Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Th~ d.la1b 1ti1111 \\I I oprn on Salurctar 111 .. ht I T he Education lt rH1 C 1;l- 1ur.nl Acu,·ute'i M1111~1 r1 1 Mr Fletcher I l\ttic1 yr lf'r– dn•·. the colle<:ll0ll o! :IO caflvRS! s portray d work by Austrullan artist be· tween 1862 a nd 1964. el f nc!l.~.':ft 1 ~\~s "!Ito~~~= rlnlo, Wllllum Dobcll nnd 811· Hans Heysen. The rxh!blUon Rt tile Stnnthorp Cll'ic entre will be opt'n to the public tor t "'O week.s. City's new art allery design THE shape and function of Queensland's propose new $7 million art gallery at South Brisbane will be the subject of expert discussion tomorrow night. Queensland Art llnal year projects at Q.I.T., ting Ille Into otherwise allery Socletv will hold and Mr. J. Maccormlck. !oslllsed historic collectlona a rorwn In conjunction designer of Australian pnv- and bringing the contem– wlth a display of models lllon11 for Expo '67 and '70, porary artist close t.o the (pictured) at the Queens- wlll be on the panel, contemr,orary public and land Art Gallery, Orego1·y The two artlsta on the society, he aid. Terrace. 1mncl will be Mr. R. A school in the complex Six models, prepared by Ohurchcr, " teacher at the also would 111vc art atu– fi!th - YCBr architecture art school within the dents the opportunltv tor students at the ~uecnsland Q.I.T ., and Mr. N. Mat- close anrl easv stuci.v of !~~1 1 ~\~e gJ u e1e•~ 1 !'l 0 ~':fa thews, graphics ln~truc~r a1·Llstlc hcrlta11e, he said. Unh·erslty will be discussed nt Queensland Unh erslty s Mr. Prystupa said a 1100d bv a panci or eight archit- architecture department. restaurant was regarde'1 as ei:ts and artists. Work on U1e propo.,cd necessary In lhe complex. Five others Fr~~•'Yi;!te~~•~~-~Fct;r•:-; 2250 objects Chalnnan or the dlscus.s- proach to the Victoria Mr. Prystupa said the Ion w•lll be architect and Bridge, w·ns expected to be- present art aallerv ha!f lecturer. Mr. E. ,I. A. Weller gin in the 1973-74 Il11nnc1al 2250 ob.lects, but w•ith a Five other architects, Mr. year. total area of approxl- P Prystupa who was in- New llfe mately 10,000 SQ, rt. it vnlved In the selection of could display only five the new site near the Vic- Mr. Prystupa, con\'ener percent ot these. torln BrldRe. Mr. J . Dalton ol tomorl'Ow night's forum, About 135,000 sq. ft . whose "'Ork has been dis- said the art school now would be needed to dlsnlay ~lnyed 1t Expo '67 and '70. within the Q.I.T. probably all ob.1ectes. 1~~- ~ir~~~~.\~Y,;:i :c\~ 1 b~~ ;~g,~ 1 !r~·~~n~~l~~~n~ 1 cte ccfi,~ ~ 1."1\:'i;.~~c. with Queensland University, Mr. "Art school• and tern- about 350,000 sq, ft. cost O. Scott, rcsp0nslble !or porary exhibitions nre put- Sl4 million. Gallery's land plan It coul.t N up to t•o ,..,. Nloro the Stoto GoveUHlllftt HCure4 .11 the lo.... it nu.te .. for the pr-10.t Quoonolon.t Art Gallery M•r the Huthern apprNch t• Victoria lr1.., •. The Works Minister (l\lr. Hodges, sn1d this )'e,ter• day. Negotlat101is had been completed so far for only one or several land sections In the six and a-quarter acres site, he said. tThe riverside site II bounded by Ol'l'y, Blanley, reel and Melbourne S treCLSl. Mr Hodges said hL, de• ~~~~~~t ~~l~mii:s.:~:J: art gallery submitted by architectural students. Many o! the ldeaa un– doulJtedly would be vau– lable In the rlnal concept. He said the department's under-secretary (Mr. D. Mercer I was now ovcrsens on n Fellowship trip ancl ~;~.~~11J~101~~"1~[~G a:lie:~r! lery designs In other coun– tries. art at Festival i10s been pre1ur 0 d hy the Qllcrrt"ilnnd Art O~tllt'l'Y !or exh ibition cl 11rl11s lne tn70 S1.!111lhorpe ''Pi>IC nnd Ornpc Har\'Cl>t FfSlll'OI. T he Ml11is1cr for Edurn– tlon and Cultu rn l Ac·ti\'ltt~.:. ~1r, ,\, R. l'icll'IWJ'. .;nlcl 10- d.1y l llnl till' .",JlC'Clnlly p: .• pnr "d ro\l('Cllllll \VU!-1 to be tent by I he Queen la:ad ArL O J l!c,;· LO the Stnn· IOl'PC Art G row> who werr re– .;:,;pon:-.ible for nrrnnglll(; the ..,1iowl11g, nnd for L'll!Jt1rl1tJ t hAt the rollectInn wn~ e·.;. h1bltecl In n safe a nd proper mnn ner. T i,l' colli-r t Inn romr>i Jse~ 30 r rtll\';ts~cs. portr.1yln~ th wor k of A!l\ ll'illlilll /\, t1 .. 1, iJl't \\ , t'II lfl62 nnd l!W • nnd inrludr., w rk l>v R us"cll Dry,rl,il<'. \l'llll111i1 !Ju~cll. a.nd ·1r Hnu.s Hl!yMJn. Mr Fletcher snld· thn l the Stnnthorpc S hire Council hnd mndc m·nUn!.>le l he Stan lhorpe CiVlc Centre for the exh ibition which w~uld be open to the publk for I Q."O wrcks. A t the openin~ night, tonlghl, nn :tddrc.,s on Au.,trnllon Art in g;:m er..U l\ nd the collection in J>llr– .lcultir, would be prcsenll'd by ~lr. n aoul Mellish, ,'\J - . tstnnt Director or I.he Queensland Art Gnllery,