Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

,.f lh,· (.)un ·ti-l.111,I .-\ 1'1 ( ,,tl kf\ ;,t ~ p 111 1111 ~, h11r, d .1! ' th \ ugu,1 lllfl \ \\ hL'II Dtl I \ I' ~'" '" "", l' hP E A S I ERN A I{ I FHo :,.t l'l{l \ ,\11 ( I ll I H IH , ..... '\ 1, 1rn , ... 11,,1 a rra11gcd h) 1h,· Q ul!~ll\ l:1111..l A rt t ,.tlkr! ~, 1 ,:tl'I \ C 11 I N E S I· , pon,orcd Jlllt1tly hy I he ·1rth lcc, <1 t1d the A rh C,H111c tl 11f A th tr:1!1:1 () uccn,land Di vi, io n :Art 'spice' of Orient T HE Queensland Art Gallery has "gone Oriental" for a unique Eastern art exhibition which opens tonight. 'I'hc J.!Hllery 111tcn or hns bcc11 con vcrln l tn 1111 En:-tern s('llinc for a rt ob– jects from .Jn pa n. Chinn, nnd Sn11th -Ea~L Asian countrlr:,. . .... l\mong, !hem t~ n @Hlhrsc ~l·rnll of' fh c SU!IM Dynost.v 1960 tn 1275 , A.O.\. vn luect at r211.ooo. -~ . Out 'of ·graves ,. I 01 her exhlbil.s ln1:l11clr I corlv brom.c I r mplc br lls onct · ,·cssels wh ich dn tc Be– fore Cb!,16 : :u1cl ceramic mot;l,Uj,'r,v flgnrr, or the T nnJz: ·Ovn:lsh ·. which were p)J\Cl?ct · in ,·11P. ~raves nf Chfne!'-c nnhlrs. The rxh ibtlin11 will C'n11 ~, t.ln11r. for about, a month. Brisbane, 0. -1 1 ub Uli l Eastern artistry M•lvllle 1111,-,.,.m Two collrctluns h:1 ve been brouihl lol(elher lo form an edalbllion of oulllandlnJ qualllY al lhe Qureru;tand....~•I Gallery, Or•~ory T•r• ra"le: They arc Chinese painting sponsored by the Arts council of Australia New South Wales divi– sion and a loan exhlble tlon of eastern art ob• Jects coverlnR palntln111, sculpture Ivories, cera:. mi~s from private .collec~ ttons presented by the Queensland Ar\ oalletJ- Soclety. • ·: Thi.I ma,rntrlcenl pre• sentallon should nol be missed, • New venture an presentation A new venture In orcsentatton Is to be round nt the Trnvel Inn. Festival Hall, Charlotte Street 1L Is undr1· the direction of Pnul Grnno. n well-known figure In nrt ch·cles U1rnu11hout Queensland. It Is the In' en lion the director Inter to bring to the public the work of up and coming young 1\rtlsts. In the oprning exhlbl· ton, the pnlntln~s or F de Sllvn, Kcnnclh Roy – ~enknmp, F Fl11ncv Gordon Sheperdson a nd Colin Peterson will be 011 show until September l., De snvn's Cul-de- ~nc Is n most nllmctlvc ph•cc ·n his best mnnner. TWO exhibitions of Ea1tern art will take up the \\'hole of the 'Queen1land Art Gallery for one month. One, sponsored by the Gallery Soctetih•, comprises objects from t. e Gallery's own collection and objects on loon ri-om Brisbone pr!Y• n Ie c:ollcctlons. The other exhibition Is of ~d,~/:~'r';y ~~~~~~~~ ~K11,r~;~~ !I. Is Jolnlly .sponsored by the gnller.1• trustees ond the Queensland division or the Arts Council or Australia. The orts ond crofts of China. Japan, Thailand, and /~~0/b~~:ae~~u:·,wi~~ented In There Is n superb Sung period t 1l<h to 13th cen– lurlesl "Autumn Land• sc411ieerew~Lr~ .'r;~'\...,~ e;;~~ ~!:i~\1 00 Ch~~d'ert~a~il~~~l Wlnr hcater">: serene Budd; h ist 1 sculpture ; small carv– ln1?s In Ivory, wood anll Jade~ a nd exquisite pieces o! Chinese cernmlc art. 1t?fl,";, ~3:~1-k~~~tbftI~~ttng not measure up to lhe best I.hat Chinese pnlnters have p roduced In recent limes. In Lee Sung Ping's "En• Joying the Night," the skelc• ton of the painting Is rhythmically construcled, but the bi-uslnvork Is rather d ry and sch ematic. Ng Ting Chit, In his plant and flower paintings, tends towards rich and decorntlve . crrec .