Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

MAY 28 , - ---.- e .\ S OTII 1-:IIS st-:i-: I'S 111-:1•r.: Pr11! 1 i--,:-.n r l )r111g!Hs Huhhlr 111 t · 111\ 1 rsll ,. 11( B1 1 mingham, has lwr11 111 Bnsha;1t~ J11 r ;1 wr,•k ,,,· s11. s t a)·111g w q," l~ .• 1•1. l.,nn Cl 1\J and H'l!I 1rll'..: 1 ,1tl 111 ,, 11:c :-1,.;111 .. l11· ,Hl111 ir .. 11., 1,1 ,11 1 I ,I\. tllf' "[ t' l\1'! \, tt ,,. \H·atlir r. it lHi IJIilt.·;~ll~·n;:~·, f:;.d';:~ ! ;11lld'.! r,'.'ic:h I d lll, II I' f~1•l l llitl tltC' t hll l:.! 11, II I I IIH'lllll• I /l)tl · ' \ 1dl• ol B1L, lnt1:c 1:-. ~111\1 1,,111-: II'\\ n1 1 l!llJ1(':l 1 )\/1\r huthrrrcl · 11 !--f"'r - _I I. ,. C pi_,,,, n p;,111•111~ b, •\ •i· q·,,111111 \\1111.1111 11111,rll ,al tht· An i;dlt n oal, being cxamin1•d by Jane van l\'imwrgan. fi. at the Q11cl'n, la nd Art G:i llcry yrstnda _1·. Tlw carving has been bought h~- the g-:tllr ry rrom a Nell' Austra lian fo r ''sc\'c ral l11111dr1•d g-11i11ras." l;-ormrr diri•1•tor or the Qurenslnnd .\rl C.11Jl1•r.,· 1 Mr. Hobert llainr!-) hclprd nrJ:"ntlat,• 1hc purr ha sr for the (i:tllc1·~·. The •1:\-inrh t·ar\'lng was honghl 011 the a1h·i1•c or :\tr. Jlalnrs, who is - 1mu1."igrr of Ih1• Fine I Arts nr.1,art1111•n1 or flil\'lrl Jones slnr1• in s .nlnry, Tiu• 1·an·l11 i.: i~ a / I 1101.,·1·hr11mrfl rrlii;:inus riJ:ure .or ;1 man sr:1 lc1I I nn a stool. Arlin; Olr,•dnr nr lhr Art (9111Jrn· C\lr. Jtohr.rt SmithJ !-a.Id lhat little was knn\\'n ahnut the ri,&.:urr 1q,art from the ,•1•111111·,· and rounlr,· of 11tiJ:"it1,' , 111• said : " It, I~ nh– l'lousl.,· a rclii,:inus ri,i:-ur~ :i 1111 nh,·lou~h· 0111• or ;t crou p. 110.. ·-,il11r hum a tahh•au of llui l.ast Sup- 111•r. whi1·h is ~11~::cstrtl h,· lhe f:tC'l lhal he I~ ,'if':llf'fl. "Thr llt'I\' ilf'fJUlsillon, whff'11 i~ 111 lh1• (:crman Harnq111• "-l.\'h•. will :::rra th· r nhan,•r the 11rrsr1i1 c·nll1•1·tio11 :11111 ,:In· u historh•al 11rr– !IIJ)(•1·th·,, In lh1• "f'IIIJ1lurr wt• a h·1•:11h ha,·1•," Thr rli:11r1_• will hr on dis11l;n • 111 I h1• 11uhllr, ,111.... ll,h· 11,•~1 Wt•1•k. i\tr. !'-ihlr,·, '!"; , r11m hr – romr'i n111• or thr ,111111 1: – t-it .\u~lr:tl la 11 .1r11,1, tn lw r,, 1 ,r 1 •..,1•n1f",I in n :-;1:111' Jmhllc- ,•nlh-c-tln11. l( r– l'l'lllh tu• \\011 hi,i:: h 1•till – rnl 11ral,1• r11r hi!', ,\ n·hl · lmlfl l'ti'l,f' t•,hlhili1111 pnr – tralt.11; nr Thi• ( 1111rln~ i\tnil a rt alll1·. nr. ( ;i•rl- Brisb.ine, Q . REAPPOINT TRUSTEES FIVE of lhc six ,ctiring mcmb n of the Queens– land Art Gollcry huUccs were rcappo1ntcd fo, t wo 'fCOn ycuc,day by Execu– tive Council minute . Tl11•1· ·11 ,• Pn df•.,,nr-. J' C lllllllllHj.;•, i1 l1d f-' E ol) ll'-rn1 Dr l\'nrm n11 erh,111. ~t r F A f'rrc11 - .,,1n :tnd :\11., I. I) :\l,1yn T h,. . t\l Ii :\h I•, ll '11pp:wh.:1· , r pl:t<" :\J r ,\ I ,q !lt·ITlllJ:. wlm ha.,;; rr1 11Ni T iu• ~IX n! IH'l' 111f' l11 brr. nf thf' Board. wiln I \\'fl .,r·\/ ,.., ncn Wf'l'f' :i pp,-.,lll! r ci fur a fmJr ,•.-•;1r lt'l'lll, nl'r ~:r n,i..l\ 11 Philp I Clw 11'– m rirl ,, Slr L<'1111 'f'rn111. nr f:I n l\:1 1·rn1•k ,111rl M f':-. ,n, P (;n11nfl!l.,· nnd T R . G rno111. I n11lf' l •.1111.:rr :t llfl j1111 r11a l– j.,1 11,1,·ul H11,,h111 h al'1. 111• j.., nuw h1•i11 i;: l'l'i''"– ,,.nt NI i11 a11 r \ lilhl t11111 n f 111111!1'1'11 .\ 11, t r ,1/1 ,111 pli·· 1111·p, al tll1• \\'hfl 1·1·h,qwl t ;,,11,·n , l.011111111. 11 1111 H Il l lw holcll11i: a 1111 .. . ,n,111 ~ho\\ nl \ tlt-1.ll !l f' in .\tt~ll'-1. fi r I, .d-.•1 r1· ,,1 I' ,1•11lf'fl in llw 11.1, IH'II (:aJJct\ 111 1h1• (1111·1•11..,. l:1n,1 l '11hrr.,1 \