Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

!1DURN"AL1Sr"'TO BE IART GALLERY CHIEF A 46-YEAR-OLD Sydney journoll1t with wide experience in art gallery plan– nln9 and organlaatlon ha1 lteen appointed the new Director of the Queensland Art Gallery. writer tor The Sun, Syd- . ncy, and would take O\'er He IS Mr. L. N• B. hi• new post as soon as he Thomns, who from 1952 wns tree from present ob- lo 1956 was Director of llg.(\\ 10 ',\~iiomas will succeed the \Vest Australian Mr. ·Robert Haines. who Art Gallery• ~~~f'f~is 11 ;esi~~;ii~n 1 ~~ The EducRtion Minister came cllcctl1•e from last 1 Mr. Pizzey, announced October l l in protest the Rppolntmcnt after against a proposal to in- Cabinet yesterday. corporate the new Art Gal- His salary \\111 be lromllcry in a c_uitural centre In £2600 to £2800 a year. the Botamc Gardens. Mr. Plzzey said Mr. Since Mr. Haines left, Thomas was now a leader ~~rt 8{'~W;r S~'tithih!ss~~i . ,.r '" '' .., Gallery, hM been acting ( · · t,;~ Director. In \1 Varsity man fr~~- M~~~~e ~~~~~s'ft~ with ltrst class honours In the School or English Language and Literature. LaLer he wns a tutor of English at tJ1e University, and a resident tutor In English language and literature at Queen's Col– lege. After gaining his Diploma In Education he wns appolntrd. in 1940, as lecturer In English ut the West Australia University. During the war he served for live years in the R.A.N. Scholarship Af~ the war Mr. Thom was awarded one or th ltrst two Gowrle post-graduate travelllng research scholarships, To take out the scholarship he refused n11 offer to become the assistant director of the National Art Gallery of Victoria. For some years he had been studying painting. Mr. Thoma., studied at King's College, Cambridge, for two years, and under– took post-graduate work In aesthetics, an, and phllos- ~fJ:ft;,lpa\~tf ns~•!~ g!1~ !cries In England and Europe. Ar1 display When he returned to Australia. Mr. Thomas was ~rfe~~~~·~r acu:~g ~:ti~~,1:J Gallery of Victoria. During the Commonwealth Jubilee Celebrations In 1951 he organised an exhibition ol Australian an. He was an art critic and book reviewer tor The Herald. Melbourne. In 1952 Mr. Thomas was w~ln~tsP.~1~~to1rtGt!1~ lery, and remained In that position until 1956, C:.nberr•, A.C.T. Pcrsonnll~ Speaking \ 1 1 1'(,INTEI>: <)11i:: 11, l,1nd :\ rt \l:tlkrv D _il'i:l'lnr, \11 . I N. B. ·1hhm:,,. al prl',1.·111 k:a dcr-\, ritL"r fnr Thl' '\1m r1 1 1-.,,p:1pL"r. \i, ,lni:y. to rL"pl,1('e ~f r J{ nhL"rl lla1 111.:-i. \\hn 1·c– !- i L1/l '.:d la~! \1..':1r Mr. I :111m:1c;. -U, . h:,~ ,111di,.•d at i\telh,111rnc t •11hL"r, ity :1r1d C':1111hn tl:!l.'. ha, hl!c11 \ 1 .'\.'lll <\11, rr ,di':1 11 Arl ( i.,111_.r, 11irl·t:tor I l'J'~– 'i(I), s nn11 ., r1. r lhc \\,1( l l'· 111'-1.•d :111 .,,r ...,, 10 ,,1..\1,mc \ ' i1.·tnria 11 '.:11 io11:d t.11 ( ,il– k , \ '!"-ii.i ~1 :111 I d i l'~l'hll' \l it ,·: l.'1f'\ in 1lw 11 1·\\ pt"-! tn C .. ~on for all -no walls S Yl>NEL-An art l{Uller~· should he as much a work of art 1L~ the paintinl{s ii hnu~es, the new dirertnr of (,lueenslnnd's Art r;allery (Mr. I.auric Thomas ) said las t I , nil!'ht. I Hr , nlcl h e wa, "de– ' ~lr. Tl1orn:is, 46, Is a lighlcct" by his appolut- 1 rormC'r du·cctor of Perth menf, He wn.s looklnJ; for• nrt galler\' nnd a lending ward to working In "a Sydney jo·urnnlist. I progresm •c .. SLn tc !Ike His n.ppoinlment wns a.n• Quccnslnnd. nouncccl on Mondn.y. 011 art he said: ·•rhero Mr. Thnmu.s said Inst 1trc no good and bnd sub– nlg!JL: "I believe n g1illcry Jrcts-Just good and bad should •Jose lt!-i wnlls' nlto• ~\rtlsts," gethcr nnd become part ol Mr. Thomn.s added thnt W1c community, IH? would try to boost the "ll s lnllucncc should Auslralinn sect.ton or the spread through every ctny l Qucenslnnct gallery with life nnd not ,lust become nl the npprovnl or the butldin~ hou.,lng a lot or lru•lers. lnnnlnrnlc obJccLs." I Trn,·rilcrs to Au.strnlla ~ - should be nble lo sec the lntf'st nnd best in Austra• Ihm works o( or t. "TELEqRAPH" \l I SI ,>\ 11 •" Brlsb.lne, Q. . BuihfhuJ I l'l'~ l'l't, to learn .. I h l' S\J J)l'l'lll(' Co11r1 trn1 ltl!1i:..: 1s to b1• rr plat'<'tl ' IJ,· a m,>ch·111 b111 ld11 H.: It 1s u,w of llH· <·u111pr1r.11 1,·,•l.r (c·w build- • 1n~s Wit h 111. ...1onc1l b:tl'l-::.; rountl n nd :1t•:,l lw 1If' a PPt'il I ldt. Couldn '! lL bt• adaiit1·d to srrrt• a 'i ~~\:;::i~-.1:alk1y:• T . t"i. ,·. 1.t•n i!; 11 NEWIPAPER NEWS" Sydne,, N.S.W. ,, MR. l. N. B. THOMAS • 13ll!SB.-1 "11•: ~l r I N IJ n,,,:na,. :t Ii•; <i:·i- wn r1•1 1111 r Ji, • 111II t•l 1!11· .~_\ Cl1w :, ~llll •. 1111 .. l:t't'll u ppn 11 1!1•d d1r1·L'lr11' 11! I h (Ju,·1 •11-.:J;1 11d ,\ 11 U:tllt>J\ . -'T f _ ·1 /1.,111:1• w:1., d 1 r~·.-rur , : , u , •I ' .. I :\q, 1 !;111:111 :\ /'I ( i.1!– Jt·n · ll't:r ll Jll,-1:?-:"ili 1f., 1i r:iclu·t1r·cl rr, 1111 hnt:1111· L111rv,•r.. 11 ,. \\'lilt nr., i ~ l'_l:1• . , IH 111n r , 111 tl,,, Hdir·n! , .f l·.111• 11-.J1 I .I IIIL' 11i11.!1• !! ll(I I lf 1 1;1- llln · I ·,r,•i I "' \\':t:- l11t11r n ! l-:11 I· .t 11 rJi1 1 ·111\'1'1'•dt ,·. nnd .tll1 ·1 111 ... Dlplu1n11 111 l•:cl1 1u1- l1t i11 \\ .i-. l1T lt11·1•r 111 /-:J11..: J1., h ., , .. !Ill' \\'i•, t !\ll!-- fl'!ll! :1 11 1'111\'l 'l ..,II ,\