Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

II - Government lifts its cultural grants THE State Goternment will grant more than $240,000 this financial year, to encourage QuHnsland cultural activities. This Is $50,000 more thllll gonl•ations this ;·ear, hRd bane: $WO, for scores, mu- so c Iet y or Town.v1lle provided last year, and received the same or "esca- sic, stands, l'flerenr.e books, and the Dante Society or ~°it• g~~~red. 7 1~~he"'fi'r~t \~:fafi~~~iio~~ f!~~t\~~,\~ re~~i!.:iann~ P~I'.:~~ ~~p: :rl~~~ie p~~!,t: •;~lmf~'. b:a~~h'so i :a~l~n/ultural re~~~~:e.:1 1 i~~~~~~n~~1~fll~~ t~~O, to finance ltlm lestl- tro1~E~~atf::~~fCl~lt~~:.l;?tS The aul't'.im,1 Acll\'llles $7257 from the "new ven- G net h e !- n c I e I y o The Minister said ln- (Mr. Flelcherl ture fund" this year are: Tnwn-,·lllo: S50 to P•l' uslon or the Brisbane Cl- said yeslerday thnt 54 Morn In It Ion Island books. ema Group helped to • c• Queensland 01·ganisollons AhorlJlnal Rallet: $2000 !or Mr, Fle1cher sold lhe knowl~dge the film as a had been allocated granLs, supply or singe monager present list laroured the cultural medium. compared with 33 last year. and 1our manager. country "lo some extent," Granl.s to encouraRe bnl- (An Education Depart- Ba 11 c t Th e a I r c or and lrane<l to orRRnlsatlons IP.I, were directed towards ::J:~; t~t~t~•;ctf~i1~.~•g} :!,~ 1 ~•.':t~~~;, 1 ,t~OO, for ex- ;,: 0 (,f/ l'n If for younller !/:~. "~~i\~~•\~.!'nd 1 1;:1~:.•~~ all cultural organisations Toownnmba Cullural (;o- He Mid Goethe lesslonAI. re c e 1 v In ~ Government ordlnatln,t Association: ~rant& 9,•ere rf!\•lewed each S500, !or a cla im in resprct year. of nine culturnl or~•n- Most "e•t•bllshe<l" or- lsatlons. Da I h y-\\'amho R.rrra – Unn Cn-nrdin11t1ni r.nm– mltte•: $500. !or• rlnim In respect of eight c<11l11rnl or– $?AniM.ttons. Valley centre \'f~~::,;;• 11 ~!'oo~' rt:"!~)\~~ up or IPmporar.r cut111rnl crnlrr In Fortltudr \'n llri . lp•wlch r.ullural ('nm – mltlce: $!>00, for liRh ,lllR, cc~. rtramA. nnd rtne 1r1~ .~C h OOJ, llllPl'O\'Cm t'nl. of lhCRtre anrl star:e 11m,– nl1ie1'-. Ormlstnn House Hf'slnra– tlnn A~~n. : S-500 ror " P"K· PP.Ill In l\lRY, HJ70. Rurlerlm ' Amat,ur l'h•• tric•l Soclrt\': 5300, for plRnO. spollillht, drar,es, prnn ~t Rg(', llRntr Sot'lety, Rrl~– Rnr : S2i5, fee~ for lec- urct- _1.11mmtr school. Stanthor(>fl Repertor.•· ::.t•~~n,s; 132i,nrgr.~~,~[:"~· 11 • r ,, • ,. Ray l,lltlo l'hrall·,: ~2011, for perlorm– nt? rt~ht.... r,roducers Rnd ·crlpt.'-. Slanlhnrpe Art {"hob : .~on. rnr ll\•o art exhlbl– lon~ Qnndllhet. SlnR·er,,. nrt,– hRnf' : 3'200. fnr m11~lc, rr11L– nl n11 b!lrih· COt;;l,c.. ,luhllat• Sin~~ $100,000 ART ON DJSPLAY A rol!C'r·Lli•n or pnin tlni,f.i lrn:-: hrt•II 111,c'!<• :H :illnhlr h)' I ilr Qupr,11 1.nal .I\ rt ( rn llrn·. rtrHI 1hr t..;runthorpc Art Cluh hn:,., :,rr:rnged for the.,c lo he on displny In the CMc Centre sup1>er room on Sul– urda)' nnct Sundny March 7 :111d 8. T his exh ibll.1011 ron.;isls or 30 pn inllngs, drpic1 ing the ciel'clopmcm of Austr·nllnn art fro111 18f>2 to 1964, 11nd is ronservntlv<!'ly \'Rl11cc1 nt SI00,000. Mr. Mellish, Asslst1111t Dlrcrtor or the Qucen ,t, nd Mt Ga llery, will be al ien~– "'" the Art l':xhlblllo1n nnd \~·111 c1,·,, :, l'Ommcntar,v the µnt 111l11g, .