Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

MAIL" Art Gallery "needs * Ever la.sted Da111sh beer wines or chet:ses'! Your chance to do a bit of , ampllng ll'111 come on Tu • s da y w h e n the Quec.n•I• nd Art Oallery Socirt,v are pull me m1 n "Danish E,·enln~." Mr, . .I. A. t·uersl. lell-, mr tllRt arch itect fhu""ll Kerrl– M)h, who has recently re • turned from more than two yc•rs In Copenhagen, w11J · be R:i\'lng a talk about. hie In that c1l • ancl Illustrating his lec– ture with eolor films. The supper is to follc, .,. improvement" 1 . h h'b't' n of paintings by Dobell, W HAT a wonderful feast for art ov~ 1 5 ~s t e e: 1 ;h•: one root at present at the Molvig, Drysdale, Nolan, etc., a ung un er Queensland Art Gallery. e11L hoY.' my head bowed in sname to ,iee such work~ or , rt displayed under such a1>pt1lllng condlllons. As It 11'11I be some tune be– fore the nell' gallery will hi' bulll. surely something coulct be done to 1mpr0\'e Lhe sllU· PAINTINGS Afi.RIVE BY CRATE al~~- home of Queensla ncl arl. the Rallery should be treated u a home and steps taken to at lea.,t cover the -...~ World fl~~·rdw,arlng flooreoverlnK can be obtained at a ,·erY re;~~•~~,f:~\ackin • Is In places rldnlecl with hofc., anct lhe lightin~ is noth ing short of RI roetous. Jn sontr qunrter,. Quecns– la ncl is callen thr ··Hill-Billy State", and It Is rondltinn, ,-;uch ns thcsP thllt foster the sayln~. - "!lid," Rrnnkflrld, The Queensland Art Gallery WILL BE CLOSED TODAY for the mmttng of Ille uw Exhibltlo1 RECENT BRITISH PAINTING OPEN THURSDAY 17th until OCT. 14th T ire Governor ,Sir Alan M a 11 S f I C I f1 I last night 011encd the Peter Stu\'l'e– sa n t Trust art rxhtbitlon ~~~"~ll~r\,_the Quecnslancl Part of n ~2.100,000 col– lrctIon. the ~6 work.s, en– t I t 1 e d "Recent British Pn.tntl:iir" \\'Ill be on dls– r,ln.y In Brisbane until Oc- 1.obrr 14. • • • British a Francis Bacon palnUng valued at $55,000, already had been hung when Mr. T. Smales, or Melbourne, yesterday helped to unpack the balance ot the Peter Stuyvesant Trust exhibition ot recent British paintings, which will be opened at the Queensland Art Gallery tonight, and will continue tor tour weeks. paintings jare controversial THE Governor (Sir Alan Manlfield) w'II tlon of contemporary Britiih paintin,.; d tom.obrrdow open a collec– trover • ial." " eicri e DI "highly con- The 56 paintings are part or a 90-plece collection val– ued at $365,000 brought to Brl.sbane by the Pet.er Stuyve.unt Trust for the development of the arts. Executive director at the Trust <Mr. George Hawkes, said yesterday the whole exhibition wn., I\ hl~hl\' ~~!'°ri!~~~ 8 ~~:\ii~.at had "It Includes some de– lightful nudes, but. first, vo· 11 have Lo !lncl them. ·ri,e l\'hole f'OncrpL i!-. moricrn nnrl wn~· out," hr .'-nfd. The most 1·nl11n.1Jle. anrt contro\'cr~lnl /1lccc wns Lhe $55,000 "S tu, v ror Self. Portrait" by London ni·Ust Francis Bacon, rt rteplclec1 his lmpre.~slon of n recov– ery from an L.S.D. "trip." "Thls \\'011 ld ~e the best ttnd mo~L cornplctc ~Ur\lCv nf British pnlnllngs ,·c·t u:~~~ s\~lllSlrnlln," fo. 0 r h c r con temporar\' n r I t J s h nrttst~ inclwlcd Inrn Hu tchins, Don Nlrh~ , olson, Orah11.111 Sutherland. , anct Brlngct Rile,\'. The rollcct Ion \\'Ill open 10 th e pulJ!lc at Queen.slnnr! ~rt Clnllery ~I 10 n.111. on 1 hursclny, nnd will r.on tln- 6eCt~~•~·;nf4_gallC'ry hou rs, to art exhibit The Poter Stuyvtt • nt Trw1t ert e1hlltltioft ot present on 4i1ploy In lri1- bant l1 part of • war14- travtllin1 art calltctlH worth $2,100,000; The Trust was originally founded In Amsterdam Holland, In 1963. The total collection Is di– vided Into a number of constantly lravellln11 ex– h I b I t Ion s . The work• showing In Brisbane are ~~~~jo, 3 ~~-~~f a display Enlillecl "llrcent British rnmttng", t.he exhlblllon will be of!lclnlly opened ~Y.n th 'ka~~,r:r.r,ar a: 81 ~ o'clock tonight •t the Queensland Art Gallery. It ~;r~•;;/~ &fefe~~~lntfe complete exCtbltlon, but ~~~~~~:~e~oul1n no\g: gallery. New site The exhibition w11., fea– tlared In the Adelaide Festival of Art.s thl• year, a t the South Australian Art Oallery, and will be on display In Brlabene until October 14. Pet~r Btuy,•esent Trust ex– ec u t I\' e direct.or tMr. O e or II e Hawke•I said )'e•lerday he had visited the site of the propo.,ed new Queensland Art Oal– leri• on the south •Ide of the Brl•bane River. Mr. Hewkes said: "T like t he site verv much. While I think It'• prefer- re~~ c~nrr~¥fv a.~tu•:~3al,~ a city, the sltP. for your new gnllery Is a good nn~.·•