Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"TELEGRAPH" Brisbin•, 2 MAY f , Brf11N1ne, laye____ Library, Art Galle Pn,zE . WINNING en· tries in the competition for painters and potters will dominate the art and craft section at the Telegraph Home and Building Exhihi· lion . Visitors will see painters. potters and sculptors dem· vllslrntiug 1hcir ski lls m a working studio alljac-cnt Lo a special display of selected entries in the competition. There will he a c-hance to huy a painting or work of pollery. hut items sold will remain on display until the close of the exhih1tion. Firsi prize in the open painting section. $300. was donated hy the Telegraph. The competition was con• ducted hv the South Side Cultural Centre. which do· nated prizes totalling $150. allocaled as follows : Special prize for handi· capped artists. i50: slu- dent ·s prize. $:iO: and $50 for I wo pottery prizes - for a wheel-Lhrown pot. and hand mode lling. The competition judges were : Painting sections. Mr. James Wi<'neke, DirN·– tor of the Queensland Art Ga lle ry : Mr. John Righy . a leading painter: and Mr. Frederic Rogers. Sunda.v Mail art critic : pottery sec· lions. Mr. Errol Barnes. pol– ler~• lecturer. The prizes will he present· ed hy the Federal Minister for Housing , Senator Dame Ann:.ihelle Rankin, at the opening of the Telegraph Home and Building Exhihi– lion at noon tomorrow . The president of the South Side Cultural Centre, Mr. Raoul Mellish. who is Depu• ly Di rector of the Queens· land Art Gallery. said the i;ompelilion had allracted prominent artists working in Brishane and outside. "The South Side <·ullural Centre. since il s mr<'pllon. has had as a primary aim the promot ion of the differ• ent arts. " said Mr. Mellish. "We welcome the op• portunity to collahoratc with the Telegraph in this ven• ture." He <'Ommcnded the Te le· graph on having donated a " most generous prize." Mr. Mellish said that pot· tery was developing rapidly as a creative art form . Apart from the incentive of– fered to painters. it was a great step forward for pot· ters to compete for worth· while prize money . .. A selective exhihition or the hest entries will provide an a rt show well worth seeing hy the thousands who will visit the Telegraph Ex· hihilion ," Mr . Mellish added . .,complex. urged 1,1,bone thould hove • Stele Ullrery • Art Gallery c....... ot tho iouthor11 e11d et Vlctorle lrid.., tho State Ul,rerieo IM,. J. L. Ste,lete11) H id yellerday. Mr. StnpleLOn, who re– tire• ~t the end or June l&ld such an arrangement would rival Melbounl9'1 Art.a centre and the Na– tional Library In Clan· berra. Mr. Stapleto'k6:u hu bn.ry WII too , he aald, despite larp acalt renovattona and addi– tions rour 1'1,ra a110. Paiiklns Mr. Stapleton, 66,hu been State Librarian tor 23 YHl'I, a lonaer term t':..i~~fn °=~r:it_~ U- . He aeee no reuon why • new State lJbruy on a alte near the plan:iec, art gallery site could not be built In ID to IB yeara.._L He salct: "I would 111<e to see • state IJbrary ln the area boundecl by ,Stanley Stree o CASH PRUES FOR ART WORK AM exciting art competition with a $300 first prise will be run in conjunction with this year's Telegraph Home and luilcl– ing Exhibition at the Briabane Exhibition Ground, from March 13 to 21. The competition will be conducted by The South• 1 ~~fu~~•~~~~ Centre which also has clonnted prizes lery ~lr~r:'fi;~ 1 ~·li;~J~·~i1ll~~ 1 .h11ng In a special art gnl- Prl7.t>s. which will be p1·esentecl nt the ofrtcinl opening of the 'l'elegmph Exhlbllion Rt noon on Mnrch 13, ore: - First prtre .S300 ctonntccl by the Tclegrnph. Specinl prize for hanctlcnJll>cd nrtlsls, $50· SIii· dml's prize. $50 and $50 !or two pollery prizes !or n wheeJ - thrown POL nncl ha nd modelling, nil <ionnlell by The Southsidc Cul1uml Centre. pnin~~;':;;,dq~/l~~l~ c~\'/.\i~~ hurc agreed 10 Judge Paintings will be Judged br the Director of the Queenslnnd Art G allery. Mr. Jtm \\'l•nrke, tcn,tlng pnlnter, Mr. .John Rl,:by and SundR)' M1ul nrt critic J\tr. _Frett Ho~en. Pollel'y lcctul'cr. Mr. Errol Rar.nes, will Judge Ihe fJOllery ent rics. P1 1..•sldrnt o !" tllC SOUI IHilclc Cttlluml Conti'(' Mr ll•u:ml l\tc•llish, De pul .r Director or the ArL Gnilery: snhl toclny: "'l'he Soulhslde Centre since lls lnccpl,ion hHs Jrnd H!- n pnmn r,\' nlm the promoU011 or lhe dif– ferent ans nnd we welcome this opportun.lty to col– luborute with l,he 'l'elegraph In this 1i,nture nnct we /]~~;1g~~~~.gc this most generous prl,e ctonnted by the "This compel it ion will nit rncl· the whole ~nmut ~r nrtlsts working In Dri!-.ban~ nnrt outsi,lc l11elu,11ng ~:~'~:~,!~:!~\ 0 j~ 1 \W,:6\~~~~~:~~~l~; / nd nmn1eurs who for ~:~\)i~,~hft~c~ 1~. 1 i~e~ 1~~~~:~ 1 rcl for pohers lo competr "A sclectt,·e exhibition or the best en1rles wlll rro\'hlc nn nrt :-.how well worth seeing by the thnu– ,-nrnh; who w~II ,·i.-.11 Lile Trh.:icmph ExhtbHlon, "Show n~ltor:,:. nlso will be nble lo see nrllsls J>ol– ;i•;;ri.~nd sculplor~ actunll~· working In the exhlbilion Tilt• compctlllon wilt he concluctcct under the gen• f'rnl rnle!- govcnung such cornpelllions: llor.Alt wnrk must be the orlglnnl work of the exhlb- All ()nlnllngs """' b~ sultnbtr frnmccl nncl rend for hnng111g enrl 11111st be nol larger lhnn 3 rt b)' 21£. or 1111 cquh·nlen1 size · · med;~:~. pulnlings cn 11 be on nil)' subject and In any Telegraph Home and Building Exhibition Art Competition NAME ....... ... ....... .... ............... . ADDRESS... .. . .......................... . I am ••nft.•rin,; for the 01wn, hnndieappe4I, '4fud,mt pninting "'cction, I nm c ntt•ring for the wheel thrown, hnnd modclll"<I Jmf tery Rt.'i•t ion. (Tick whi,•hcvcr 11ppliCRhlc.) SIGN,\ TURF. ......................... . E111rles wilt close on Monctnr, Mnrch 2 Please send Lhe entr~· form 'below to die Secl'etnry ol Ihe Southslcle Cu llurnl Centre, ""· M. S. l.aln~. :mo Unclerwnoct Rnnct, Elgh1 Mite Plains, 4123. Enlrles Cllll l>r 1t~fl RI Nf'WRJ)Rl)Cl' HUU!\C, Qlll"Cll St reet or at the T c lcgrnph. Queensland Ncwspnper Bullcll11g. Cn mpbell Street. Bowen Hills. Enlrlcs mus1. be mn,·ked clearly with the en– lrnnt 's nnme und address. Entries can be collected from 1hc Telegrnph Ofllce at the Home Exhlhllion up 10 Tuesday. Mnrch 24, Entries not eolleetect within lhrce months mnr be disposed of as the organisers see lit. Competitors ma;v sell their entries during the Hnnu• F:xhlbll ic,n 1,111 the selected entries must be h1111,; ror the duration of the Exhibition. Slieet and Mel'°'1mt Street, With la~alop– lnl down to the rt · • , '!And It ,1"11114 ~ adlauate p&rldnai 11111,11e,' Hehi, even ataff tit &lie U– irary rk~•~, flnd a .~ ..w, Ute library L"1d art gallery were togeUte~ . I think tMy would be bet– t er even than .... bour11e' • Art • Ceatn. The library bulldlns would have to be at lul u bis aa the Nat.laaal Llb,ary. H • ' Mr. Stapleton laid the p r ea e n t State IJbrary had a ataff..°.fooabaut 120 ~ea. houaed ,OOII vol-