Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

, - , Nla.E" Toowoomba, Qld. ART GALLERY WILL BE CONTROVERSIAL ONE We're going to hove a new Queensland Art Gallery– on the southern side of the Brisbane River-and it is evident that before the paintings ore hung and the statuary mount– ed, someone will hove to steer a steady middle course. Planning will $7,000,000 involve The urliats and the nrchitect.s nre huving their sny on wh:il ought to be done, and so are the Joy people. From It nll should come n satlsfuc• tory compromise on how $7,000,000 IOIUI be spent to buy Queensland • n real monument of the ·ans. Now thnt rhe decision hus been mode to get QlH'Cnslnnd'.s nrt treasures out or the gro11nt1 !loor <nnd ·attics and basements, or the Museum nnd Into a home or their own. It 1., com– forting to know that so mnny qualified people nre having their way. After all, 17,000,000 Is a substantinl sum of ,monc.v. and once we decide what to do, that wlll be It. mate, for a long time to come ! At present the proposal. In the words of the Minister for Education nnd Cultural Activities , Mr. Fletcher) Is stlll ,a "beautiful plan." Thla 1plannlng wtll take a while yet, and It la unlikely that a start wlll be made on the art gallery building be– fore the 1973-74 !lnanoial year. At a lorum entitled, "Planning a 1 ,Gallery," Brisbane achitect Mr. John Dallon- called for the Immediate ap– pointment of a director for the new gallery. He nlso spoke of magic. "Without magic, the gallery will be of no value to onybOdy.'' Mr. Dolton also ask6'1, "Where do we get a super- m~n .director? · "W~ cannot look to the Gol'ernmcnt. .Cabinet or bure1tucrncy. We must look to the artists. We have suffered too long under bureaucrooy," said Mr. Dalton. Dr. Gertrude Longer. art. critic and hlatorlan, wasn't roo strong tor that w,01·d "magic." She said. "Damn the magic. lf art _galleries In themselves are too magical, you get some of the worst nrt galleries in the world." There were !SM 1 cral other people nt the forum who mncie their views known about what an art gallcl'y s hou ld be. Mr. Fletcher Mid thel'e wn.s no reason why on Al't Oallel'y director should be appointed to take over from Mr. J ames Wieneke. He was supported by the chail'mnn or the Art Gnllerv Boal'd or Tr ustees (Sir Leon Trout1 .' who .snlri his IJonrd wru; delighted with ~lr. Wieneke. "And," said Sir Leon, "I would \'l'J'v much like to hove seen somebody ,;t that fol'um congratulate the Govern– ment for its otrcr to build o brand new art gallery for Queensland.'' THE MOUTHGUARDS You ~ be able to bile Into a halt-time orange with them, but they seem to be a goad way or ensuring that footballers hang on to their natural "tatts." T hese al'e custom-made mouth– guards sponsored by the Queensland branch of the Australian Dental As– sociation to prevent teeth Injuries. The branch spent $2000 to flt each of Brisbane State High School's foot– ball team with the tailor-made mouth– gunrds. Each set costs about $10. A State High rootbnllcr said, "We don't even know we hove them in." HOLES ·IN DAMS Mr. E. V. Robinson. Queensland lecturer in geology, anti part-Um dairy farmer, thinks that too much o ueensland's water Is being wasted. He salt! that dams .,hould hal'e holes In them. "Why not? '' he nsketl. 'Tve seen this before - n slow-lcaki 1g dam will 11l– low water to seep in to the ground so t)wt we can u!ie a lot which L'i now 1·11<1in~ up in the Pacific Ocean." 1111 Loli! the Queensland Dh·lsion or the Austrnllnn Plnnning Institute. A TRADING LOSS For mnny yenrs. Rerfcl!Jfu (on Moreton Boyl was In the position where, while It wns well Inside a 40- 111 ilf' rndlus o f Brb banc. it wns still .1 l>lr to open iLs h otels on Sundnys. expense Th is wn.~ because II wns clnsserl ,1s n towist nrea. anti, conseq uen t ly, hntl n di.spen ation from the general 40• mile bnn U:! Sunday dr1nkh1g, But now thnt the hotels ·11n,·e openecl on Sunrlni·s in Brisbane. ncdclllfo's pub– licans estimate their loss of IJ•~de these days ls about 50 Lo GO per cent. Redclltre·s small stores In the hamburger. fish nncl chips. cakes, ice cream and lolly trade also nre reported to hnvc hnd a knock. 1'l1e propriet or of one of these stores said his S11nd1,y u·ndc wns down by about 80 per cent. Look to the "We cannot lhook trto.t~e Gw"e"~:',,:"t;u~:~::t ::o br;:;'"::d:~ We muat look to t e a •• •· $7 t II bureaucracy," said Mr. Dalton. m • ar ga ery Dr Gertrude Lanµer , art don't t"~n know we critic and historian. was them n. not too ,iryng sV:: ;~1~1 Holes in dams I d ~•or\n rr~: ~nagic. II art b • Danrles In thcmseh·es arc Mi·. E. V. Robinson. elng P anne •~~icma'•lcal. vou get some Queensland lecturer In t ,e or the worst art RO.I• oeoloav and oart-llmc fg,'.tes In the world." dairy !armer thlnks 1 lhd~t · too much or Queens an s V . s expressed water Ls being wnsted. Q 1eW He said lh~l dnms BRISBANE.-We are going to have a new ~eens- Thrrc •ere several should hnve holes In them. II th the n side of the Brisbane at u,e rorum who "Whv not?" he asked. land art ga ery--on e SOU r . . ot~~~s their vlc\\s known "I hove seen this before - R'iver-and it is evident that before the pa!nhngs are "tout what an art gallerv • slow leakln• dam 11•111 d II h .,e to 8 Id be nllow \\'Ater to seep lnto hung and the statuary mounte , someone WI a sh~~- Flet.cher snid there the uround and use • lot d 'ddl cason whv an art which Is now endlnµ up In steer a stea y m1 e course. . . ""' ~~o ~irector should be the P 2 cl!lc Ocean:· he told The artists and the architects are having their say .!~~luted to take over the Queensland D1 1 ·1s1m'iol d th I eople 'r Mr Jnmcs Wieneke. the Australian P nnn nK on what ought to be done an so are e oy P · r'l-\~ w•• ~uoported bv the institute. Ill b ·t · I ,nn of the a1t r.nl - should people Rl'e ha,,ln~ their llkcir u,aL • sto,t II ii C f ,,,_r~onrd nf t rustee• ,sir L n ''sw·,gs" From 1t all made on the art. l(R ery el\ T ut I who said 11ts OSS 0 come a 1atitfactory cam• say tcr ::1 ll S'i milllon Is n bulldin~ before the tOi:J· Leon : -~s clclh:htcd with promi11 on how $7 mil- Ar ial ~um of money, i4 rtnnnclnl yenr. \Jo~ rd 1 · kc Fo1 mnnv , car~. ncd– llon will l,e 1pant to buy ~ 1 ;;t~~~c we decide what. ,, At R 1 forHm ~~lutlc_d. M),AYi'ct~!l~ntci Sir Leon, ''I cltffc ion Moreton _Bn~·l Qu1tn1land a real n,onu• to do that will be It. Planning 1 • 1 t ~·~ 1~ 11 J 1\\ot1ld ,•en· much like to was In the oosltlon \\lld1cie., th rt · r . long lime to Brisbane ore 1 tee , " ' • cbod,• at tllet while 1t l\'RS well Ins c a "''"' 1 • 1 • •· mat e, ot 8 Dallon. cnllcd for thL• Im- lrnrc seen 50111 Rtnlatc the 40,mllc rndhts ol Brisban,. come. mediate appolnt.mcnt or • ronnn conR/" . Its offer to It WAS still oble to oPCll lts l Now that the decision At present the propQsRI. director for the new gal- Q01ernmcnt 0 1 ,ew nrL gal• hotels on SundA\S. has been made to get in the wot·ds or the Min- !en·. He olso spoke or llulld a brn 11 rl 1 1 1 .. This wns becouse It wasl Quecni,:;land's art treasures t,1tcr for Ed11cutlon and nu\g,r "Without, maKlc, lcn Cor Quecnsla ,r cln'-sc·c1 :-is R tourist Rl'Cn. out of the ground floor cult.urAI Activities '~lr. A. the , ..llrry will "" of no M h d nncl consroucnt.lv h,Ht a rnnd attics and hnsr- Flcl hcl'I WAS s\.111 n \'llltlt' tu Rl\\'bOry," '.\fr. out guar S dl!oil)r.nsntlml Crom the IH' ll- mcnt51 or the inu!;eum A~ld "be ttrul plan." I o~Jton n l!-(1 nsked . ··\\' hrrr bl t lcml 40-mlle bRn on Sun- Into n home or their o\\ n, I I l will lRkC n cio we ~•!l n aupcr111Ru You \\·ill not, I.le "1f et! "\du· drlnklnt?. It Is comfort.Ing to know s P o.nn I R I di ·rc1or''" bill' mt.o a h a - me , thni &i mnny l 1unltrtcd yet. uncl it s un- 1 1 · 1arRiH1.c with them. but B11l now the hotel~ 11n,·c the. seen, to be a p:ood '\\'R\' ooened on Sundnys In to ~1isure Lhal !ootbniiers !1rlshn11e, Rcclcltrre·s 11ubi,l• hRlH! 'on to their naturnl ,cnns c:-.thnntc their loss 111 "tntt~" trndc on thc~c cl~\-~ I~ . I Th~. c nrc cusLom-m•dc \"l>out ~Oto 60 ller cent. I nw uthl!uRrcls snon sorrrl ll\' RC'dcllfrc's small slorr, 1hr Quccn ~lnnd brnnch 0 ~ In thr. ham'lut·cr.r . fl~h nnd , tlH' .o\ u:-.Lrnl!n n Dcnlnl AR chlus, cnk<'s. Ire crcnm nnd , ndnt lcm lo nl'C\"l'llL lcCLll loll,• 1rndc n\so nre rcnorl– ln\urll"~ 1 ('(\ lO hn,·r hnd (l knock. I 1·11c lH111u·h :-.uc11t S.!WOO lonc of tll<'M' !'\tnrcs 1rnlcl Its 1,., f\l rnc-h of Brb,hune Snndn v trnc\r ~·ns clown b\' Stnte lll eh Scl1001·s root- ohout fiOO uer cen t. imll t('nm w ith lhc Ln!,lor~ lllllf\(' m o11 t h1:11nl'<ls l!.OC'I \ I -:rt rnsts nbnut 510. A Slntc 1 itl~h r..ntbnllcr snld. "We