Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

C•nberr•, A.C.T. Prizes to fnllbrook 1,lmt1H.', "·" ,, ,rn tJ111.-~11 ..l.1nd 1\ rt C1,dk1, \ majU~ua :1rl .1\, .11d ... ~lr SJm Fullt,rook ''" in 1hc 1,11110 11. (.. l!1Chunl, \ k m1111.1I l'r1Lc "llh h1, "1'11rt1 1111 S111d)' :111d the ~XO I.. .I. tl.,rv,,:y ~km11r• 1:il PliLL! " ith hi, pc.·nd l ~~cli.:h '(iirl \\ilh \I •h1n', It ,q,,. 1hc rir,t time ,in,:1.· 1~5.1 1ha1 1hc "l,1111c :ir11, 1 h,1, \\On ho1h pn1 ..·, in th,· ,:unc rc:1r. It \\ ;&, ;il,,1 1hc ,c.. •41nd time ~lr h 1llhrnolr. h:" '-' Oil th~ 11. C. Rk h:ird~ 1\ k 111orial P1ilc. He w:h :,,IIC\.'.C, llfu l in l'Jh7 al o. WINNER ot the H. C. R icha rds memorial prize tor paintin g - a portrait In oils by Queensland ar tist Mr. Sam Fullbrook - being appraised by fou r of the five Judges a t the Queensland Art Ga l– lery yesterday. They a re (from left): Messrs. Bert Whittle (assis– tant-director, Pert h Art Gallery ), John Bally (tllrector, Adelaide ), and Hal Mlsslngham (d irector, Sydney) and Dr. W. Bryden Hobart ). The L. J . Harvey memorial also was won by Mr. Fullbrook. Mr. •·ullbrook won lh• Stonn 11. c. Rlrhard• l\lemorlal Prize with hi• " Portrait Sludi·," and the S80 L. J. Harvey Memor– ial Prize with hi• pcnl'il sketch. "Girl with Melon." It wH the llr.1 limo • Ince 19S3 that the same artist won both prl7... In the ume year, I\lr, Fullbrook had won the II. C. Richard• Prlte In 1967 also. I\lr, Fullhrook, who WH t 0 m ,!n •• ~~~:x ·~n 19 !ii Stale i:fanerie• and In the National Collrctlon In Canherra. lie won the Wynne f~~~~ 0 {q~~:~';t"~~fr~1\i In 1964. He also won the 1966 Da,·ht Jones' prlte. The cnmpclllion, were Jud,:crl thi• re•r hr a panel or directors or the ,·artous Auolrallan State Art Gallcrle•. who nrc In Brl•hanc ror their annual conferente. "LOVELY"' Spokesman lor the ~:~.'· .:~:i· ~~I :.'!~~~~d nr entrlel'I ,ttmero1II,· was q~i~• 1f,~ 0 t,. f'. Rlrhard• llcmorlal Contc:st lht~ Judrcs harl marle their fin al sclcctlou lrom a 11•1 of three pa lntlnrs, e:1ch of which had been lotallr dlffercul rrom the olhc,., "Portrait SIudy" had been chmmn bccau,ie It was first and roremoKt "a lovcii• p:1 lnlinK - a ,·cry lender palntln~." ..It IN r arnl~' onr sce,i n ~r~'.'"•~,r:.• ~~~ .. ~,u11i~!fa: '"Chi• I• not a fashlon- : ~!eot":~:'),?o~d~n today's "But Sam F'ullhrook 1, Rn a rtist who ha11 ,.,,.att - 11~· been lt1cN'nsh1J:' l11 sta ture over the )'rars. "llr do~•n't lake any notice of wha t Is fa$h• lonn hlr anrl wha.t l!il nol ra s hlon:lhl1•. 11,• .ill'-( ,tl'l!– on with lht> Jnh nr 1,:tlnt – ln~." Tht Drrmt , t!\tr. ('h11 lk1 offidalh op1•n r rl ft "'llf'rl:t l ,•xhlhl– tlnn nr lfl5 srlf'clrrl r n- 1 rlrs In U,r 11. C. lllrh– Ht'd~ ,·umJ>rUUnn nntl 91 rnll'le!'ii h1 lltt I.. ,I. Ha r,·c,· C.om11ctlllon. llc !Utirl thr Qurt ns– Jand Art Gallrn· n·as mwklng an lmpnrtant ronlrlhullon In the rul– tural Ure or the Stal<'. The Statt" Oon•rnnu~nt rrcognlscd this, a nd had l'h~'''~!W,1,5~;:! '~;or~; p roposr.cl new S7 million art allen •. "COURIER MAIL" 1° oc 1"69 8 I L- o ;;1 r •-ne, Old. • ART REVIEW by David Cox 105 PAINTINGS PICKED THE 105 paintings selected for hanging In the H. C. Richards memorial prize exhihition nt the Queensland Art Gallery represent all the contemporary "Isms" and Ideologies of painting. The Judges' final selec– tion I• ne or the pictures bclo1. 0 .. g t.o no modern trend or movement. S1.~~ni"?ly b\\Lleg,,~to'Nii.'~ brook, It Is n subjective and scnsiLh·c port r:tlt or a young woman. Pntntcd In llsht t.oncs and sort co!or. It speaks or the mystery nnd gentleness or the model. I wns lrnpressr d a lso by D e s l d c rl u s Orbn n '.!=i "Archaic Signs," will, 11-s lincnr molifs po int ed a nd gou~cd o\·er the enllre rtcturc ~urfnce. Its fce.l- \!,~1~r°1\;~1~f \~ft)l i't~ ;~~ tinn, Mnn~· other pain tings nre worthy of note. far 1 flo nurny tb men tion ~ Jl~~ i'1~1 1 ·~!f· 1 ·· 1 l~~;~s~~l~~ 111 our Ncighbourhoort·· nncl I hr imagcrr In Alex– " n n l c r Sad lo' s ··Twcn11c1h Centu ry P e- <1estrm11." • T h r r X )I i h i t i O 11 o f rlrnwrniz:,, fnr th e L . ,J. t-1.in •f' ,• mcmnr lnl pr l:r.e \\'I\,'; (ll~appo1111Ill~. Thr rlmwmr.~. 1n my opm10·,. rnngcd Imm r xc-rl le11 l to orclinnrllv ~nod tu wnrk or n n pretty low ~~ 11- rlnrrl. The fnct, th a t tlH• rtl' :l\\' l ll ~ S f\l'C rathf'r crowded rlnr s not help t l1r ovrrnll np11r.arn.11r c of /l~~~ s,~•~\~· l~~,\~,~r;j!.~~~·iJ;J 11rw u:dlrn - a r,..mNI\' 1-H II\ \ rll! '- .il\\:l ,\', ' :\pnn l rnlll ~nm 1"1111- hrook·s \\ 11rn 1ni,: " Girl \\'! I ll ,\ l P ! O n ' ' f 'l'll!l k Brrk's \\Ork in nn ill11~- 1·n1nr'_(; i::1Vl<'. Ro\· Ch 11r- r:.~~~-~-- 1~·1 1 ;~~~---~.\l~~-;('1' 111 ~~ 811spr n!-lon·· cnuJZh l the rn• .'\ 1111 Cirnhnm ·.., "Ra11rt - 1·:u,11r.i." '" :1 c.ood 1ll u.,- 1 rn h r rtniwmg nnrl :\ l– l rrrl ~1ol'lon·s ''B Ar k of ;:;11ow;· .i::ho\\ rrt a 11irt? fr·r?m ~ 1<11· :,11·lw t·r1 •1rr .