Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

' 'l .::, " 9G lll{,Sl),\I F l'I, (JI 1-.1·."\',I ,\'l,ll I ll,: 11.·1,,,,p ..:.. ll \ 1.' 1.· \ h 1h1111 111 1d 1< 11,,dl 1)1, ,d.i k' \\,II~ Ii I" 1111\\ l!•'I h i lhl' l)IIL'l'll , l.111d , .1111 111,d ( I ,I I·11.· I \ lh1 111l!l1 111, ...1 ,d \\ h,11 , .Ill 1,l. , .1 1d it h,;, .alll 0 .uh 1 1,·,· 11 ,.,Id Ill 11 lhl'I I ,h,ndd ld, l· 1,1 .1dd 11, II th ll ll' 1111 11lih'I k.1,1111 11\.111 lh.11 111 .di th1.. , lhl\\ l\ ill·1,: I lt.1 \ L' ,1.·,·11 11111, • Ill lh L· ,1111..:111.d 1)1, , d .d:- h.1, b..:l.·11 ....dkd ··c11111 .111d h1 , p1,tur1.·, p 1,1 d l•,, d.111,111 .1nd .l11111..·l1 til''' I lPUld 11111 .1c11·1.· k " I 11.i , l' 1akl·11 1h1..· lruublL· 111 11:;,,,. .1 t.:111,d h.11.I "(ining 111 llh,.' 1'1 ... 1~111.·, ·· ,111d EH·nin{· a11d I li11d 1h1.· pi.:1 1 p ll· 111 111...-111 ,11111t..' ha pp~ 11~htlt ppl..'d. ) 1,•,. h111 till'\ 1..·k :11 I\ 1111d...-1 , 1.111d \\ h.11 II 1, .d i :1h1111t ,illd . i,a,111!! lc.1111L·d l.i li ,1..· in \\11.11 \H' )hi11~. a furb1dd ir1!! n11 li1.·t1 . lh n f1IL'l 1•r Jl ,1_11 ,tll~ ntl~c1, \ rtd ,111 , ,,.1 ~ I il.1 , 1.· h·,·n \LJ) /1111d ) Ill 1'111 \t rl'1.'I. -111d .1 1r .11d Ill.' "''--'.l ' !Ill , 1.k.ill \ .111d 111.',th llh· ... t· p,•,11,k \\ llh lilll' 1 L' \ 1.·1 ... ·11.·l· h111 dt ll'"\ lhll \\ .1,11.· ·11 ~ . Ill· "l'l' , lhL lrtllh .1, ... u. h .1 " "-'lhl[l\l.' Ill.i ll \\11t1ld Ii i-. "-ll l'L'l h ,111d r., ... l111;11111 ),.! l.111d ... 1.·.11'l'' t1l 111:i ......1,L.'I _, h 1 ,·I,~ \. ll l/111 1\ 111,lkl' .'!lt·11101,1hll- p1-..·1u1 l·, •'Ill' in 1~-1rli'--·1il.1r, R~i:u._l '' 11 h l< ,11,,:k , ... 111 ,,i111.h 1111.· 11111.d ~an:111t111-. -111 111, \\ ;11111 1,,dd 111.1 g.i, 1r.tl ~t,lor, !11 , 1\.·1111:1. o1d1 rt·. i1111hl·1. t'll'.. flln11 ~an1a,11'--° : hapl·, ,, illl t..'1.1n..,11rn111.11l' ..,ki ll J_u,1 a~ did c l~t.11111i.: ,,hi.:11 lhl' , 11.:rik· fnn11:tl1,1~1 ul H1111~l'f\ •.11J d1 i1, t' 111111 ,nit uf_ lhl' Ll·ull' 1.k, lk :111, :\ rr,.. 1,1 th111k lh111g" 11111 lnr 11 11 ihl·II . _T\\n 1'11.'lll:t·,. 11/ .dl th1..·,L' h1,,'.1t1!1l1II ll11ng., . .,, 111 .!1"'· 111 111; 11Jl·1 1111 r, : ·· 1hL' Dro,L·r , \\1 k ." 1h:11 11:11 \L' J'L'lpii.:,L·d '' 11111 : 111 """· in lh·1 ln11L·l111L'" " 111 i, 111J, l·d h~ rl~l' h a rL' l.1nd ,1.'.1pl·. ·"k" 1?11 ~/HL·,1111 11 , ~1 1 !ill- h111 h:i, Jt1,1 IL·.11 rwd t,1 hl' ,·1111rt·111 111 II. '·" \\ a 11 l'!l.'1'11,d l} : ;111d " \11.1dd 11: 111 a11U h1, _l..1111 il) ... I \\ 1111ld d,111h1 ii a hl'lll'r . p11..·1111l· 1h:111 1'1i, h;,., 1..·, l' r bL'L·n llltllk 111 :\t hl/'.dl:t. It ll'l'llllllh lhL' l\hlll t1- mcn1,t1 ,1i l1111..·" ,1f 11t11 p1 i111L'' al :iht1nt!t11.d hrul h1,•r,: 11 i, r11hl'd i11 111:ijl',1, .. I L:11111,11 L'ri1i1.·i,l'. I r:111 u;ih fr , 11, l'0111111111_lll'!tll' a happ} ILL'l111g al,,1111 · 1111, cnd1.111t111g L.'\hih1tll111 tif a 1ll,t..,t1..-r : hi, 11~:ig111lil•1,•111 y,ilt,r. hi, 11111,•111 l'11111p,"tl1t1t1. !H~ l'\1mpa,,/l 111ah.' ' L'lhrt1, II) a11d /11 , , 11:d lllll'll,~l'll\.'l' \\llli.:h .di lOlll1'ir11,• 1,1 l1fl A11s1rali;1n art i111111l'a,111:1hh htl!il . Dn,– d!ll1.· ha~ 1hougl11 dL·l·pl) :111~1 .a ... lt 1! :il1t~ut ~-'~an_. hl· 1-. an .1111-.1. 11111 11i..t a pallll l'r. S111l'1.' I ,,111 R,,lw rt , \\l'lll "I..'. 111..·c"'° \!Ji Brisbane, Q . 8 :JR Drysdale Brisbane, Q. '\ I' NIGHT ART SHOWINGS Tlw O r\',-,clal1 1 ,•xhibi- 1Ion a I tiu• <J1w1·n~lanrl Art G:dl,·n · Will b<' OUt'll I t·nf'l1 \\'1'ci tlt·Mla~ 1·,·1·ni11~ lllllll ll dt>:--•·~ llll MhY ~8. 0 11 \\',•cl llt'.,(l:tJ'S t h" ~111l1•r;· ,n il 01w11 nt 10 a .111. 011d n •ma in ope n llllll) !J run Th,· ac1.111g d irector , Mr. Ruben Smnh. to,1:.y snicl lilt"!'(' had bt'l'n many l'C<itll'st s fur llw exhlbl– twn to bt· ,~xH·tufc<t to nil: lll ~ilnv.-1111:.'\, 011 M a y 17 al H p .m . ~Jr. !-;n,ilh \\Ill 1d\'1' a l,·c– llrt' m1 Jln·Mi:l ll' at. t.ht .• tnllPf"\' 1" )(,, ¥ II R I S II A N E folk swn 111pPd Lile Drysdale Exhll>ltio11 nt the Nal– lnnnl Art OuilL'I'.\'. T en thuusnnd ha\·e ,·IM\'f'd iL 111 n,,,, week~. To mret d t.!111:lncf. the .show is b • in:; rxl rnclcct nnother wt•ek. LECTURE AT ART GALL'='.RY Brisbane, Q. Thr lll"lll i", D 1r1•1·1 11 r or g~:•,l<'r ,Qu,·1 ·J1.•l.1: 1d i\rL ·, ' .\ · Mr l {ntu•rt Sm11 li, \\ Ill Jp:·r :11·,· at I ht,• !.:a_ll,•n• -tut11•..:l t u,1 ThC "'·'· or H:is.s, II D,.. ;:-dale Jta• l,·c1 11n ·. \\'IIIC'h iii ~P~'!l lo Llil' p;i b/:r. will b;! ~ I\ CIJ llt :lll l''\/IIIJJl.!1Jl1 Of 49 or Dr.1•.,cl:,J.,·., r,airit111g~ ' ' '' ' . AZISM IN PANEL ATIR.E ON COURIER~MAIL N AZ ISM ho, hi::cn ohhorrrd and d:-pl.,rcci th,nugh e ve ry mcdiu '" of humnn P.w.prr."ion 1incc ih irt• c c::rtion. ,,,,,~· T llr t 'q11111 r ~t:111 1\ l,!11'...'. 1 , :1;1 111· ,l'l' I ,•1111, l'I h· ,, , ·\ I '' a!\ !"I '. ' ._ I 1 111'' ! •J,1 II I• • j I, I• It 1 ll"l' • nll 1• 1 1 •1·• 11 t· \\'·tlrl I I .r •~. /1'· '-:111 r1n– h1 r l'f'"l 1'111, r -. lht' :- ll \ (',111--1 mmr111'' lll 111 111, P"l'lO -... ,•:-r• 1·1al1'· n, r -.;p 11 11Hl t•d ,, \ n L! l'flll\l ,,1 1·'., J1 1p, ;111 :irt i, w h 11 1,Tn' : Lll lllN\ ,II 1\v• r:•t· n f '\,11: 11. t:1 Ci"1'1ll:11,' That 1\11 h:irk.:.1,111 •1<! To ll'll::i p;• l ' 111:.. I hi' p.11111 llll!, \\ h 11' h I I ' hff'II ;'lrf1!11J rd fn t , , lit , 11"11 1·f 'hr l, l"l'll - 1.,1 d ,\ 11 n 11 1lr t 1. will hr 1'111 ' d1 1 11,1 , 111 Ih,. c·oi1r;r 1'– \ 1n1\ \'r 11h•1le 11111il Apnl ~l.