Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Toowoomba, Qld. 1 '"6 I y Jj ·~~ 0. - ---- The Chronicle DA\·, OE('J-:HBER 21, IO!i7 Art to the people JHE decision to JOij ke Toowoomba the eccond Quc n•IRn<I city Lo become " bran h nf Lhe QuePnsland Art Unllcry will p111 intn rt et u kind or "dccentmliMH tiun poli ·y·· wh ith " di he w I, nm •d by ell Rt'l lovers hun •. Toowoomba is alrendy well c"lltblishud ;is " tt nrt-co11sclo111 clly, and th is lalcsl move will help to enhance tlm t reputation. At t he sume tirn it should prove to be nn inspir a1in11 to 11 11 who a1e Interested in n rt. We already huve an im)lre•divc ToowoumiJa Art Gall ry which op ·•rnlcs under a tr11s1oc•hip. We h11,·c the remnrkRble Lionel Li nclsny Art Gallery uncl Llb1·a ry in whll'it a n outatnndlng collection haa been i;nlhcrcd And publicly displayed. We have n flourishing Too,woombn Ar Society which conduct11 exhibitions nttractlng widespread Interest. ll holds rci:ulnr seminars and fi Id days which nre nlw11y1 WPII attended. Toowoomba, too, cnn be prout.l of ils own Artiat •, whoae work has been widely re ·og11l1ed, 1111d of former resldonla like the lHte J. J . lillder, who became lnlernnllonnlly 11ccl11imed. In addition, tho fn ·t that up to nno ntrl e hRve been received In junior nrt ·onle&ls condttcled by Th11 Chronicle, end lhnt the Art, ociety'Kjunior nrl chtKBeH 11re so well 11.tlcndcd, ls an lnlil nllnn !hot an appreciation of nrt is not lacking nmong our younir people. Schools, loo, mnke nrt 1111 Import.ant part of their leaching. , The fact that Toowoomba alrcally h111 an Rl't gallcr~• I • no reason why we should not rendlly accept the offer of II Queen • lnnd Art Gallery branch here. Thi • has long been the aonl of the gnllery t.ruelcea, and !he eh11.irmn11 of lho lrusteoa (Mr. A. C. Robert • on ) hns more than once prcswed Toowoombn'a clnlma for a brttnch on the lines of thot existing nt Rockhnmplon. Any mov1• to "bring ar~ lo the people" Bhoulrl bo welcomed hy all concerned. There are lho11snnda ·of people living In and nro11nd Toowoomba who, though they would never claim l.o be art ists them• selves, ne,•ert heleaR can clnim to 1111\•c o sinccrfl apprecinllon of art in ile mAny, vnrl •d forms . We have art brought lo us in the form of inatrumentn l music, bn llel, and song. Why should we not hRve It brought lo us In the form of pninling and 1culpt.11re? Tn uddition there ~re many r eldonts of Downs who mny never hnve lhe oppnrlltttlly nf ,·!ailing Hriabane to • co some of I.he priceless nrt worke dlnplnyed there. It Is lo be hor,crl thnl these rellidcnta will rccch•e the cnmmg uxhlbll ln1111 with I he same cnlhttslnem na thnl shown by t hoHe ·.vho have sponsored moves for the cslnhliehment of th1• hrn11ch. Tito ostabl11hmont of II bmnch here wne ttol n simple nehlevemcnl. The Toowoomlm Art Gallery's constitution hnd lo conform wit.It cer'l.nitt requirements, nnd housing requirements had lo be such lhat the v11 l11nblc nrt works whi h ttrr lo be b1·011ghl here wottld nnl be euhjcct to the dnni;crs of rlnntnge or theft. F'orlttttnloly !he locnl lrnslrrs h»d no diffictt ll y in sn.iisfylng I.he 13risl»111 11111 h– oril lrs of t heir II blllly lo mnel th~se rcq111t·cmr nl s. The hringini: of Qucenalnnd Art Gallery wnrkfl ft'nm Tonwoombn from time lo limo Rhottkl 1101 only net 11s n slintu lttR to locnl 11rti~t R 1111<1 nrl lovers, b111 should c111:011 1·ngo cilizrnR tn ;:ivc mnr·,, suppnr·t. l.n I.heir own r11ll11rnl ori:anisntinns, cil hcl' by offering 11w111·de fnl' 0111.Rl.nnding nchi,•v•·m ttlK by locnl nrllsl , 01' by dn11nli11g wol'ks ot nrt lhnt would enhnnt·r the city's culturnl rcpul nlion by becoming pcrm11nr11t fc11l11rcs of lhe lorn! gnllcry. ''MAIL" Sri1bane, O. ·' GALLERY IS POPULAR FOR 'ARTY' FAMILIES ART-CONSCIOUS families are turning the Queensland Art Gallery into one of Bri, bane's most popular places for week• end autin91. lr or db11la,v. lllo, kltarnplon and an• 11,rular •·l•llors oav On, e•hlblllon or olher In Blloela. A rha1 attendances are r,1c1ur.. rrom Jh• 1al- third wu beln1 -- co111lstenlh• hl«h and en 11 now on In pared rot" Too•-lla. are lhe b,.I lhey have known. Mr. Jam.. Wieneke. "'ho became the Gal• lerJ•'• dl.·ector la•I ) tltr. u ld ,·e tcrdaY: "We nrver count the numbe.r of ,•islton. but our a tlendanh !Ila,• "'e are- cettlnr a lot ur ra mlly croups 1' \'rn• " 'rf'k•end." Th, lure? Mr. \\'ltneke said the «II· lrrv was 1ettln1 an hu:rea11lnc number of u hlblllon, rro,n the twmth and nverae.alf. and thla could bo one factor. "Our pr..ent ..ttlhl • tiun, whkh •larlod "Ix "'rrks aro and will run all lhls month, h1u Keneral uo1M.•al Lecausr It con– rrrnR the earl.v part or Au•trallan P•lnl• lnu a nd Includes w,11. known nnmn llke Tom Roherb.'' he '"'"'· SEVEN SIIOll'S 1 ht• nar lhe ~al– ltry wlll ataie •even ,xhlblllnna lo run rrom four lo rive week, ~acb, amon« them a children, ahow, two American collectlona, and a dealin 1ho"' rrom Scandinavia. "The ,~neral read• tnr, ll11enln1 and l'~~"'\r: r.,u~~.i· .~t;.: ulaled," Rid Mr, Wieneke, "Never berore have so man.v excellently l:~~u~~tua:1~. h°a"!; all lhla help,." lie aald art Inter• er,! was hlib In ~~•~n•r~. c:::r:;, ~~i tr)•lnt lo cater ror :~~ .. ~,::,nd~r~a.r.t~ atir;;~.&c,,(., "TELEGRAPH" .. "' L:, 1968 \I VISIT ~y ART DIRECTOR T OOW00~03A: The di• I n'ctor of the- Q11rcns)1rnd Art Gnllcn , Mr. ,I. \\ lrn• eke. will ,;tsll, Toowoo1n bl\ \ next Wf'<"k. Hr \l"tll mt l't the trustees of the Toowoornbn Art 1~,~\\~? r~r mn•k~II %':;'8~i 1 1 ,nlni 111µ:o, from Lhe Quc~ns– j ,rnd Gallc-ry t,0 be given h rrC'. Toowoomba, Qld. ~,;-~ ,6-4- ~ 1 E' 1968 ICtty visit by art gallery director 'I:"- Director or the Que. ••laud Art G • llery I lllr, J11m.. Wieneke) will yfalt Toowoomba next week to make arr • n1emenl1 for a tll•pla:r or palntlnp from the Queensland Art Gal– ltry. Mr. Wlctwke wlll mceL the trusLces or the Toowoomba Art Gallery nnd will m11.ke nn lnspecLlon or the irollery, 1ltua1ed In the cay Hall. The Toowoomba, A rt Society Is the second art i;oclcty In Queen • land to be· come a bmnch of the QueetlBland Art OallefJ'.