Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

HI COUIIU-11.tAIL SATUIDAY NOV. 11 1969 e ART REVIEW by David Cox Lloyd story Rees' • light 1n - JHE Lloyd Ree • Retrospective Exhibition at the Quernshand Art Gallery repre– ,Hntl this dlstlnrulshed painter's work from 1913 to 1969. The catalogue tor Lhe lhow ls a good produc– tion tn its own right. It contains a fairly detailed analysts of the works on 5how and the Influences which ha\'e caused th~ artist 10 progress so steadlh' towards a climax In his life's work. The elemenl.~ of pnln1- ln1 are &tudted, con – trolled. and the painter s problems met and 0\'er– come, Always, there is aurtnesa tn his organ– isation of these elements. The story of this man·s 11•orktn1 hie · begins 111 ll1ht. E\'en tn lhe earliest pictures. light ls painted ;; 11 t 1 :1\td~~l~'.edtr~:;kt a~~ tree• and fhe h.11.y Aus– tralian tiRhl whlcl, mutes thd distances. , Through hl• period of intense study or form, when hills are painted M lormot objects nnd cnre· fully placed in apattal comJJOl 1tion. light essential element. 1u~j~11-~an?n6Clltfe 8 ':/:~ tight of I.he Isle de rgi~i~·· I :.:~_,y·ii 1 b,,~~,"~~ forrn, rr lettses t he pamt.rr lo n new frecctom. Tlrn, 1~ exciting lo see In thre,, IJl('lUl'CS n( Slci)v nnd Athrns which heni! close tocrthcr, Then. upnrl from new treectom, there is a new unity, earth and sky arc more closely linked. patnl 1• moved tn passages across thr can vnse~. The sense of ooelrY ,s heiMh• tened. In his most 1ecent paintings. this grand oM man or Australian patnt– tn~ seems to n-nch new ~~f:~,r~J c{~~~~~~ :~L the story Is rar from en• <1r<1. When tt ctocs. l nm sure it Wtll_!:_nd tn light_._ l8 OCT 19G9 Art as help :' to retarde~ The 1ul1111t111al e, ,.~– tat4ed chlhl hed • 1-,.i c h , 11 c , If ..... 1-,191:, c-tl••ly •• •" eotlat,~ Q-••l111d A rt Geltet,' 1aal1ta11t di-~, t M·n . 1,oul M11H1h l 11ld· l_ett~ "~~~·Mellish said the aub• nonnal child could ~ trate through, detal.ls of de• cor and meaning which contused most children. Encouragt1111 art a!,UdY 11,u a step ln the ~ ,lh~':,~~j~y dhi:c~lonried:;r, art and craft exh~t~ton·\O benefit subnormal clilldrert at Radford House, M!Y· nard Street, Buranda. ..... Communicate. The exhibition teatw:,ett water colors, acryltc and•OII painting.a and crafts by the school's 98 day puptls, &#d between ftve and 18, and •by Brisbane arttsta June I:ea, Ch as Ludlow , Toffl McAuley. Rex Bacclm\lS· smtth, James Holmy_ard, Edith Mtllar, Btllte ,Skll)• ner. Jose ru>bertson arid verl cavanairh, - School principal 1Mr11. Jeanette Andrews> said t.h~ exhtbttton would help, Pl!Y tor a psycho-llnirutsttc prd• gramme aimed at teachtns Lile puptls to communtcata. Tl\e exhibition wtll con.– Unue today at 10.30 11.nt.r fb 9.0 p.m., with pottery dem• onslraUoM at 2 p.m. Tb– morrow, 10.30 a.m. to• ~.30 p.m. "CHRONICLE" Toowoomba, Qld. 4 OCT 1:; ·,, A NEW ART GALLERY To heur some nrt lo\'ers talk. that enlsmalic smile on lhe flt c of the :Ilona Lisa could be a curt of the lip when she thinks of Queenslantl's Art Gallery. l1Ls11lled, dawned w!lh faint prntse, and sneered al by those who bellcl'e we arc entltlt•d to something a little bcUer, our Art Gallery for years 1,ns been tn a mnke-shtrt home as a tenant of the Queensland Museum. These d ys or "shame" mny hoW• crnr. soon be over because Quec1Lslnnd ls now planning for a new Art Gullery on the south bank of the Brisbane lltl'Cr. Not only would this be n n,w Art Gnllcry, it would be one to !ill Qurens– landers with pride. said the Mln1.,1er ror Education nnd Cultural Acth-lttes tMr. Fletcher). Half a mllllon dollars has been set a.side lhls fln11nclal year towards buy– Ing the l\lte, and designs of art cnller– tes tn Australia and other countries wtll be studted to sec that we get the best. Work on our new Art Onllcry nrny start in !073-74, and it would oost $7,000,000. !\lr. Fletcher !illld the Art Gallery would Atand tn an area so beautUul and .so well situated that other cultural butldtnga would be accommodated there. The Director or the New South Wales Art Gallery (Mr. Hal Missing• ham) :said this wu a great idea. He also forecASt a tren<l towards ownership or pntnttngs by ttn'!'t payment; a couple ol Sydney stores were now going tn for this sort or thing. ART GALLERY DESIGN for. the South B,i1bone riverside site by orchitecturol I student • of the Queetul•nd Institute of Technology, who nest week will present a tlisp,ey et Model, a,ut drawittgs of what makes o cont~mpo,o,y a,t gallery. Brlsb.tne, Old. Student ideas on art gallery • Y DAVID ROWBOTHAM \\'IIA'I' rouhl the new State Art Gallery centre on the Brisbane River·~ South Bank look like when It Is completed? What could It contain? Jatrd 1ee1ure1·s 10 pro- dents· drnwln~s of the old People will !-rr s;n111,., ht11~ ~rnmme. RS a problem in "Pu~m " chapel al St. Step- to think Rbn111 if thr~· ,·1sil rtf"sti;rn nn Rrl jZRllrry wor- hrn·s Cnthedral - a prf"lj – tht Q11,enslanrl Room or 1hy or the stir. erl con<111c1Prl In cnlln~.orn– M c Donne I I ond F.Rst. --The nccommwlnt \on re- tlon with the Nallnnal Grorar 81rr et. nrx1 \'.'rek q111rement,.c; of thr drslgn - Trusl. Arch11rr 1urP ctudrnts 01 prnhlrm seL fnr l hc :-:1 11- 1h r Qutf'>n,11;IRnrl Jn tit urr or <il'lll."- Are i.n no wny_ rt"IRt~~ Trc-hnnlnJ{V will riispla , to thn!-r ,,h1rh ma~ he 1 - modrl~ Aild drnwlnR~ l'I ,1111rrrt ror 1hr utllnrntr ,ml· \\'hPI I 1" 1hc,11· \'If'\\' nrnkr l('ry. Fine colonial house, antiques on display THE clock will roll bock 100 yeors next week-end when Cloremont, In Milford Street, Ipswich - one of the finest examples of early colonial architecture in Queensland - reverts to a gra– A rrmlf"nl pl"ll'At·y · RA llf'n- " Rut !11f'y Jrn,·r hrt•11 I rr 1 .,. · hnt-<><I 011 1J1r nnrnrnl r~– \ ·T'111, lll!\l lt111P'~ PXhltllflOJ '1'\":~lllf'll!S rnr .;uch a pro i– ' t\·111 hf'I n1w1,, frPe, f_rom ,.,.ThP prflhl,, 111 ,.,.. 1 ~nrl t h r ~~1 ~:nt~~~"hrn,',~ Frtf1 R\ rr~11h '- 1"h':l 111rrl il'prr" 11 •·11t I t \l"lll hP nffwrn ll\ nn ,.., ,.1T1!-,, 111 r rPrtll\r U.tt - oprnrrl nn TuP~dn~·. :1! ;1 '-~l.!11 ttrnr. ,,. ltkr l~ 10 inter• o .m .. by thr F.d11rRtinn Rn rt f'. ! . 111 H 11 \ , . • 1 _ C"ulturRI Arrn•if1P~ M in1~1 r r I hr in. 111 IIP ,•m~ .fal a r ,~fr. FlPlrhrrl. rhSt~~~~,~~ .. !;~~-\~~ 1 ~~:~rkrct on Comb' • tl,0ft I h r ~nllrry p l'OJPf'l -1 ftQ ntRlllll' ;\It, Allrl Pll h \~Ar cious home. The house. which n1 present Is used as r school for sub-normal chllclrcn. wtll be fnr- 111. htd with anllques and works or n rt ror the two dnvs October 25 and 26. Brt~hnnr antique deal• rr!'\ hn\'C' combined to prcsr nt n displuy of nn– lquC'!- nnd reprod11c11on~ unfcpu_" m thr hts1ory of l p~w1ch. Some of thr \\·ork~ nl nrl will be from ltr Q11rrnsland Arl Oallerv hir- Rtllpfay "·ill br w rn frnm noon 11 II A 1 ,.ni on hoth <hn!- to n l~r fu nd ... for Ille Suh– Nonmn Ch1111r!:'n's \Vrl– farr. As. octn llon. Claremont wns built In 1858 by Mr. John Panton. Hs sandstone exterior ts In the original con<lltlon. Sandstone slabs for the buildln~ ,, ere cnrted by bullock wn~on from Hctt– don. All donrs. window rrnmrs and sl1111tc1~ Arc of rrdar. Later fl\\'llf'r'- 1nclurlcri Goor~c Thorn. n mrmh"'r O r QIU"f'll~ln nd·~ f ir~t Pnrlinmr1H. nnrl his o,;nn. Rl"-n nnmrd OC'orcr . \' hn \\'H~ P 1rmirr or Qur,,n~– \anrl n1 1Rti7. r,,,nrf,.1r Thorn 11d his w1f .Jnnc wt"rc ercnl crn nrtparcnts or thr for– m f' r Onw•rnor-Ocncrat Lorn Cn,sry ThP ,nc::r1t111,..·c; pr11w1p;,' "-l11r!r1i1!- ,, nrk,.,! in I +Or. A. ;\I. Frn:r r • hnpr~ ~ro11p<: prnrl•w1m! modrl.~ thp ,..--h1h11 1nn \\'Ill rlrnrnn . In help Ill l ht"II' !-IUrly 11f l .1.1rRte on,. nf lh" llll l)()l'l;:1n1 1hr r nm•rp1, l :~i;;;~.~~, 1 ~~e ~ "' 1:~;~1~1 ,~t l Restaurant practlrR\ Rppl!Nl tlon. pnct ThP re<1rnrrmr111 s ,,,.,.,, : rt~en rrh 1n A nrn nnr l' IR;lllrry cH~plR~· ~parr for \\ h1rh ~hr,w~ hnw trrhnoi- prrn11111c:. ._,,11Jpt11rr . r.ho rl– N!'\" !lf'IT ~ 0111' ',\fl \' of llff' ' ~i111tl lll\t'I r Arifll' !HI , in- b r. Frn~rr, A 1•11 1i PO'!I · rluc:t rml :, r1 . ,•OJll itH rd ul llf'('r ltll'l1f'ri Artlllllll'-lt':t lOr !11 rt. ('f'f;l llll<''-. flll'lli~h 111 c , hrl1r •;p~ In ttiP rnluP nl ltlf" ri rnw11u.:'- pr1111 ~ n11rl pho- ;~1='~.';;;;,~oof 1 ih~'\ ~\\sRtl~<J, ~I; ~~frr 01:~ 1~:R ;rl~~f"' :!~r ~~ ::ri: ~~ I .,·,rrn ,.t rit1rn tn J.rnt :mn ppnplr: n Thi'; rrnr 1hr StAIP GO\'· hhrnry : rlnnk ron111.._ '\11<1 ,,r11111rn1 ~rlrr1rr1 A "-II P ror 1ni\('t,'-: A rr:,;tn11rnn1 for l fiO Rri~hnnr·~ propo~Prf $7 n11I- ppnplr . n r h1lrlrPn 'c; nr :-t : 11011 2Allrn· on the ~ourh- Rn :nr !llrhnnl: nn Ari n11nt11.– c:trfp nr thr 0 rh·rr 1rn.1in11 nrr $\ , :,;tn rf nnw- Th,, hr:ul nf 1hr In - 111fir r. : nnci pA.rki ll'l fnr 200 -;tltllt.P. ~ Ar hlrr<11Ul'P ~rhf}(ll l"'A f<: •H r Chsrlts Fuilon• ,nlrl .~l<n In lltr exlt lhil ton 1·P.s errl~)' : "This ~ttmu-lw\11 il• srr.onc1-;-ear ott1·