Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

THI COURIER-MAIL WIDNISDAY OCT. a 1969 Director • IS I 'O,\ "l'l-:i\11'1,J\TIN{; Iho• M'l'l'II Ih Sia lo• Mlr- 1•1•1·-tour lhal ho• ha s 11111lo•rlak1•11 sh11·1• his a1,'1,uinl1111·nt " ~·••ar a~·o, l/111•1•11sl111111's llir– ro·lor ol' 1'11lt ural Al'lh·itio•s 11\Jr. A. •I. l 'rrrrl~·) 1u•1·111illl'd hi111s1•H a 11lo•a.-.11,1 .inke al his fl\\'ll t'XIH'IIM'. ·· J'r11 :d\\ :t\ ' d 1•l11-: I ti ·d,. 111 1 ..,;11rl .\P'l!l'rrlu .,-. .. ,,·h1•11 Il l\' 1·11lh'a l!IH'!-. Ill 111, • f'11hl11• S 1•n·11·1"' rr-lf'r In lllf> II!\ r)w d1i·1·r·1or II/ ll1!1'1n l/! ll l'f' ' 'J'l1P plPa:-.a111 r., "u ..... , f' n rn1 ... 11 rPl:111•d In I tw que.~- 11011 nr what 1J1r- D1rP1·1nr nf C1l1111rnl Acl1r 11irs harl acl1il'H'o 111 Q111'P11s la11d 111,·r lw, nrnrnl In Bl'isbnnP from E11i,:-J:1 net Oil Oct Ol>f'r 14, I PtiH. ~I r. CrC'rrly ro~e I o t Jip r'Jllf'~t111n c(rnam1call~ 1• Two ul tllr 1111pnrtan1 1·onr1111nns nf !us appointment were rhal hr shoulrl rl1rect regional rtc\'e)opment of the 1rt~. Rnri st1m 11lnt P tllr intere.c;t nf ~·n111h in the nrts. Youth responslblllty AhmJI ~·ou1 h IH,. wns vrr.,· rtirecl : "I hrllel'e 111 nr- 11ut.v nn rhe p:11'I of .vou 1J1 11. .1,rJf in 1hr arts: lhnt ,·0111 11 ~hn11lrl tw ~1 ,·rr-1 r·nmplrrr rcsponsihllit.v, nnd illl. m,·nlvc.i;; S!l\'111C I llc-111 nrhn1111s1rn1i,·r rrspn11~1- h1lit~· nn r111!11 rn l cnm111 111 rr,..,. •·The-~· hn,·e A q-re»t rr knowle<l~r. nncl l"X- peclatlon!-. of the c rrn11,·e n r,~ 1t1A11 rlH•1r lf's.i. for111 - nate J)Rrents." One nf t hr acl h ·ltles which he speclall.\' associafe!– with hi~ interest. in ynurh 1s thr role he played in a ... ,1,11111.! 111,, Nori h Q11r,•11~ln11d t ·1111•,l"'n a 1 11r 11111 ••T MUSIi' Ill l 11111~rnil "In dr\'t•hT :dtillf 111 11 !•' ,·111 11 11:111\ ;.•~1i',~~1:r~~•~:~i' \~ll).'~1lt;~ f ll:i\, :11:.~\ !)111111.! dt;,1111 :111d 11, :\ 11nt!i1•1· ,...._ tlw rnlr lir pl11, ,·t1 · 111 11111d 1,t11w 111" 1rn11u.:11 r:111011 nl l h(• C'i n/d f'oa , t Y1111:11 n ,-, 111•, 1 111 111 111:-. ~!art• :'\ll nr-, - r1111 r~. \\'hH'II un• t 11 IJ1l1111i..: tlw f'OIHIJIJUW, nl lw, :t p po l! JIIIH'III Ill lt'l'lll., ,., 11'!..:lflll;d dr \'f'lnp111p111 nJ 1hr art.c;;, lu• lw ~ M) fa r. 111 tl11 · 1·11111p11~:,; nf ~IX l1'11)~. r1,, r•rPd l llf• R l:1l1• lrn111 l\rt<.,ha111• to ('11<1!; 1m,·11 in a :H\'('l' J) \\'i1 1<·h 1011k 111 ro11111 ,.,, u p 10 1111! 1111/1•., inlnrnt. Marathon trip TllP se,·rnth. nn<I m nru1hon lnp 1111• lrf l lir1i.lrn11P b\' :ur ,·r.,;;,trn la" nfrernnnn, wi ll 1·nrr r thr f:ll' nnnh – u.-est. Ri1d cen1ri"tl -west. nf Queenslrrnrt: will l'al'I'\' h1111 through 3000 m iles of terri(.or~·: 11.mt will rn·,·11p\ 111~ fim P in tl'R\'PI, nnrl rons11/1n11n11s, for th rr r wrt•h. ~fr. Creert~··~ " bnr f .. lnr 1111.., tnu r t~ .. , l1r 110:-.,1- biht\' or prrpnrln c A t'flhrrr•n1 nnrl 1mr1l!11111 U\'r plrrn for rlf'\'fllOJllllf' lll a11rl ac11011 Ill f'lllturnl f'f'lllre.... Ill Qur.en.c,Jn11,1. with :,,prcinl rrlnl 1n11 tn r hr (inrf'l'n – lllf'nt's !'Olf' Ill 1111p!P l11f'lllllli;: 1111.1.. p /:1 11." H1.i. ,..,un·r~· \\ 111 1·11\·er "<:uJ111r:i l nrcn1w;:111011c,. R111J lllril\'Hhial lil't lSI ~ in thf' fine nrt s. mw,ir. IHernt tl l'C', rlrn.111;:1, :1nrt rlP~lJ?n." He \\'Ill n su Tnwrnw1 1lr . Hui.:11enrlen ftnr!ayi, Richmond 1Frlday1, ,Julia Creek 1S11nrla1·,, Cloncurr,v •Ocl. 131, Mt. Isa •Oct. 15 •. Lon~reach <Oct. 19!. Bar- THI COURIIII-Mi.lL FRIDAY 0CT0Hll 24 19119 Challenge on art gallery ~t r. Bromley I A.L.P., N nrnrn n l said the Gol'ern– men t woP lrl not build lhe proposed ,iew art ~• llery on l he 31 acre silo It had selected on the so11th side of the rll'er. He challenged lh@ Trea– su rer , Mr. Chalk> or the Ertucat ion l\1inlster 1Mr. F'lc1cher 1 1n make A min• ls1erinl sta tement denying hi~ claim. HP sairi tile Governm~nt would nnl go ahcnrl with the site because or fnunda.. l lOtl difficulties. For murh of hi~ ~peech ~lr. Bromley clashed wllh M1·. Chnlk a r1 cr saying he could noL ri nd 111 t,he esu– in atPs the $500,000 the Tre11.-;ur·rr f ln1 mrct he had ,c.e1 a....1rlr for the i::11 llr rr. At n11c ,c;;l.111,!r Mr. 0rnm ll"y a ngrlh· lnlrl Mr. Chalk not tn ch:illrnl,!C' 1111n. for 1f l1e 1rdrl wluH hr nnd oilier people :.1~i,;or1:1 ted with ru t– turn l nr1t\·11 1e:; knew the Or»,•rrnmrnr wnulct "really be in B ~canclnl.'' Four displays at gallery F'our lie\\' <'Xhlh11 ton.'i Will oprn 01 I hr QucC'11~/n11d ,\rt On llc_r~· 1111.~ \\·r r k. nnr1 will f}~~~-1; 1n on ,·1r,,· 1111111 Orto. '11\er nre : A dlspln v b\'I 1l1c .-\ w.;1rnl1nn Comnir'n·t•ll anc! IJHlustrinl Artl~ts' A~- I 1: ~,·1ri1_1011 : an <'Xllibl1ion of ·',' Pl'lllls h.,· 1hr :\ 11 ,1rnlin 1: I .' rl111, Co11 n1•1J· :1 ,11, pln,\· of !! 1• ( ,al/rr.t .• l'•'l'r111 :wrpil – "I! 1{)1l'i ; !Ill :1 COl!l'cf 1011 or ..:m :111 ))fl lll fl ll,Lt', h v A ll,"ill':t – linn 1Hlcl E11g!l:d1 n1•1is1, lwith n ,'iC'lerr ion nr .lnpn- 1 rv:!-ir. woorl hlo1·k pn1w,. l'hr Gnllrr.v Hou r." arc _ Mondor to 8,nur<lnr. to 2·;~\ 1 :.o,~ f 1~~~ii.nml Sunnn.,•. again • 1•1•11111• 111j 1 .!'' 1. Hl:111, al l ,nl•t. :.!:t1 , \Vinion 10ct. :!I,,, ('l1•1'lllttJII •(lrl :.!!I ,, a11tl 1•:11u•ra l1I 10 c1. :m>. ,''1:~r~i': \ ~1':.'::•• /,'-':1 ~ i::~L! t ';t: t.~t~i'::•~r'~i'/l~~)\!~;::~1~~d.la11~~1}:{ ,11111111,-r to ('111111:111111ia, lf'lt \ Ill ~ n n!\hrtne 011 0cC('U1- h1•i· H. I lr• i1111H•,, ,., ,·P In 1,~ a hit• r 1) , IMI Cap,• York l'r11- ll h 1tb 1•:1rh· 111 1:r;-0. \VJi,·'! " \Vhl.'rt•,·cr lhcre·s n hu- 111:111 h1•11 q.:, \OIJ '\ 1• J.!111 a t.•Ulllll't'," 111• 1: 1·n11'i1drnn~. as u part of 111!5 Joh, nncl or his !oral lll'I llllf'fl".'il ~. abortgin11l Cllll llrf". ,t;p,•ald11..: of lw , Jnb yr :..ti"rdnr. llr "A Ui : ··T hP np– pnr1 111111,· wh 1d1 Ih r Q111•e11s h111rl Ci11,·r1·rn11rnt hn~ of– fr rr d lllf' i!-i prc,·1~r lr I hr t l1111J: I 've been t~ying In , :1111 1n prrfnrrn 111 1Jrn1::;h u11in~r~11 lrs, and tn other p;ut.c, nf I ht" wnr!r1. ·• Wide experience ;;1;,~~ 1 -i i'./:,";',','; e,~/;,;' ;,r FJ:Fr: 1 ;~:-~t''~ 1 ~/h·1':J~;' 1 ~~e~ s~r~~ r_r 111 .~n 1:if1. h:, ...._ IJnd r xtcn~h·e experience In oth,r c·1111111 t'!f'~. r111rl l:11111,-,rrtpC's. l!r ..,:,,· .. :11 1 hr ('1HI nr his first ~·ear in office: ···111,,rr 1, 11nr :i !-.111clr . c~t:1 hli~hcrl. rccog11tser1 art that 1·-1 , hr1nc prn, 11~r-rl •~<'re 1n Queenslanrt Already. Thrrr a1f'> no IJ!n11k.c;;;. l h OU'-th there may be weak– nr,c,sr .c,," He is n,·tlni! a rllsllc <11 rector or the newly-tanned Qucenslnnd Theatre Compa n;·. :tnd a member of the Queensland Art Ga llery Sites Committee. • city art . gaJJery Tha Government Wl'>uld 10 ahead with fh• pro– posed S7 minion art gallery on the aouth side ot the river - "and it will not b~ o school for scandal". l'hr. Trea.sL..·r r I Mr. Chalk I clahnrd l his Inst nlghL in Pa rl ia ment when winding up the budgel debnLe. fr. Bromlrv U\ .L.P .. Nor– mnn , earlier In the dc– bn1e had claimer! the s ite, near Victoria Briclge, would not be used because or foundation difficulties. e also had sa in llrnt·. lf'he l.olrt nll he knew, he could in\'oJ\'e the Government in a scandal. r. Chnlk . who branded Mr. Bromlc_v·s accusatlon the Go\·crnn1ent wns not going nhencl with the gnller~ 1 s1le ns "reckless anrt fool ish ," said he hnd lmd been nd,•ised by the ~1:~-~ \tns "ag/bf~i~;en6 er ictencc of foundntlon problems.·• Infnrmntlon so far t.n hnnct wn r, tllr fou 11cln flon wns 1 q11J1(' ~oocl. wilh rock Al 1 .. ,.,,1,.., ,·:nvfnt? fr,1m 6ft. In :!OIi . Thr f111 1Cls Ih e Go\·enunent h:.1(1 made n,·:iilnble this \'f'H r wrre All t hat could hr ,<;pcnL Jn I he te!dlous lrtsk o f YO!Un tnril,v AC– rp11ring the properties for the ~itR, he said. Governors ,\fr. \\'oocl I A.L.P. T on- woom bit Eas1 J 11rgrcl the Sr:irr Go\ en 1m cn l to br.– co111c n pnt ron of art by ronunissionmg nnd buy– Ing 1Jnl11ling.~ h~ 1 le.s:,;r r known Queensland art– ist!-. He , nid I hn I to the best of hl.s knowledi:,e Pnrlln– mr nt had not comm i:s– ·" 1 on f" rt nny poi11llngs .-.rn,·e Ins! cr11Lury, wh en ~:-n:;~n n~o1~f1l~t. f't~\~, ~~:~ Gm·"niors n f Q uecns– lnnrl :\Inn• 1rprr,...,P111n11rnrn! n rHI .1l)q r,w 1 cnn tc111 1 ornry :\ 11:- trn lrn n n rr. particu. I :1 r I ,r Q11r1•11s ln 11,1 .·J1rt. .. ilonlr! IW bri11~h1 . 1 :.. :\11', \V11nrl ...n Id : IJ('J "' WAS no 11,,,.,1 le) hu\' works b v fa- 1110 1., or f;l s h Iona bi,: nrr- l'•ls •'\V(.' clon'L n r r d to prm irlc l h r m wilh mn rkr!. •· flf"' ,c;;;n lr1 Thrre wrrc m:1 11\' 11n r Al'I • lsu•· work,.. wh1rh rn11 /rl br bm1ght rnr $2.io . l\lr-. Woori snlrl. Pn1·trnmrn1 Ho11."'P anrt ,::ov-1 c r 11111 r 11 1 dcpnrtm rnr b II t I cl i Jl g .s In Brisbane g::~n\l/~"~1nr~ 1 ~"t'i{ wl~~P,r?~ dlsplny I J1r.m.