Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

ART JUDGING I IN GALLERY I Tho Outen1lond Art Gollery will bo cloaed tor o week from tc. io" for selection ot entrh , and judging ol two 0,1 :om– petltlon,. The dcput)" direct.or or the Nntlonnl 0 Rllcry of V I c l o r I a , Mr. Gordon Thom1isnn \ will Jurlgc the COl1l jlCtiLlons. Entrlcs for the H. C. Rlchnrds Mcmorlnl Pr1ze o $1250 will be dls1>layed from Oc1oher 23. CO•~:~~e~g~!J 0 "lf1~tit1~~l~. Cook BI -Ccntcnnry, has a fi rst prize or $750. The R I c h n r d s oom– petil.lon hRS had 251 cntrlc., and the Cook comjlet.illon 15R. COUl lU - MAIL TUlSDAY S(PT. 29 1'10 n .oonLJT HISTORY . . . 1h r. old Observatory tower on Wickham Terrace, which was Rssocia tPd with the ea rly se ttlement of Brl: – banc Town more than a cen111ry ago. floodli t last n ight as part of the clty·s Warnna Illuminations. Big art classes are a ' 'bugbear" A TOTALLY new look in Queensland schools would result from new syllobuses in fine ond graphic arts at th e Art School and teachers' colleges, th e Cultu,al Activities Department director (Mr. Basil Creedy ) said yesterday. I 'INSPIRING' ART EXHIBITION OPENED AT PITTSWORTH Opr 11 l11,: t lw \\'11rn nn :\rt •\ r , J !- I ,.,· 1·r1111p<·t1 1 1011 fo ~-:xh1bil le>11. nt t.::1111, rll h, · uci,·111,., \\ a.,; f1 \\ a nipn I, rhr l-lnl f n n,r n C-,rnup nl H11:- hanr nrtl:-.t J\1r . ,fnh 1 .i\ r 1t:,..1s. M 1· r ·rrr>rt, f.l\lrl 11 1 111!.!li\ 10 \ 11:-., ,J11i1I" .'\Ill mh:;-ht tnkr 11111,• lnr sd1<1tlh ))111:-.f' 11 nl i\11r-henfln\\1•r 10 br ph~·.-..11·allr rf'rlt•'-1c.1wd '1'\w :-. c·ond p nZf' or ~;;r \0 rPflr>rt IIIJf'rnl nn. })1)1• 1\\'fl, \\!Ill hy ~t it;', J 111lr H ut lf'\r-... lOll 17. 11f Cluyl1t'ln 111 ;: ' 1 ~~\\-m~'"'' .i1;~as; 111 !~inl~l, 1 .: Thr• r \ li l\11' 111 111 J11nl , nn lw ,.:1·, 11 11 ,. 1 ~i1 , 11 n:lltT' ,lf"l!\I'• V:1 1!r, ,1 ;1 •i·N·111m ~ lllf' 11•' \\ 111w /"n 111r n·1d1·v . \11,l 11111',IIIII' 1111 .! P .l(IA '.\fr r 1f'NtV ,-.n11t. '' \" !\••!IJOtl!l. PITTSWORTH . - "The main result of this exhibition should be to inspire the artists of this area to create their own works of art and to exh ibit them," sa id the Direc– tor of Cultural Activities for Queensland (Mr. A. J. Creedy) when he opened the $80,000 art exhibition in the Town Holl . Mr. C'rttdy adrled, •tn fart, this mlr hl br 1hr momr nt to consi<Jf' r thc– roumllnc: nf thr Plttswcnth Art l'r17r. 1911." M r. Crf"<'dY sn1d ~u~ WI\.\ hnn11t1l't>d Lo hr 111\'l[<>d ld rcprf' f'nl the l\•l l11bl 1•r rur Ed1t('ntim 1 nnrl C'111l11rnl :\ c– t1\·lt 1c~ l Mr. Plrtr:llcr, on 111.'t h nnw h'1'1lUIHI C ult 111'1' Ilk,• c·ll:111!\' brgn 11 :11 h nt1ll' but tn q 11ntf' t IH• pnr1. " H onw IS whrn · OIW !'ilnl t tlT4l\" ,'fiA</"l,ill.>•""I Tht· 1,ritH'lplr ,1f c11IU11f" , cu l1111ol 1·l•nr 1t.'!-. ·tr- 1•111111111:11u ,• l1n wt 1 VC'I' llhKh'St , n 11cl In 1'1ll$WOl'Lh. lfl ncltllLlon to r,t1rh nctivi1 I,•:- :l.~ 1 lw pre• :,e n· C'\ h 1h 1l.1lHI wtrn·h WA.!– on loan from Lhi' Q11C"rn.-,– IR11ci Art Gnll(•l v lht•rr wn, ronm l1 r fl t'll\li!f'!- Oil t lll' .,1 I If,, h:u1 it'.HtH'Ci llw t a rtnun u t:10 1p n m 11~1r•1; t1"-''•~l Y :\lid ;111 nrt dllt> wr•r1• :llrt•:'Hh r.-.t.1hl!~ht'd 111 1d If t llt• :-11 1111' ,,1,irlt o f rn•np,•1 ·1tm11 whid1 hnd fo-.11·n•cl lllr nr1 c-d11hitlo11 cnlllrf b,• nppli,•ci to lo~tr1 • lrn·.tl l'lllf111.d n.et1 \·itle:- -- - - - :-.tilt - fl1111 rh,h 1n~ progr,-.-..-. ~1, Cr1•1·d~ dCM'l'lhC'tl tile f''(hihiti(1n n:,; n vC"r~· fin,. r xa111pl,• 01 ccm1 1111111 i1 \' 0 1- t::-1 111.-.ntion :lml .!:.nid · llow plra., i11u It wns I hn t t ht• T r,r 11 . lhf• !--htrr ro11 11ri l. ,,•n !f'I' rl11t.>~. c;chrots - Slrt tf' nnd 111d,·1>P11Ctrn L. prtmn ry t11al --Pro11cti rr- tht• Q urrn'- • l.1nri Art Gftl!(•n .- :Lflcl tffc :c::m., TiTif rn11lrnl lt.M•tr · Jiatl !\ ii t'Otll(' 1,(1 Ill(' port~• "' 4 Tlw r.11\'('flllllCJl l lllld mnrlr n ~Ta ll! or ~100 l'C'JH'f'..,t'll l • in c ,mr-1 l,ircl of t tw co-.L oJ r h pxh ihltion, 1 :\Jr. BOIHJI l\Tclll~ll. a:,...1:,..1- ~nt dltl 'r.t.or or th l' Q ue·r n.c..– lflnd Arl Gallery. .-mtd he l1.1cl hl'1'II clrllclilt•fl tu l'OlllC to Pitt... worth 10 ht•lf> prc– ~1•111 tt1c exhlb1L1011. SJK.'nklng ol t lw l<t·nnr th \ la c'1t1rr11 pnmli r1g,:-.. wt11ch wi•rc on lonn rro111 1lw late ~II'. . fnl'{tllf'Pll'~ ~n11 .\.fr Rr, nn ~1:,cfllll'<'n . or 1\l1ll - 111l•rrnn. l\11. l\frll1•,h .•'!11d , " rill:- rll"li~l has ('Rp tu11·rl R urnqur pl:11'f' in •\ u:-trnlwn wn ti·r rnlour pn 111! in~ 11.nrl a \1:-lt lo thr lt1ll11t ry 1![1., ~hu\\ n 1t1t' the ..ourrc., 1r nn wh ld t lie drrw Iii:, ln... p 11 A– uon" · i-;, '' 11 :-.n. I i·nn h1P p 1,. . d1{'I 1l1n1 Ill"' hf' 1 •·n 1111• .. 1~ likPI\· 10 c:1111111111r 111 p•t \'Ate SI lltlln '-, fl[ fl 1 bf' ,' , I 1 tlw 111cl~Pl"tHtr11r .,,•1)1111\:- • Ln rgP r lns."i<'S n rr hn1 1n ! ,, , emu 1,1,n 1e ns t hr 1t1nJur lrnc benr. On a par !\1r. Cn' rri)· :--nlcl Ill" hoppd 1hnt Q11,..r11..-lnncl c·o11!1• 1· flll[!llntlC' :l f'\llturnl r,,...,, 'I nn A par wi•h t hr .o\ rt,•,11 1r 1, rr,t nnl '-''1111111 1hc l\f''\ ' 'I',\ ,·rn r~ • F ol' 1 lw IH'\\' Q Uf'l'/b!l\ 1\1 ~ c~ . ..r 10 ~ nfr :i tr1111i11r. 111nclr rn g,,lh•i ,. I' r:_·•"-"''··"'"'''""lh011lrl h,. 1·!n-.1•l.\ ll,., ri1•1n 1" .I \\ II h A Jlf'\\ tl It ,.,•hn11J T l1f' .s1on 11ro.:1 pn 1,• \IH' H:1\f l)fli'f'I\ G 11111p