Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Cairn,, Qld. , t•,. t\ nlRECTOR Of ART GALLERY NEW ArPOINTMF.,NT ANNOUNCED ~ \' U7\'l :Y .fCll 1: ~ \I l~'I' u. n 1!-=- H •\ :-,.J I· l\t:•. '!\ ,\ ' ~l'l , r ,11 -1,lt.l n,,!nM 11111111,11."' I· I r -..pr 1 \('Jj('f' 111 Ill I ~11! ('l' \l '1111tlli1c 111irl nn!,lll! ~n• lnll, il-1., '1~CII 011111 , \nl NI 1hr 11r,•, fl:i'f_~ 1 '11' r f 1l1r Q u rf"ll',l;1tHI i\ rl l,:\llr1 . I JIC 1/ ;,..lr I. r,.; J\ f'nn ,1,1· , ,\ \In r:,,in 1!1.-,2 In \!);, 4; ,, n:, -' 11 .• ,•,·t.rir nf ,i,r w r,i·,1, Au,.1ral1nt) :\1 1 Gn llr: :, I hr ).li,:'.l !~t ;.:•·, i1 •1- Finlit1n I :\l; .r t 1,1 ,. , ·d ,, nnnncr<I rh" n1") 1\11 ii , A 1 'n ht11r 1 11''"' 1 11" I';!'," II 11 • :, ~l.ll \' \', 111 l•f' , .. ,1 •• 1,1 J t::.!800 n , ,~nr. i\1 1' l' v;·p,· '-:llrl ~d ,, n ~ nn,, n 1..., 11 ,tr r v n ' '"l f PI I hr ..s ,·111: · S\Clllf'~ 111,rl \' n!J\I\ 1·,;;r n \·Pr Ille. 11r " r'4:,~t i. .., 1 '''n nr, "" \\' H~ frre {l'flll\ ptr PHI ol ,!:.: 1 110n .... l\1 r T ll1 11ll,., "11! ~,11·,·•·rrl Mr fl' c,IJCl'I Jl :,l n,,,.. ,, 111, "" 1~11~tl l,1,l \ P;'\r tn p r,,1 ,n1 n ;,,111;.1 i• p1 ,pn~ ,1 ·,,, l1u·n1•1uwfl! r !l\f' nr ·• rnt ·:·d ~ 1,.. ,... 111 0 r 1i\l\ll rd r r 111 Lf' 111 •,,. r ,PI ,l nlr ( iri; ·1Jr •h THE COURIER-MAIL THURS MARCH 23 196 i - ·-- New art director T HE appointment of a nc:,v Director of Queenslnn~ 9 A rt Gallery fills a pos1~1011 that ho.s been vacant stncr last September. Mr. Launc Thomas is followini;: two previous directors who were sig n a ll y successful in lhcir ~ffo rts to widen puhhc intcrcRt In t he galler)·. They greatly imprm·ed the showing of its p1ct.urrs. a1~d other art treasures \"1lh1n the limits of Rtra1tcnecl accommodation. Their organ· isntion of lectures and cl;'.s~-:s a nd loa n exhibitions st1m~1- latcd appreciation of art m t he State, and this attrnclr d gift,i that have r:rcat l,· en– riched the gal!er)' a nd hn vr. g-aincd for it n rr.putal1on a mong nll Austrnlian art loYers. . Th<' St.a le' s art t'Oilect1on is a public possession. It now needs. and most c_rr· tn inly deserves, something much better Lhan the 1mprn– visecl gallery at Bowen Bnd;:;r.. whe re on l,· a small part of t he collection ,:an hr shown lo the pnblic at an)' one t11nr. The new rlircr tnr should h r lp its Boa rd of Trnster.s to a c hieve this objccl h·c h)· joinin g !'nl.hnsiasm wi th his cx pe rir nr·r or nrl r::1 llrr,: a dmini st r;1 tinn in othct St.at<'s. Gal·lery display lags~ he says MR, LAURIE THOMAS, new director of the Queensland.Art Gallery, said firmly at his new desk yesterday: "No controversies. First, I'm going to get the feel of it," . ~ul, he. ~oes lrn~•c. ,• iterctay took o,·er the Job f~; 1 ~t... Jmi.~git 1~: 1 c~!.~~~;, j from whl~h Mr. Hobert musl'um. l11spcct1011. I think the Haines rl'slgncd l1tSt year. "The only wny nrt gal- 1t11llrry nh110,<.;t com• Mr. Huincs hnd dis- lcril's In Australla hnve plett•lr larks JJrCsl'ntR· HRl't'ed with u propusnl to emerged Crom terrible Vic– lion or 1u·cs1!nL-dn~· nrt., i1worporn l,P n new nrt. ~nl- torinn dullnes~ hns been by ev~;~,~~I Au;~1J~lin1~,1~[\ lY11l Jl~t~:nli~l~l~!~ltc~~·~~trc nL ~~}tto~'i:i.1~~efe~~':JY pn~ only on a cursory In- Mr. Thomns snld or cul- murlly In art." spect.1011. A.sk me I urn! rent 1·es : "The dun- Otherwise he said he ngnlr!, 111 a few months' ger . ls h n \'111~ n i-.mgle snw no rcnSon why an art lime. bon1<I or trustees Lo run gnllery should not be pnrt Mr. Thomns. 1 ht• whole I hlng, lncludtng 01 11 general culture centre. "POST" Cairn • , Qld. I 1..J .. 'j\J ,_l,)J 1 1 NEW DIRJ:.CTOR OF ART GA.LLERY ""· l ..\l ' U 1 F Tllrnr.\ ~ IIPt~H ·\ X'- .l 11n,· :!II l-'1111 \• •I\ \ ,•,•:·-r,lfi :.r1 l.:1 1,rlf' Thon111~ ·~ •(l/1\1 b l'~.'rl ll 111 .. 11•'" 1r1h :1, rl t: 1•c•1, ,r 11! 'l:f' •.J11t••·n .. \a11d \ · , n n!J,-n ·. /i, · 1••pliH·1•, \ 11 H·•1 1~ f'rt H n111 ,•~. \\ llfl 1,.q:.:111•,t !.1,1 ll;-tl!I• .. ll f <! t.•d L'l, ,•;1 ' I! ll ,, pro1111,1 I hi Ulf ,1111 •1., f' :, 11 .. u n1·1 t:!nll,•n 11: A cul111r11\ ('f'Tl!J -.: :n BrlEhAnP·.1 Rotn11lr Ci,11 rir11 -· • 1\J 1 • ·n1o tnft~ •.;11<1 fn-r!;n tll."I, .11 11w l)pf.-.el h, , ;:i\l'l ,, :1 \ r" ,n,1 kf' 1 h,:, ~All, r~ "VI' 1n~ •111\J fil ~cmat1n.s:: - n f1r ... 1-rln:., dr~" '• r::.rrt ro Rrl~bnn-=- " At the outset, he said, hi& nlm wns to make the Queensland Art Gnllery "exciting and fascinating– • !Jrst-class drawcard t.o Brisbane." Junk stored He continued : "It might be well, having decided what the gallery 11 st.rongest In. to develop one or two spccinl avenues for which It could then become noted.'' Mr. Thomns warned agnlnst unsultnble gift art, "There nre ncres of Junk Jn the storernoms of Aus– tralian nrt gnllerles be-. cause nobody had the nerve to refuse gifts," he snld. Mr. Thoma., a wnr-tlme R.A.N. officer, was West t1~.~~~~~•tomAlJs2 ~alb"/l. . He ls a former art critic ' and book reviewer for the , Melbourne Herald. He · came to Brisbane from Sydney, where he was a leader writer on the Sun.