Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"ADVERTISER" Adelaide, S.A. ~~ •' tt.l& \ i:, 11 ~ .tl. ~': ~ y;, 1-~.• -,, 1 11, 111,111 ,, 11 1 ·1\ ii I, 111• 1 \ 1, I " I 1t Brlsb.ne, 1-Ioli(l_a y pla11s at ·~allcry, 111Lt~ett111 l. • THE Queensland Art Gallery will be closed on Chr istmas Day , but open in normal hours during the rest of the holiday period. On ~ ('\\' Y ,•;1 r 's Jl;i\" .la nuar\' 10 a nd 1~: (a ~ u nd :1\'l lilf" g:-i\ \f'r ~· f.J :•h 11,,1i-. :, nd a11~\\ ('\ will l ie o p r 11 frnrn ::! 1,.n; . .. ,\~~:~ 1 ;'1(;~;~· 11 \~~\/~-b~ nd \/~~ to 5 p. m . I n i:-.m-~· ·.. · ,~.,, .\ --111•rntl :-"I'll''" 1; 1 .la11uary 1• a.ncl ;r. ~; , n11 tu 1,d !w,1nr~ 1ilm nnd Qut•..t1n11 .. :rnrl :1n:-\\'C1~ • '1qw •:-.11nn-,111d-a n-.\,1't :--,•- - --~-- - - =-----.-il ~ --111tlS \\ 1\1 h f' hr ld :11 t l 1• 'I , \ 111:-f'Ull\ 1n1m .J~rn1rn ry -1 . • 111 .Jnm1;11\ '..'.0 T \I,· ;\\ ll--•'1 1111 (! 11 ,·•· 1 111 1\ 11 l ; \l. ld.; ' :-t\\(I \t t•·td., ·. ; 1•,1 ' .... ,.,,,i:il ·l1, , , p 1•1 ,Ill• 11 ',\ 11\llrl lh , l\n \\ 11 , ,tt '1 ;1" ••· ,,n1 , d· 11 1\11• \\I" , ,,ll\11\i I• I'- !,1!! \' , ,!< I, .i· , I :·r, 1 •! l.11111,11 \ 1 \11 1: : •,, ·11• t 1Ht1' · •. • 1 • !);-: • r\•1' 11, l ,11111;11 , ",• l' I '•''' ,, l,11111,11, ' 1, 11. :u 11I I.~•.', ·:l ,L' d Jt: ·-1t:i:~ ,111tl I Ii• I \, \'i .1111 1 \\',.It \ l l ,:l• 1 I' 1,rl11,·11111., \\ · 11 1 11 1 :, •. e r,~":