• tormntlon on lndlv~dual sortmenL or objects d'art p11lnli11~s 11t Lhe gallery so nre crammed lnt.o a small thnL a more complete n rcn upstnlltl al, t.he "dnssier" could be kepL ol Qul'cnslnnd -,_rt Oallcri·. the ~•llery's r.ollcctlon. LnsL week, I Inspected The new director tMr L the , lornge spnce nt the N. B. Thomas of Sydney ,' ~a llcry, nnd found it hope- wns expected 'w arrive in lcssli· lnadcqunte. nboul n month. Old balcony n~ 1 1;i~1 ~~\f~ct~;~i~:d 1 ~,re ~~gy s~1r~~:I:/r'ne~ 1 ~on~:;i hull, ubouL 100 feet long nncl 13 feet wide. At nne ~nd thrre l!'1 R "'orkshop, whrre rrarne!'I are repi1lrcd. and other work dune Jor exhibi– tions down!ffalr!-o. Jn the wooden racks, r,n1 11tin~ nrc stnckcrl nc– corclln~ to size. nnd not In group., or dtCrcrcnL nrtists' works. Thlii ls hcca use lherc nrc no fnclllLles for ,1on11g dlffcrr.nl ,1,.ect plc– turrs togcthc~ without Ut~ 1 n~eg~u~:rn~rc.the lnck of spncc. n number of JllllnL– lngs were leaning ngnlnst ~~~in~~r 1 s \Jiti~;~;- T~ghc\r; pnrtrrut nr Professor Hec\– ley Marston. No choice 111 0110 co~r were two Louts XVI chn irs covcrecl with hrown pnpcr. In other corners were sculpture. nn j cxnmplr of Florentine mo~n1c, ~ll\'crwnrc, gln.~s– wnrc. ccrnm1cs ... nnd pa1nt111gs n11d more pain t– rnirn. Mr. Sml<h snld lhnt the ~•llrri· hncl no choice but lo keep mnn~ pnlnllngs tn Mon·. nnct ii wn~ rtning 1hc best it, could unrlcr tryln~ conditions. "i\11 nrt l:Rllrr.,· 1~ 11kt. Rn lrPhrri:-onh· R rr:1r~ tlnn or It sho" '~ rih,n-t. t hP ,-urfarc," he 'R ltl. "The b111\cHm.?: wn~ IH'l\•rr r1r!-lunrd 11!- nu nr r cnllr1 \' :rnrl wr hn ,·r In cln wha't \\'r 1·nn w it h llw rn:Hlf"rpHl! C' ;g~ l'<'ilO!-~i f 01~ ~\~·:rl J)li 1'i~p:.~~ ~ whr 11 till" nrw h111ldinp rcm1r:-. nloni:," he snicl. Steel cabinets Thr an llr•1·y \\·ns ron- ~lrtrnnc ,•t'i'nl1rn lh· hunnc ..,p,•,·1.d !-:ICf'I ,·11 hlnrt:-. 10 , how,r 1hr pn.J ntlnp,!-, ri11rl l hrv \\"Ollld menn thnt ('X~ hlhhlnn!- rould he nrrn11nrr1 11\0 l'C' rn~ll~·. "T hry wnuh1 hr mnrr c•nm1,lrtr htH•a u"r thf'\' wn11ld lnr lurlt. ,\1,1, thf' f~' ~~: 11 ,~~,:~t:n;~~,',~; tt~,~! whrn w,• nre trllln~ to- ~r:.h~~nll ~i"~mt<l~hlhlt ion,'' ri..-tr. Smlrh nnltl hr h url