Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

OUirNEW'GALLEiiY IS 'A GREAT IDEA' • Y DAVID ROW • OTHAM l\tR HAI. l\llRSlN(:IIAI\I yes_terdny des;ribl'd t h,• prei;ent huildin,: in whu·~ th e Queensland Art (;allery is housei as "hopeless," . _ _ But hl5 \'IP\\' of Lhf' ,,Ian rof l(el you . fin llt\ \ (' "Ol!lC u, builrt a new $? •m l lion '\'erY 'tanwus 1~a..mt1,1 ~ t~· ueens lanrl Art Gallery .~t siwh ai- Dolifll :-. _ Cyprt 1 · uth Brisbane wns A anrt r11·al'lsn 1r1 La Be e reat. idea ." Holh1.nduisr;!,:: 111 c1to nl ..,aid The last St~l.e BU<igel Mr , M; 1. 11 ,d 111 t,u1ld- a ct e a prO\' i s lon or puu QlH_ C'I\ ',nurrr, \\'Ollld 500,000 for a conttnuatto_n 11\J? its nr"., 111 luidn~ the r site R.CfllllSJUons ror thl~ he 1or~~,1~1;l nr MII nlhcr ew gallery. . cxperl · ni.. 1w 111,on - " l\1y descr1pt1011 of L~e StBtr:,; to ' t \•nu'll ha\'e resent galler~':" sturl ~tr. "rXt'Cf~ 1 ::ft 0 tl~~-('Oun1 sprc1al Ussingham, c~ul~rt 1 ~~~ I ~~~'i~mll factors, s11.~h a een applltdeld IAl l \~ mo,;t 1hr ·iroplcal cllnrn1r ery b111 n ~s aklng nf th tates till recently. Fmnlly. spe or nrt In ""They were ull ou11110<1cd. ~cneral s1n1c d he ••Id: utdated and completely Q u cc n s I• n • rt ced useless ior showing their ··Queensland ~;,",j' S[ 1~ 1~ .. ollectlons. Queenstnnrt. 01 1 ,iome damn ~ course. has been w~.rsc ol then any ol the rest. Since 1945. Hal Mls.sln~– ham has hcen director ol the Art Oallory ol Nr", South Wales. which Ls no" we I I advanced toward~ being housed In a n.-, building on Its old &lte In Sy~~!,Y·1n Brisbane to at– tend the annual conference or Australian art gallery dlrectorsi, ;tr· 0 f;!! 1 ~f~te~ t~~d ~~ut~ bnank Brl&bRne River sit.II chosen tor IUla pro~sed new Queens an Art oatlery building. For talks ··But• from what l"l'e eard .the new P.ro) ecL Is reat I, he said. "'I he fuLUre ooks' good. 1 like the con– cept of Brisbane using Its south bank this way - an Ideal place for a Kalleryir 1 "You have a beaut 'li river and 011• plan WI help• Brisbane t.o develop "Its city on the southstde, as other capitals of the world haTewdgne~~,;cntlal point., &bout. the new bulldlns 1 In Hal MISAlnsham's opln on. wUI have to be spactou•– neas and alr-condtUonlnr " Alr-condlttontng ls l must for a troP,lcat c • mate .. he said. · Humidity and heat breed fungus and wreck pictures. And your present gallery Is lar too small. d t the "As things stan & h moment Queensland as to take 'down It• own col– lection constantly lo hou~e visiting collections. so t~e pub1lc •eldom ha.s e chance to see the per– manent collection. "Not even I. !or exAmPI•, can tell vou much about the quality or the rang\gf your collecllon 1 or • qu&llty or lndlvlaual plehces. "I've 8 \ways been er !or the occasions n!dvt~ 1t1n -colle t ut on ART GALLERY HEADS HERE _6 TH~ CO~Rlllll-MAIL PIIIDAY OCTOBER 17 1969 Art gallery will be ''Qld. pride'' • Y DAVID ROW • OTHAM T':f f:: Education and Cultural Acti\·itics i\11mster (Mr._ FI.eh- her) said )'estcrda y he hoped lhnt h111ldini: operations on the new Quecnslan!I -~rt (;nlh•ry nt South llri!,hane "ould heirin in the rn;:1.;,a finnncial Har. Jn lus con\·rrs:111011 Wll h --- • m e a ~ ,ParJiamenL House, Pl'f'!-iC,nl trn;uJl ,c:; of Lhc area . Lh c Mtmster Jrft nb:solutelv This nren cm·er 6 rtbou t no doubt in my mind Thl's 1,;1x - and - R - qunnrr Stnle will 1101· onb· ·~et ~ ocres. hou11<1cct by Ore\', new art. gallcn•: ii will gel Stnr'.ie)·. Peel. and Mel- one 10 be prourt of. bou1 nr. ~,rects. ··we had 10 do something The gullery will overlook lo up~1·ade t.he art gallery lhe river and proposen gar– ~lluaUon in Quren~lnnd rten~. near lhe .so111hcrn nJ>– and to upgrade other cul: 1>rnach lo Vict01•i11 Bridge. t ural Rspr.cl,"i along with _I coulrl not agree more I his:· Mr. ~•!etcher said. 11 1 · 1111 ••Mr. F!etchcr·s view N I lat lhcre·s ll0L a better O burden place for an arL gallery Ulld a r:on~ou1·sc of cultural _ He re~ards the e." ra por- act11•1t1cs buildings.'" llollo he holds as Min1sler To learn ~f Cultural Ac1 nrnes as not n burden. buL, on the Mr. Flclcher sn1cl: ""l am COllLl"f\!"Y as R Job that I prcrared to look al other enJoy. Ca Ier Ie s 111 the olhcr He hR,li n problrrn: but State~. We want to learn what holder or a portfolio all we can. ~o I.hat we can hasn"t? Money. give an nrch11ec1 an Iden of "'!\'r arc nclin~ on lhls Whet we _want.'' proJect In hope and faith: For tlus purpose. Works hut lhe drought t,his ycnr Dr.pnrtment under - sccre– has biLLen deeply Into Gov- tn1·y <Mr. David Mercer , 8 ernment finance. qualified•archi1ec1, will vi"si1 "The mone.v for lhe proJ- nnd .study the design °of cct. lentntlvely $7 million. ovrrsea.s i:nlleries during will have to come from h Is forthcomm2 trip S t a t e O ove r 11 ,n en t abrond. source.c.." Mr. Fletcher R~rccd with The In.SI Slate Budgel Mr. Hall Mlsslnghnm. the made R pro v I~ I On of New S?ulh Wnlc.:- Art, Gnl– $500.0110 for sllc-acquis!Llon le,·.y D11·rc1or lhnl Alr-con– work Lo bcgrn on the Brls- dll1onmg was nn ··a1mos1 hane Rlver·s south bnnk nutoma11c rcqulrrmenL" for where the n•w gallery will An nrt gnller.1• in our cll- st.nnd. mnle. "Although wr. ha\'e no "Wr'\•e ~11rtrrrrt rn1 hrr firm desl,i:n lnr Lhe gallery, ~rtcvous lo.s.e.s in nalntin~s or expllclt hopes or the becnu,e ol heat ann hll– nvnllablliLy or flnnnce. the midi!)"."" he sn1d. land Is n1·nllnblc " Mr H Is brr· ,111.sc ot 11,r Mln– F'lotchcr said. · · 1.ster·s lntcre,;t and con- "The gallery ,viii stand ccrn tlrnt air-rondil!nning In an erca so heaut1ru1 ann hn,c; now hrrtn 111!-ilullrrl up– welt sltuat.ed I.hat It's our sla lr·, In 1hr presrnt nr1 hofle that. other cultun,I C:Rllrn :i:;n lhnl pic1.11r£\o;;; bu ldlng!i will al~o be ar.- nin,v hP ~lnrcri 1l1('tC with commodnlcd thcrr..'' lr.'-.~ rhnncr of rfrtr.rlorn - 11011. Gradual ~II'. Flrlr•hcr 1'rs1rnln\' Th M' I wn~ 1101, ablr to c;.how mC' . t e 10 st~r salrl tlw nn~· "blur prinl " "ror 1hr S l e - RCQUJsltlon work llC\\' Rl'I. c:n llcrv· thrrc Al'{) ~ri:~~nedrobeed ufradu?l!r nn nrc·hltrct1-· ' ~I' h11lld~r~· nbi11t or y e R\RI - riln11$ 8111 hf' (.'f'rlAin lv need ~-0Clll~~":tu~n~ d-l1p ~howcn llll" ~nm,-rh}n1:1: f:'!)~r. ruptlon a~ po.c;s.lhlc' lo tl~; ;;;, 111 ~ 1~.~,~~ept which wi ll ~ - . v· ...:a:, ble to ,c. A.rt OU •·C,lrl with Melon." ~ An \s1<etch I t\rsl tl111c ,usl\ANE. - ill lt. Wt\~ l tl~nt 1\ 0 1\ f\rttst "11sl now t1vlni: .ah\ sine,· ,19,;•3uolh prl1.es ,n • ~u . . nc ,~, sl n1,.. hu:- ,.,. o l\tclbour 4.lueen!'tt:,nd v~nr. wnn won \hell y's ·,nnual . Mr Fu\\l>rook nlso Art oa ~I'd~. • u/(' Richl\rdWll pr\7P II\ n,11\or "" 1 , Fullhrnok won \ \06 . Fullbrook born tn '.\1r s~,m . R\t lrnrd - Mr I 1922 , \111s works ! ·. 51000 H . C . ·•h \s~,ctm•y II l a1~1lcr\es und t" i \ prl1.e Wh, In nil Sla e " . I n son Mel\\Or \~ studv " Bnd \In llH' nnLtm,a\ collect o - his "Portr~ Ho.rveY M\.!tll· ln Canberra. 111,· $80 L. • · Ith hill pencil orln\ Prize VI qr:, q Artist wins two pl'ize.· HHISH,-\ N l.. - t\ f11rmcr Qucc n-.lnndl·r nuw IJ\ ing 111 Melhrn1 r11e ln:-tt night wun I he Qut:~em,lfrncl ,\rt Ga·ller ~'·!> major annual art aw·.rds. Mr. Sam Fullhruuk wu11 1hc $ l000 H. C. Rich11n1>.. n Memo ria l Prizr with his Port rail Studv a nd 1he S8U L. .I. H1i°rv,•.1 Mem– o rial Prize ,, 1 ith hi~ PC'll· cil ~kclch - liirl Wllh Melon.