Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

''fflEGIAPH.. Brisb.lne, 0 - 7 MAR 1970 Gift to a1·t galle1·y fiftN-A ,ei•i...-, ete:lli"9 ••Ill w,e,hict fro• .th« c,oUcc-tietl et tht e.te Mn. l•r D•n•II Ml•• M~" t•••" ts 1ho Q.,..,.,i.,.4 A,t Gelhty... 1 ho•·• o,r,pttd the Deputy dire,,tor of _lh" col!ecuon on behnll o! ~ ..11,ry, Mr. R. M.,11,sh , thf MOiier)' bllt RS yet .... ,.,id 10<1ay Mrs. Dar\'&11, ha•·• not had the pallll• ~:!n::tnof Rlh~OUQ~!;!~:. 111 Cr ~'l~:~1·:h said !he la nd Art Gallery _SocJel•)'. dona11on ,.. an ~X· T hf presentauon wa.s_ c•t-llenl ~ift. made by M1-.;. Darvall s daughter, Mrs. F. Gruen. of Victoria, In memory of h•i;.'.' 0 ~;:r.·ish sa id 1he !lift represemed 1h• bu lk ., 1 Mr,;. oar\'all's rollH · tiOll, !HI c;ou1111-MAI_L THUISDAY JUHi ZLl970 QIJEENSLAND ABT GALLERY WILL H CLOUD IIIOM 21TH TO HTH JUHi 101 CHANGING Of lllHIIITIOHS. RE-OPENING SAT. 27th JUNE l'rescnUnc- oelec,t..d work from lhe H. DE VAHL RUBIN ESTATE ,.,aturlnr Spedal .1i~t~f:LV.t.•~ 0 :/i:~:'~~iLL and RECENT OALl,ER-V ACQIJISITIONS .... -.. . ~ .... - "BULLETIN" 23 h ~( ]~ Townsville, Qld. FESJIVAl OPENS JUNE 6 Town1Ylllt P1cllk ftstfwll .,.M H Slflrdly, Mll 6, JIii lwt Wffks lllt1d, A spoke,uua.n for tho FM,lil'ai board told the "Bulletin'' ycstcrdav thnt th prcpu1ntlon1t are be• J.:innlna.: ut Inst to come toa.:£•1 lwr with precJsion. / enaissance is theme at Gallery " If a l Umctt.'' it waa bnld. "il nnucnred the board WIUI hu•II" knitllni: u Jumuer that would ncv~r be finished bu usured that thlni.:s arc under cont rol," OFFICIAL OPENIN The te1tlval Will open n Anzac Park with an open-air performance bv the Queensland Symphony Orchestrl\ on S11turdav. June 6, This concert is free, so vou can be " In" AUTHENTIC Is the word everyone's using to describe the Renaissance evening to be held nt the Q_~d Art Oallcrj'.__0TI Tuesday by the Art Gallery Society and the Dante Allghlerl Society. "Authentic" music .. 111 be provided by U•e Queenaland Unlveu\LY Madrigal Singers who will be accompanied by "nuthcntlc" Renalllsance tnsLrumcnt..~, including crumphorns. There will even be Rn "authentic" Renaissance supp-,r of meRt, nuts, wine and eh~{;;,· R, E. •'uenl, who has been organising the evening, a1,1d who 16 ex– pectln11 n\ore than 300 R'\lests, sayl!'tbat prints or fa~s ltin paintings have been nt from the Institute o •Italian Cul• ture In lboume to hang · round the pllery walls ,o give It th~t "au• thentlo" atlQOlphere. . 11 Added interest at art exhibitions POi the 11eit two fflDt1th1 11ew Hhlbltl0111 at the QuH111la11d Art Gallery off•• co111ldaroble 011d u11utual l11tarelf to th• aubllc, ortl1h 01111 1tuda1111. The exhibition• Include a selection or recent pur– Cl\ases and gilts, and a 11.roup of painting• lent bv the trustees of the H. de Vahl Rubin estate Many of the recent ac• 'h~~~tl';:~1 b~~,; 1 ~n 1ti\ 1 :r~ before Including works by Chevalier. von Oc– rasd, Plguenlt, 8 . T. Olli, P. J. Russell and Francis Hodgkins. Blackman, Arthur Boyd and others. u1!; w:::.ts sgul~~u: P:~: zotta. Soru ;eshlgahara, John Mason, and Hcr– mRn Hohaus havt :,een ndded. Local and interotate people have made a-lrts of glass, ceramics, silver– ware, aculpture and other Items. Marpnt Thonbome, who la president or Wom– en•, Colleae, celebrated her 21at birthday yester- · day with a lanilly dinner at the home of her atster and brother-ln•IRW Mr. and l\ln. llurh Orewham ~otRt:. 1 'R{~. :~•J~~e,;~ borne came from her home In Goondlwlndl "speclaUy lo cook the din· :1c;:;:•~t1~fe'n~; ~~ :~~hJi now workln1 for her Di– ploma or Education. Enannd are . , . Deni• Whlftiker formerly of Kuraby, and Dale Green• fleld of Sydney, In New Guinea where both are v,orklng. They plan to marl')' next June In Sydney Whl!Jl Denis finishes hi~ tour or duty . . Donald Mcl:wan and I.Inda Mel– ville who wlll celebrat11a>n Tuesday at the Obsl!!!tP Rl!!ltaurant . . Peter Cr,1111, or Townsvllle, thr son or Mr, and l\lrs. Joe Cryan, of · Claylleld, anr1 ~:ntr~h:i:'Jp~ nrs.da ~htf Thompson or Cooper's Plains.. . . Catherine WiMNl- f!.~~ :~3 :i~g~~c~~~~f.i and Knln Manhall, of Tweed Heads. that. Other ''first day" items of Jntt:irc~t lncludo the openlni: of the Iara-est Hllltlc nrts dhmlav ever ureMented In Townavlllc. The old Schoola ot Aris Bulldlna- lo beln1r a-lven a face 11ft to •n•uro the ex– hibit• are housed under Jl'ood condltlnno, The bulld– ln11: will be re,named the Fe•llval Arts Centre and there wlll be plenty for the nubile to see. · Amon11: ltem 0 of lnter– e•t to art loven will be the famou1 F.:110 Art Col– lection. which 11 beln11: brou1rht from Melbourne especially fo, the fe•tLvnl. Included amon11 the fam– ous Australlan artiste In the 40 1trona exhibition Ja Cedric Flower. The Townrvllle Art Society exhibition will be huna- In the Art1 Centre. too. The Queellalaad Art Gallery .E&blbfflon WIil be locatelr"ln7he Town Hall The Immense pro- It thl• eounde llke ,; a-ramme for the festival I• surfeit of culture, youni,: available In book form fo Townsvllte • wlnger 11 can 20 cent.a at newll&lt'enb. relax at the Late Nla-ht navtd Jone•. Woolworths. ollar. which will be open Colea and the Fe•llval rom nine till mldnta-ht at Office Fllnden, Street. I he rear or the Artsl, Bo:v Seoul• will com- cntre bulldtn,r, rrocnee a d()OJ' to door eell- Other openln1r dav ln11 camp11la-n next week< eatures wilt be the Com- end nnd some ot the pr~ lned Theatre Oroup's r<'l!ds from the sales will r,l'Oduction of "Burefoot be retained bv the in the Park" nroduced by Scoull!. Mr. Bob Cubba11:e, who ar- In keeptn11 with Its rived from Brisbane on oollcv or sunporllnlf local Frlda.v. orlfanlSRtlono nromote For those with sportln1r Townsvllte to the public. Interests Jn mind there the "Bulletin" wlll oubll1h nre the North Queensland a dallv "Be In It" Open Amn.teUr Golt column. commcncln2' on chamnlon•hlus nt the Monda.v. 'l'own•ville Goll Club. rac- In the column vou will lnlf at Cluden, trotUni,: at be able , to 1ee exactly the Town•vllle Trottlnir what vou re _&eked to be Club, and the North In . with onlpnet• of extra Queensland Golden Gloves Information which wlll not boxing chamnlonohlp,. ;~~~j_n the oftl~,lal pro- Other works Include ,cry fine Gruner, Fox, Bell and lley•en paint– ing• of a later devel– opment, and contempory works have received even further attention. T he s e contemporary works Include oainlin~s bv Fred William.s Brett Whitely. Roy de Maistre. .James Wigley, Ignacio MRrmol and Ouy Wac– ren none of whom were l~~:vl~J~rii!~~~senJgne~~ lion. The Rubin collectlon displays the work of a number of famous Aus– tralians and especially ~~tW:~ ~~~!lrR:nt J8d~ ~~~vl&ts ~i~r. of whom Dobell and Molvig exhibition ~ JUN 1970 City art display MORE than 60 original oil paintin11 and 1ketch11 by the Iota Sir Wllllom Dobell hove been call1cted for a commemorotlve ex.. hibitlo11 opening today Dt the QuH111lond Art Gol– lery. PAINTINGS ancl sketches by William Dobell nd Jon Molvig will be on show at the Queensland Art Gal– lery until early Sep– tember. ·nu~ g-nllcry c.lircctor, Mr J. Wieneke. snid ycstcrdny he thought It wa s Ute 'first major Qttecnslnnd exhibition of both nrtisLs' works since 'their recent deaths. There were about cl~hl Molvl1:s, lncl1ull11µ n scll– purlrait,, anti about 60 :-annll Dol>clls a~ well n.... 1-i01111• larct! ones. MosL of tile works nrc the collrctlon of Ll\f' late II. dt• Vl\ht ll11bi11. "This shows students how the artist mny have orlglnnlly mndc his study of the subject," Mr Wien– eke snld. TI1e gallery is also ex• hlbitlng until September " lnrgc display of ncqul– siUor,s made over the Inst 12 to 18 montl.s. Mr Wieneke said the first time new chnses 11ml gifts had been assembled ns a spe• cilic exhibition. A numb1 1 r of works rt•prcscnt artists not pre• vlo11sly owned by the gnl– lrry. Locnl and people had nlso ~ift.s of ~Ins.,;, ccrnmlcs, sllvcrwnrc nnd i-;culplurc 11·h1d1 u·oulti be on dis• play, Mr Wieneke snld. Another smnllcr sec– tion hns been devoted to oils by the late Jon Mol– vlg, l11cl11ding the artist's selr-1mr1miL T 1 rt:! c pnlntlngs b~' Russell Drysrlnle. Srdncy Nolan and Drinn l{cwley wlll be seen In Queens– land for the first tfme. W y n n e Prizewinner, "Ra,·cnswood", hy Sall Jlrrma n. has also been r. urchascd for the ll'RI• e 1·y. In Melbourne thL, month, the gallery clir– ector \Mr. Welnckcl ob– tained for the show n lnrge oil by John Glover, ~alit~~~ ~eg~u'bcc~~I•~ farm er In Tn!'-imanln. I n 1hr ~nmc "bng" nre n T R!-t111a n1n n lnnclscnpc. b,1' w . C. Pi~ue11il nml a ,·011 t11l"rn 1·r1 land!-tCAJ)(", 111 fnct. the galler.l' hns so nrnn new lrenc;urc.~ t?o~llO:::,nthnhLc t11,;i ,,~~~//(; we,,kl~· rrom now on. ,\rlmlsslon to the ~•1- l('r~• llt I hr rnrnr-r nr <, r r go r ,. 'f,rrace and Bowen Rrlrlll'e Road, I• frre. Torlay the gallery will be open from 2 p.m. to & .m.