Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Toowoomba, Qld. Oi: C 19 ·"--1 7 '<" ... <~- Toowoomba State Art Gallery branch Toowoom bo i, the second provi ncial c ity in Queensland to be come a branch of t·he Queensland Art Gallery. :\Jr. A. ( '. Holwrb.un. :,t'c- l l'tl 11 1•- thnl lht· A l t ~11dl' 1 Y n-tan of IIH' trual t.'f'~ ul' the W(HIIO lll'lp 111 ..,t~tt!(.' the rH 'l'uou 0 oumbu Arl (;aU,•r , a n - I exln b1 1 ion nouncn l this ye:.lerda~· after a llll'clin~ of l111sle1•s •I free transport ~hic-11 the )la,·tir (Aldcnnan _ llohiu!'lnll l pre-~idetl, I ~lr Hob1•l'L,011 :-.aid t,.Jr. He ~.ud lhc T oo\\ Out11ll.l M. J 11: Alldl•r,on lihtl r)J– A1L UaUny and 11:, tl U~ld! fc11·d 1t' :at.:1111 1[•:,. o l \V ,•..,,i – lloH.J hrrn app1 .i,·r.d ;,., u rn1 1'1 n11,.,pnn '" Iii 111~ t lH~ lir.111111 nl rllr Q 11 1 •1•llhl,llld J1,1ltll l111,.., lo . 1111 111,u l w1• .\ Jl G,-dkJ\ h) tile Q uee ns- \ ,, 111111.ti.1 l H"t! 0 1 1 11,u,:1· lfUI\I An GallC'ry trU5lCCS. T ill· nt lH!I IJr,1111·11 111 Ill<' Ill.' ul thr hr urllt:. llf tile I Q1H'rw, lanU Art U ,d lt• r v 1 .. t1JJJlfll11t ment wrt:-. lluH . ,1rnc-- 111 nol·kha111p1,111. l l hu., of tJw 111·11·c!l>....:- ,, ,,1k.-.. 111 a11·encly rr,·1·1 , t·u 1t:.i 111:--t :in 1Jd o n~ 111i: 11 , 0 1if'C'll:oi- lm1d1 ul p .1111 1 111:..t 111d b Ja.ud w1111lcl 1,e l>1"011gl11 to I prc.,,~11tlY hulrl111g ,ill exll11Jl– Too,\ oomlJ11 for :,pec1al ex- lion or the~ wu, k:-t 111 1t-, hibltions. recently-bu1t1 an gallery. Mr. Robenwn sn1d ,t was I The nppot111mem or Too– hoped an e,c_hibltlon would woombn ns n brnnch ol the be held tn Tonwonmbn next Quccm,lund Art G a llery was l-'c~::~~~}~.nt ut tlu Too- I~; ~~!,-o 1 ~ 11~fi~·.uu,~~:~ 1 ~u:~:~ 1\lJOllllJU ArL SOCICI y, I\lr, \V be rl'gKrded (t:, ;l m llc:-.tone l Cn~ton. hnd nctv1sed the j m the cultur.d ll!e t1 r Ilic T oo9''0omba Art. G 1 llery ctty, Mr. Robcrt,;on Sttld. iWoria:w1cie···ca1i GOVT. SEEKS MAN TO HELP CULTURE IN OLD. woHLD-WID~: 111•· 11llcatlon,o \\'Ill be called for 11 (}ueen,o– land Dlro,ctor of Cul• tuml Arth·llles. Toe Education Mlnisler ,Mr Flel chcn announced this v~lerd,w after Sta.e CablnP.t had approved th~ creation or r he oo,;t. bernel{ !~~t!tri.~: 11 0::a~rJ m:ate:Cifvlr/J~_ll~~l~hc~:;. held. Mr. Fletcher said the Government alrend\' was respanstble for \'arlous cul• tural nctMtles. The 1967- 68 BudRet had nsslaned about $600.000 to thc.se I\CIMllrs-ln costs. •rnnts and subsidies. The duties ... "In nppolntln11 a Direc– tor or Cultural Acth'lllc• the Oovernrnent plans t.o I undertnke n concerterl llrO!!'rarnme to del'elop these actil'ltlrs throu•h• O\IL thP Sta le," Mr. Flet– cher said. The dlrertor·s duties wou ld Include:- • Mnklnµ recommend– ation 11bou Government fluancl•I help to "ngencles" promo,lng cultural activi– ties. • Mnlnt.nlnlng liaison • •tth !,he agencies. 1\11~ ~~!~1~tr~e:'\~.~~~.7:r~d with cultural ncl h·Jlles n.< the Minister ma,· deler- mtne. · · • Co-opera IillR wll h local authorltlrs to pril• mote n n nppreclalion of the art.,. • lnltlat.ln~ • PrDRfRllllllC t.o st !mutate cunurnl nct.lvl– tles among Qucenslnnd's youth. l\lr. F'lrtcller sa.lc.t the new cllrector mu~t h nt·P qunllflcntlons In thr arts. As well n6 "c1em onslrritNl c reat,l\'P nhilll_\"" Jll Al lrn!--1 011(' or I he :1.l'lS Ht? Rl!(O wouid nrrc! •o lrnrr a dminlst ra tlrt• nbillt,· and exper1rnre t11 one n'r :llOl'e CUll.ll1"nl nct h'llh'S, llllrl hA ve nblllt ,· In puiJllc 1rin -1 t.1011s And promotlon,r;;. Mr Flctrllrr !-iUlc1 lfl!-il ro1ght thnt nppllcnllons fnr l the new posit 1011 would br 1 ,·ailed lmmcdintely In Au, – t.ralin nnrl O\'erseas. Brisbane, 0 . _j I Mail Explosion in art was highlight of year THERI It • 1tr••1• ••.uc.inetinn about that one night in th• y••r lhnt beqin, a• December 31 end end, a, Jaftuary I. All 1h13 Is ,·erv hrnliJ,y 11t thl:!rc Are soine Lhings hat ncrrl 1.0 be watched In 1hc year 1thead. A 11111• krenrr ••lr- r~lrll!::!"u~f~;.omc artist..,, Thc,v tend 1-0 1i1·e within hrmsch·e~ t\nc1 1hrlr work n rt d1\'orrp t hcmsr lve!=i l"rom the world a round thPm. Resolution As lnr Ihr publlr. I hese nr u sts work for - the-re is nn douht 1hat in Au, tralln now, 1\1'1, I~ ''in," bu t. let"~ nnl, rPµ:nn1 1~ n..1- snmrl hing nn !-111111:i--!'-PPker cnn a rforrl to br wit hout. I-low :1 hn111 maktn~ arr~• nl11 11nn to j::C't rra.lly tn un-· nrr. I fl llri Rl1d Rpprccl:Hc ll pn m1tl\·e. t.r:-.dll lonn.l or on tcmporRry, , ~,tu. lt"? 011 t hr crrrttL s1rtr wr had ~IJ:ht,c; n( IhC' h~1~htr. wh leh thr Q urrrn,- 1:rn rl Rvmphony Orr hcslra ls cnpnhlr, of a tl.nlnin~. ll"' work under F'ran1.– Pa11I llrrkrr, fnr cx – am(llr, wa~ :-.nmrlhlna:- lo he. rrrnrdrrl In It-. annal~ a-. an ;1rhlrn~mrnt n~ rwar J)l'rfc<"lion R!i may hr .. I Th" \ ;.11 or F:1r a Rrw hlln j l1 - l"lllf)nn tn· rP~1dr111 r on- 1ir-!('lr fnr A , h11rt r,"l"IOd j w:,.i. nnnt h"r 1111."~'f) ll('. 1 Unstable