Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"AUSTRALIAN" Australia Housekeeping for art treasures The nntinn's nrl g;,ll ,•r\' d111·, · t11rs , 1111,1! bi' tltt: ll llll.ld , i111r, _– Of Ille Un, b:1nc H1vt·r ~ ,·, t,• rd ,ty a11ll tall-,·d ahouL tli1:ir lwu, ~· keeping pruhlc:111s. 'J'IH<l' l.•1 t. Q 11N•111-lr,nd IH l (; :. Jl• : \' fliJ 1 , 1•11', .J:111\1.:S \\'H'l\l I.,•, \•,ii:- :,!1f1\\I .: l) l'tll 1h,• !-- k !111• J. 11,·w i.:allt 1,. 11n tlw I., t d.i , 1 1 1, 1 • :11.rnt:11 SI.Ill' i,.:,d\, 1 • 1,,,\dHl !1 ~Ullil'lt..'lll't' 111 Un li.11 1t 1\ t ar• 111d ~ 1!1 I ,, I • 11,t·\ \t J, l ll \ i\lll-. 1 11 1 , 11 11(• " ,-:,ilk1 v lvr the 11,,~l ,, . I 11,11 k I \\ :,~ l ,11 111 :, , ,,, •.i \ 11,111• 1\ ll;dl ,, t l 11 l,.,11'.' l , 11 \ ',~t••1 la ~ Jlil11ll'l·," ;\,1 1· ; ,' , •1-; :,,:11d. .l nh11 H,11!\', Ill~ 1111\ r \1 q• 11 f thl' Acit•h, 1,ll, !.!,tl li I'\' !-a1tl 111 , l1.t11'1 11 .. \1· an\' p1a.Lli ·111, \\ Ith 1ndd:1•l d ,1n11n11111o11:, ,1,11 , ill 1• I "H• 1• h .1tll· 1..; .t,,111,1'• 1 the ,,111.,t J.: 1lkt \ 111 lilt· liit, ' lit · :,ntl. I. I NDSAY DEAD Art rOffi the Bible SYDNEY ,- Norm an Littd soy, o ne of th e g re at figure s of Australian art a nd literatu re, di ed yesterday ot Spr ingwood , in t he Blue Mountains. " .. •-1 1 Iii t 1 ! i l'J f~fl S jl: iti:.!\\111111 ( 1111. ',1,1•,,•1 ' 11 JIU JIil.i f !1• ;ij \\ d ,i :) , ,, 1cl J11 \\ 1'1' " d ro 11,,• lr :I,, Ill 11 II I II• f J.:,1\1~ )w11 0 11 t ll• ,! It) r,,•,•p h,rn rp1.r·. J Ji1••1 ',\ ,t !\•I! II. II~ 10 110 IJ , , "', j1.• ....... n ,' of II ll1 !I 'IR I d ' •: i_ ~ l n lllll allb lllllt !11 l t11l ! ,. In ·l t'i.ill Cl 'l'ltt,• \\'t·C'k IHI, I h :1\'1' I, ft l\1 I° •~--~.s \V 1f•1wkl' 1, 1 i·l inJ.: ld,l' :1 u,1 ..r n•l;t111111 1•11h-r l,111 1i11~ )11s lllOl'L' :1 r1h1,•11t L:lh.::-t.; 111 (il'L l• il-11\y sut,sta11dar<l l.'•111d1t 1,,11 . . H11l th•• IIL>-l lll lh.! till' d ,11•4•1 11 1,; lh \1· Ith. I( :1111111:d ll\l'\..11!,.! II Ht 1: 1,;,111· ,t ,·uuld l1•' l\l r \\ l\.'11\..l,I.! t.11,rn~ :1 lillk !tit ul 1)0~1s\111~. J i11 It' .,.,.,1.,1 'II IJ,I ' ,1 ,• .\ Mr Hal Miss1nghnm, rl11 ,•1·tor 11! the N,·\'l South W,dcs /\ 1 t Ga lh'1 , . \\ as till' 11\IISL ho11:-i'·Jll'Otlll or tlw i.:111110 with his 1:11ss111 nil th1 · 1,l;111s :ind pr11hl< 111•; nf his 11, \' 1.••• d !, 1, \\ 1111 h \\ ill tlfll'II Ill ,\ I II· I I ' l :\11, I. ~._ tl11' d 1:1,: 1••; 1 11 • 1 1111111. 111! ;11 1 I :-11,· t'tll\1lltlll1 t' l • lJn,·,·11,l.111 I t.:.,ilh 1, . :\1 r .\, ,I S11 ,,lla!t1' , ,.,,i11 I• d o .11. h1• li,,rl :,.~ h·~:-.t l\;ul ":-.1111wlh111J.! tu go n \\ 111\ itt the old bu ilt\1111,'.. ••w,•·vc hcl'll n11111i11i: :1ro11nd \\ ilh IH1c..:kcts for .,cars to ,·ah.:h th,• 1:11 n. 0 111\ 11rot1•fl Olli' 1rni11t ill)(S - SOIHC 111 thc111 11( int1•r11atu111ttl stund ing," l\lr Stl':1tii.:os :-aid. t-.l r l\k~:,,1111!il;im ~aitl lu•'•I li:id 1o1 a t,q11t t.Lt1111 ~ 11 IH.:\'.' ~a l ll'IY " ll':- 111..·, 11 :-1 "= H::i rs :.1m·c OH.• la !-l rl,i• •'-\U':; 111•·l•t111~ here so we l'Ull h11p,·, 11 it':. the ~;1111\' tune ~p;,n )i\•1111 1• !ill' Ill'\! 1,111', \\'L' l'.111 L'Xl 1t ,•t 1,, h.,,·, 11 11 11, 1, huatd rornn , 1( Ille 11• ., ;.'.,dl, , ~.' .\tr St1.1ti L!11s :t.iid. r,,. r•· 1.•. 1 , 11 :, 1,,. 111 illt ' 1:111,· 1:il I 1l , 1,111 ,1 1., I' h,dlt :\ l1 I' t~ .., I I• . ·HI ' ' .11 .. 1"4:>-.;~•-"' 1 • 1 1 ,1, .: v ., ,,,,Iv ;,I 11111 1:• I 'I, ,1 1 I ,\ it l!Jt,\1 11\ 11• ,·1 111wllll'd t'i1l'• 1111· ;1 II" '·' i.:,,ilk1\ \,;1, 1111\ 111 Ille G 1 ,,·,·1111111•11\. " S 1•1l't• thf'n Wl:·,·c had wondt:rt ul Cl)tJl)ll'.llilll l." 'I'll<' c1t \' rn1111ril ha~ tlniHit"d a p :11 k111g lut :-.1h· and la11d_ l)1•:,.1d1• the t t\'l'I' ;111d :11!11ut ~ \110.IIIIU 1111:: lll'l'II :,..p\. Ill :,o (ttr Ill lll'Qtlll'l lll! la nd t 11 r 1lw -..1\\• on th1..• :-1111lh h;111 h; nC tilt' H 1\'Ll' IJL',ld1.: the V 1,·tu1 la ,, I. lh• \\ ,.... lli IIL.,, 1,, I Ind 11.11 h .111 t lH' • l• 1,11 , 110 ·,, '1•1. a .\f'II• '"l II .1, J 1•\\ .,• }u-1 ' , \\ll llf l'rf .,1 , .1· 111 1 I ! IJI "' ' d I I ii'\\ \\Ui !d lO It Ill I,,, \\ •'Ill lo Jll'll.e 11~1,1 , 1•11t·s , ,( murder~. \11 111111 _ w,. 11111'• c lrnlls,j r.11 luull:t .11111 dn , ., lo rr con- 1!11 1 \\ti ll lit~ 1w11 thr 1,: \ mkrll l' COIII • 1111·! 1• 11,• u11 Iii <1xpc1111,· lrn.-,h Ji(l l '" :"'1J:11,· 11111•., hf• \\1•fll 1 /i u l ~!}, 1 II,, 11 fir\ H ll',11 l•l!I••!\' IIIH1 j)!Ollllt t'tl 1,; Jll'II dJ II'.\ 11,i.: .. i/1,.- l'n llllJ! 1ht· Det:lll14'1Ull Uf l\1 14', HC"l'JH Thr.,L' Ill I le llllt '-lrrptet·t>:-. LJ11•u.;111 1111• ,H :,•11111 ,11 o l .I t• \ •,·Ii IJll !tt "dll'lr nl I tjp• H ,l 11•1111, s I'. \\h<, I\\ 111 1 1 ,,1111•(> .11 ' IH' /11 !l lld , 1 1• 11111. llrt.H.~ht I 1111 ., , ~o •·, d111·,·. I ' 111 \(I \'rOI I .llci ,11\ drrw llw11.;a 1H1'f 111 11!11 ,,:n llOlh ::--Jn":11.i n 1.:11,'.II' \\lht:11101111, :ir11111.il~ rrip,;: nncl IJnrn 111 1h,· ·11, 11 111•11 r itr-. o1, l••1,:o n1·11l :-ke1 d1r ~ for th~ r1•l1t·1 .:,,1,1 tmi.11 <• (·r,,, ,, _ H1111,•1111 1.,.... 1:, \ 'w1~r1a. nn Fl•))r 1,\1",' 11,, b1'l!:111 10 J)i1lf1L t11r - .i. I H 1 ! 1 Ii i . rn11'1ir1 !IM !l\' , olp1 11ou~ nndes , 1 _r,u4?hr !:11·Pd , 1111 n1dPr1' \\ Ith th,• harrl r\'es 1'1a1 \\P~lf'\':111. \\ ,1 . !h,• cln 1d1• \Hr•• lo nrnkr h im fnn-n11o; tf•r nf thi- ll t•, f'l10111;1i; J.111d,a y .'-1 11c11,•d the u'rn "-· ~\'1ll1am :1:. t lir fir .. ,, 1n1~ IPr,o; In Lnnclon H11d PnrJ~ s101,1ary to M•.111,, 111 f- lJI. 1 a nrJ rr111rnr>cl 10 work on Norman L 111d,ay """ 1101 1 he H11 llr11n , whcrr he Jed ll s1 ron~ ch llrl arrd h~ !tar! n l'ibrnnt post World \Ver l to sta y home l\'hrlc others rel'il'al m art. , LLOYD RETROSPECTIVE PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS FROM 1913 TO 1969 EXHIBITION CLOSES 4th JANUARY, 1970 The Pres ident and Tru stees of th e Queensland Art Gallery cordially 1nv1te you to be presen t when th1 ~ exh1b 1t1 on 1s o pened by Dr Norman Behan, F R S A in th e Art G a ll ery, Gregory Terrace a t 8 15 p m on Thur sday , 20th N ovember R. S. V . P. TE l E PHONE 5 4 9 7 4 BY I 7 t h NOVEMBER C . ,~,.,u,,V-'~j ft( COURIJ.R . M AIL rRIDAY NOV 21 - 3 A~·y ...... Qld. • •• 400 attend showing T,, lwn r •1, I I GALLE RV HII It huurtr,•d ~11 ,.,1, :rlt i, n1l1•1l 11,,. ofl'il'i·tl f 1 1 O I fl\ C' 1S 1II Ik I f f ' · f tl I J ' o c e '-' ' the /v\1 ,1n L1'-t1 "'I Ii I ia c , 11 _ rn1..1l 1r r,,11, dc (._)n ll lf' opt·11111 ~ o H· • o ~·cl He r s l: Plros 1wc·1in! Queen land 's Art Go. II,,,~ " , ic a C1Jr/ ci f lhe 1,p when ,he lhrnk, ,d 1-: xlrihitiun a l tlr ,, l/11 ~P n s l:r 111l A rt (; :r l!,·n· 1 l:r , t ul ~hl. rn,ufl t•fl. rl,11m11•1f nl!h 41 ;n t' 1 ' 1 1 rliri ' 1 , Ii lm1 J.: ,11 1 , 1 J ,, 11 ,,., •\1111111~ 1/11 1.: i.,,,,, u l 11 11 • '-','111 111·,11 .. r 11 11(1 , 11,•1•1• ••Ill~ lt\ Jr rl,,11,t H h1•1 \;, ,1 .. J' r .u'id rl .' ·:.rl! 1,11 \ ITl" ! "Ill :1111111 1011 l,t 1111' 74 fl lJl' II 10 ' iH' p 111,1 11 ill 11]1' f'I ,I t lq l hu,,• uhu hr I\ . 1111rt t/11 ... 1,f' .l 11, 1 i lh 'IJt 1 1-11· 111 ll/1~ 1 , il 1 ]\ 1 1 l.)111•1•r1, l:111rl o\ it 1 ;,d lr J\ lir ,·r u r ,111• i•11l ill1•1I 1· . 11 t ,nll1•1,• II ,,111 ld llt' i 1 " 111 .l\.11 , 1nt1111 anti ' ', ,11" a,,1• 11 111111 l1,11ual\ :1 . ~om r lh ln 1.: llitf11• h1•1t n on, {11 ll ll (,Jur r11!:111d1·1~•1 It" ir n1 :1t 1ir., \\ Ill lw ~ , •11, , , , ,,, 1\,1<:. • o ur .\ I I C.:1 i1r 1\ for ,••.,";~ '~ 11,11 prldt> ,11 td f /ir' l\t 111 ~ ;: i~'l:'.,:I' 1,1 r rP I ltn l I\" i.:1•1 ,, 11 I l~,:·,t,';r ..;: ';\~.;.'t111\',~'. \• llo ()pr n1 Ill.'. 1hr ,,, II i h11 h ,11 h .1-. h1•1•11 1 11 a in a l..•··,h iri 1 . 1 < 1 .,, F:•lurn, 11111 :ind ,· 1 C , 11 \\ n 1k 0 11 011r n, 1\ 1 1 n1 Nn1111n11 Hr-:111., 11 1 1,,, hnmr ,IS 11 frn1111 of lhr \ .1•1 :1 1 \ .1 l !IJr ;\J• . / ··'i' ,, ,. " :1\· rr1 I 1: .\I !,·r1111w· n 11 1\ lio l'rt\ r !1•1~ ' 111:-t rf'I' , :1 1'1 ·11, I <1u•·r11•da11el .ll 11, r 11111 .it1. 1 •i ,l l!'! · 1 ,,:· 11 , 1 •ii i I' ' d ''; 1 111\ij fl,, . he•, , 1•111 111•'111r \\(' hU\J> · Jir 111., i.: 111111 1 ,. ! , I \\II 11 11111' 1' Ill.Ill ,II ' 11 1' 1 !,o •lt• n ( Ollf' 111:111 ~ 1nl l· 1/, , d, Studydc~ig ns 1 11, 1.' .,., ,, ''·" ·11• 111 t111,·d ,1:1 h 11 1 1 nn 1n <\ 11, r :, t,,u r ,,, , I I ' 1 , •' II 111' \ 11 I ll \ ,' J •• 1·• .!1.11, 111:111 · , ,,' I 1 _. 1••1 • 111 1111 l 1 , ,, ' I t '\·, ,, • 1 \'- ; 11 , Arr Ciul!f 1 1 11.d :\11-....111.:!rn n , :- i1Hi ,~ 11 ,1 l'l rnt irf,·a J /1 ., 11 lo n c:1 ,1 11 l f'l' ll(l fn- ;•• d n\,11r1• 11111 ,,1 1,nmt• I' ' I, ,, 11 j 11111 , ,\ 11 1(1•1•, :-t:tltl • · ' I 111:- • '!11• l.h,\ i! It,·,· ' '''1! 11 :!.*.'t:/;n1\~'/r'/ 1 1,\\. \'.'.'/.t,'/: 1 ·';~" \' 11•· 1 1• ,• l·,111111'11111 •ilwii 1111111,,11 ,·, 111·1 11·1 1,·,• · 11 1 11 ',, , ,•1 0 1\.'. ·11,· l ''llll 11,•1,• \\lllt 11•p11•, 1•111 :111 , 1·• I!! •1 . ,., , 11 !'toll!! 111 1•,11 ,r Il l\ tdd ... ,,111JHI l · 11,1, 111t· \11 1 )l.tlll1 Ill''" " .t i t• , ,.,., ,tJIU lllt.: 11!d I 1'J1•11d•, :11111 tJJ(. \11:1\' 11H!,. 1•'1)' 1"1'111 ll lt; \ 11 11 JH !.! I l'lt l 11, ' ''li '" td \'OJ J.: 11 \• ,II II•• l •·lnjdt·1~11 1 PI I A(,I f'l,·[',I r--~T l HI', Tl(fa..F l l l.l)'r I l f~( f ~) Rl JIJQ',P[( TIVI 20th NOVI MH( I< ! lJt,r; ADMIT TWO