Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Bri,bane, Q. JI I ,1 I l111•p,•.t1•,1• f'\!l!IJl'l 1 111 ~\ P lk .. l',11 11, d 11111 1,· 1: I .. ,.1: t 11 \ d d ,• r11 : Ill" I ..• 1)1 1...,, J I ::- p 11jil 11 l ,I'] ,H 1.~!I Hlll ;\; \\ t·ll 1·1, , .. 1·d :111d 111• t'IJ1 1tl111, 'l d t· ll JO I :,.t' l1• !II•" 1 .. 1~1· IJl'l'll !w11 11111:1:I\ pa 1nt 1n ,J o nd d rC" .-. 111,;, ,, di be on .' "i 0 1 i ii" ().,,•cn -,lond A , 1 C,n llc ry .111 : ll 11' .... 111, 11 I 1 Ill I I 1·t'h !Lf ,II .' t q .Lt•JI d \\,II\ l '_\ t'l'l– t, •1;1 1•. i,ll :-.ll l,t llSII I!), II,· ~., . :1.11 lw \\t,li,·.- .. \ \\ Ill\ .i 111 1111 - ltn,lfalt•'-. 1.. 1rnh 1·,1111•." l"l lt• 1•~l!IIJ!ll\lll 1\:1-.. h•·t' II II\ l(li• \Ill'\, 11)1•· I)\ l ilt' 1. n -11!1• 1,ll,1)! 1 111.11 1\ Jtl l,.il ,· 1·o1:\, 1'- 1o1r, .11ul ~1.11, QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY FREE PUBLIC LECTURE THE ART OF RUSSELL DRYSDALE by ROBERT SMITH TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude LANGER PAINTINGS OF THE OUTBACK SAM t'U l,l,HROOK I~ ~howl111,: al the l\for~ton Gallerle~ hi• oll• of the Outbuc>k. Fullbronk, a Sydnry ~~~ 1 ~~e1~ 1 i ~l;e:-~ l·c y~:~\!; i1ii the Out bnck. HI~ lmngcry I~ b11.~cc1 on J;111clsraµ c nnd pcnpl!'. Olh cr wt•II known A11:,:t.rall:1n painters hnvc clt':111 rxti'11- ;,.in h· with the :::1mr ~ub– Jrcts. but Fullb~ook must. be erctllt.ed with I\ pl'r,,nnnl ftppronch. A number of ,·rr~· tiny p:tlntlng~ "hould nnl he m 1 eri.lmdowed hy hi~ Jargrr one~. The former, wi 1h I heir !-ipontnnco11s, loo.'i(" hr1t!-h– w11rk. gll'C Insigh t 1111 0 lhc ftr~t, wn rm impulse or n srnslt.lvc mind. Thnm:h small. t.hcy crcnt-e an im– pnrL. S11rre;.1l is l ic The huge oil, n n • 1111mllcd dlfll'rcnlly. \Vlth r·r~·~tallinc. /'ilnlk forms q•nmpr,i-r•cl of ~~-~\\;c•~:~~~:~~ct\ l:~;:~~' F'~\W~ brnn~ •TNllM II lypwn l ~111·– J'l'illi"fl(' :1tm•,•pt:1•r1· 111 Willl'll tinw and Jl1(1\'(!Jll1•nt nn.• nrr•·~!r d, The qunll l~· 11f t 1111._,, ))ll tlllllll-!"' II!'\ , ,..,ry mu, 11 Ill I hi~. t ll!II 111 '-\lllC' t1f t h r 1h1111nh 1-u111 ch·1-t•1n~ .,11,1 Tilt' 1,rr1l"l' 1·x11~111in 11 l·'nll – h rn11k Wll ... n h !I' !11 l'I'' ;1In 1p 1ut thrr.-101 ,~ , ,.. ( 11111!11•1111- 111, 1•(1 hi, \lltltll' •' 111nt11111 dnn t npJ ll'a r p in - 1"1·1·1lnr.::~ n1 111,·, trn·, l r;ts!\f' l1111rl1111•... !IIHI ~•nm p11...,,...,1, ,r1 11•!! di 1111• -.!1111' ('llll\11'(111( I' n f 1wopl<' 1111,, IHI! ('!' \\il\JOIII pn 111l l!l!' ,Ill 1oll'JI\ 11111i,·r • .11·1• lnw:1lh ,•, p11•. l'fl 1 nd 1lu ,111•1l 11\1· ld\'111, .1ri• ;1h – '-lr:1111•cl. I/IP'. ar1• 11 .s :,n, - net h ,11 t,,r :." I ('(•11..,,d, 1;1hh• .._ll hll"l l••., ln 1'11,, 1 ,:,..,, , ! 11 J\n11r-1,,11,• :11HI 111 thr u,·,nrlidlt ,. elf 10 11 11h– \'lnu -. fnnn -ri•li11 \111h will IJt• IT\'f',tlC'cl wll h p:111rn t !-l 11d y .