Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

The President the Honourable Sir Ros(yn Philp K.B.E. and the trustees of tbe Queensland Art Gallery invite you to a loan exhibition of paintings by Russell Drysdale to be opened in the Gallery on Friday 21st April 1961 at 8 p.m. by Sir Raphael W. Cilento Kt., M.D., D.T.M. o- H., barrister-at-law and to meet the artist THI COURIIR-MAIL THURS APRIL 20 19151 3 THREE DRYSDALES Painter here to exhibit R USSELL DRYSDALI regarded al one of Australia's greatest painton, it now visiting Brisbane in two rolC!s - and businall hr111g repre• lcncl1111; Austrn.• liun nnd orrr~cas ~aller– lcs, he 1~ a ch rrr1nr for a. " North Qurc11slnnd sugnr- ,,, 1111l1111g illt Cl'C'~l. Tomorrow, at, R p,m .. i-' t 1he Qucrnslnnd Art Gal- l lcry. an cxl1ib1t ion o( fiO of his pictures wlll be offir.inlly opened by Sir Raphnel C1lcn10. , T he f'Xh1 bl11nn, !I 1-CIC'C- 1 Inn nf :i.tr. Orysrlnlt'.,!: wnrk OYCr 23 year!,, will open on Snt,urdnv to thr p11hlic, nnd cOnt1mic ror fin? \\'CCk5. /\!-~embled from Dry!;ctn le Jlh'lurcs 111 nrnny i:wllrrlcs n11d prn·a1c collections. the cxhlhiL1011 nttrncted visit– ors from 111\ St,;itr s whrn lt wn~ rr.c-cntly shown at thr Nrw Snttl h \Vnlr~ 1Srct11ry 1 Art, Gnllrry. ~l r. 01ysctnlr·s p1c1u rrs 1rr flrn1rntl\'r. nnd . ~-m– bollr. Thri1· ~11hJrc1-mnt,• 1rr firrl\'CS lnr~rly frnin \Vr.-.1 ...rn anrl n11t l)111·k A11s– tr;1!::111 lnn<l!-cn rw~ nnd proplr. An exhibition of RuSlell Drysdale·s works "-'Iii be opened at the Queensland Art Gallery on Friday by Sir Raphael CIiento. The gallery will be closed today. tomorro\l.'. and untll q p.m. Friday when the ex– hibition opens. It wlll last five weeks. One of Australia's foremost artists, Russell Drysdale, will be at the opening of a retrospec– tive loon cahibition of his awn works Friday. The pnlnLlnAs In t,he ex– hibition lm.,·c been insure for £500.000. rrJ~c Pc~~~~!~~gs t~~:~ c~,~i~ Lady Case;-. Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Ernt.l. ~fr. C. F. Viner-Hnll, l\tr. Ju~licc Na J::lr., anrt t.hc Uni\'Cl'Sl ty of New Englnnd. · Sir Rnphncl Cilento will open the r.xhibillon at 8 p.m . ut the Quccm,l11nd Art Gal lery. Gregory Terrace. IL will be open 10 the p11blic the followln G clay for n. s howing of five weeks.