Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"COURIER MAIL" \~)~ Brisb3nc, Contests a success The Coptoi-n Cooli. Bi. <f' nte na,y Celeh,ot 1on1 poster and h'f'mn compe . titions which c I o t e d yesterday hos drown a good reiporu~ O n.:u 11h 1llt,; 101111111·1 1•• Ollll'ta l, ,a 1rt 1h,1t !i l I'll · l l'lf -. had i.)f'f' ll 1f•t 1•1 u •rl fnt "' I he J)(lM f'r r omr,PI 111011 anrt ..,, RR for the h) m n t nrn– J>4' '111011. H OI h f OIIIJ}('I JI IOJlS WIii br .1110,;i->d ne)..( \\ rrk Retrospect look by artists' model P1 [)AV ID ROWAO I HAM II EES ' ma9.nificent patrician head "'"' the subject al the W . E. Pidgeon portrait that "'"n the Archibald Prh,e this year. Plll rlcl:rn of 11ppP:\l'lll1CP , bll l 11·1111 lhf' slmr,lt•st or man n n s . Mr. Rees ha.~ had his portrait paint ed by man y Pmlnent Aus– trall11n and ovPrsPa., arii. ts. T h i, l"i a tn t1111~ l h AI spra~~ louc1rr 1han wnrd., . ?\Ot\' , a, 7 •. hf" l'lii brm i,i: f tl r• Iher hn11nt1 rfld in Ihe arl u·nr-111 by lhe R, etrospflr.ti \'I~ P.x.hihi11nn of hL, own wrirk. The fl'Xh1bll Inn ,~ Ira\'• ~ ~ 1 !,"~0~1~~1~:,r~~al! h~ 011 /t 1 w~f b• orrre,al!y npen•d al thr Quernslnmf Art Ga llery on Thur.'liic1A)', At A p.m. 1.Jnyr1 ReC"~ \\'B.'lii born &t '\"Proni;tR. B rishAne, In tRn:;. H,- fi nd~ hi~ rr1urn 10 hl~ homr.Lown "a lit tlr. a..,,.,.. snm,... Humbling ·· The Ide" or brin~ present, n.t A ret ro~pective Exhlbiuon of h i• own " 'Ork ;, h11mhlln11 Rnd ex– Rllln~ at th• SRm• time, he ••id. " Art ,., OllP of I hos• thin~• in whif·h ~-o., rerrnl ~~~,\~''[- Riso 1\~ti': 11 t~f~i lhR I lh, PXh lhilion n·III RCI a~ Rn lnspirAtion 1.0 mr for ruu ire work.'' Lloyd Rtrs' ,·n rrt•r a.~ a Rlnlrr hA." hrPn rnr r rrrt ?.·it h honour~. lrn rrt ·\'nn, mce 1he ctays "'hrn hP At – endtd lrnn.1mle ~IRlP chonl. lh,n l\'Ot·kPd in K Brl~bRnp msura.nct nfflce. hf!n In A Bri~bRnP hR nk. ~ 1 1h~hr8m~~n 1 ~~:~t P~~l~~ lli Offir.P. 1t WR1' thP !iirnior arti~I 111 hr. GovPrnment Prtnt.insr flier . Pel.er T•mplelon. 9,•hn finq lntroducrri lhf' 1·n1111~ Lloi•rl Re,s 10 the RTL "'Ol'ld. "Prtrr Tcmplrlon Is sill! Alive. 94 _\'Pars olrl." said t.he fRmou.~ rlrlP1'-pRin1rr of Au~tl'alian iut yr ..-.tcrrtn~•. He spoke "'Ith prirle And plP.a~ure, "I hrllrve hr'll br RI 1hr oprnln~ nf IhP rxhib1tlon on Tl111r>dl\)' ni~ht.." JI Llm·d Rre., on·es his lntrod11rtlon Lo the art "·orlrl ,10 Mr. Trmplrlnn. hP nwe~ hi~ lo\'e nf lanrisr.ape P•in tin~. l\nd his love of arr.hlt,ect.ure. lo his Brl•· b~nt bn~·hood nnc1 .\'n11th. Drew church " Ai; a lnrt 1 \\·111rhPr1 St. J ohn 's Calhrdrnl ~row. I ~wa.~ atn·nys <1rnwina 11. t, ·~ P.arJ~· Gothic. Th(' only r,nP nf Hs k111rl ,n AIISll'AliR, 1hr ~~~~ t~l ",~1,g~~r~f <\~,0~1;; cn11ntr~ '• I 1.1,0l'U Rt:t:S. ve trr - an artis t turnrcl lHI Ih or his h rnd was lhr subjr ct for thr wi1111ln R Archi– balcl Prize nort.ralt t h is year. TUISDAY EXHIBITION The Quf!ensland Art. Gallerv will he eln•rd lrnm tocfa~ the 7th April until Friday the JO!h April Hllow lor the m ountin~ ol a new ART FROM MALAYSIA pening on Saturda.v, 11th April, 1970 QUEENSLANll ART (;ALLERY Gregor~· Terrare, RrishAne. QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY OPEN TONIGHT Until 9 p.m. a"d o,i th• lollow1n11 w,r1, 11w-,nln1 unlll 4th F.•hlblUnn ART FROM MALAYSIA