Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Cairns, Qld. .... Dl1cu11ing lost night's exhibition by the Cairns Art Society ore, from left: The 011istont direcl'or of the Queenalond Art Gallery ond judge ot the exhibition (Mr. R. Melliah), the winner of the sculpture section (Noel Risley), the manager of Northern Austrolion Breweries (Mr. P. Farne11), the winner of the contemporary paintln!I aection (Cit Coin!, ond the presi– dent of the Cairns Art Society (Dr. S. Watsford).-Noc l C. Davies Studios The ossiston l director of the Queens– land Art Gallery (Mr. Raoul Mellish) sa id last ni~ht that Cairns wos on a rt ists' para– dise end that the establishment of an arts centre here was a must . clcn,·m1rs of t ll is 11nt11rc Mr. M'cllli,;h, who wns ln !were or the 11Lmost 1111- Cn lrns nl lhr ilwltattn11 or nortnnrr fC"I' thr nrcn's the Cnlrns Art Soclrt,· In 1 . f11t11rc. S11,·h projects, he nr.t ns l11rloe of Uteh· 24th 11<frlecl. wo11ld not b~ 1>0s– nnn•ml rxhlbltlnn. snnke slblc \\"lthout the tmslint- f~ \\'e e~f1ti~:;1;tso}'"~))~~~ l~~te~/ff,~',;',,1~~ munv dcdt- thnn JOO people. _ The exhibition will he j A totnl nr , Ji\J )" !tnt.ln ~s 01>c11 to the pnblle Jrom nnd sr11lptmcs ,, ~1c ~uh- 10 nm. to 10 p.m. clnllv mttterl bf nt·t1sts l11 1111 to nnd tncl11cltnl( Snt- 1 e~r1~:• 1 w~~: ~~::\)' ,:~/~; ttrcln"· nnrl Victorin. Mr, Mellish fi rst prize fnr pnlnthll( In the ~cct.lon lo Mr. Thomns MeA11lay, or Bl"isbnne. The ~cncrnl mnnnl.!cr nr Northrrn A11strnltn11 Breweries Lt d. ,Mr. P. Forness\ snlcl lhnl. n~ sponsors or I.he $500 prize 111 !his sectlou. his cmn– unn,• wu11lrl br hnnourrct to hn11~ the painting 111 their bnnrd room with till' kno\\'lcdue thnt thev hncl conlrlbutrd ~omcthfosc tu the e11lt11rnl flltlll'C or Not·th Queenslnnd. All ol,hrt· monern rv IJl'li cs were J?l\len br t hf Cnlrns Art Soclctv: Mr. Frank dn Sliva, or Brls– bnnc. wn~ u\\ 1 arrlcrl S100 rm· 1110 best trndl!lonnl 1lnln1Ina. Miss Cll Cnln. nr Cnlrns. wo11 the StOO url;,.o rnr 1hr br~t l'nn - '7}~\IJ~~ri-1\1 pr~\!ltln~ ~-~~~~ Dlccc of ~c11lntt1rr ~·rnt to fr. Noel Risler. o! Cnlrns. Dr. S. Wnlsforct, the Art nrlct \' 0 s prrsldcnt. :,.;n lrl h ut It wns most J?l'nll f\'– mc f{lr t he n1Tnnlsn1ion In b(• llhh• In nnwi(h\ Ihle;: nn1111nl d\:,.;uJa,· ot tilt• \\ 111 ~ clone lh' 101·111 and 11u 1•r– SI n1r nrl ists. Thr Mn,·01· or Cn 1r11~ , Aid. D. T OC' Jn rlni, ,. whn nrrlcinli.\' opencct the rxhlhtt.1011 at 8 il.lll,, s:tlrl !lint 1hr rlt.l' cn11nr ll be- 1tr1·rc1 lhn! c11lt11rnl en- young iudge Mr, Julian A9new, of Landon, a young m a n who•• profenion concerns Old Mo1teu, ,lilted the Queen,tand A r I Gallery yesterday, He n ewect n pnlnllng nt– t rt b u t c d to Thomns Gni11sboro11~h 11727- 1788). but could not com– mit. himself to Its au- ~~!~~t~~!~f.L ~lqu~~1\~:nc~~ " lt 's an interesting ques– tion - whnt. Is nn Old Master?" he snld. Rough– ly spcaklni;, nny piece by a f::rrnL pr,111tcr rrom t.he n~c or On Vinci to the nsc or Gnlnshoroush." Mr. Ac:nr w I~ a mnn:1glng director or A~nc,,··s or London. founclccl in 1817, 1l1r oldest. foundcr- foml- 1y-o w n e et art ctenllt1g fll'm 111 Britain. 1The nrm·s reputntlon, nnd prnr1 Ice Is lnternnt,ionnl. It hns recently brought n II c x h t b t t I o n or 35 pulnt.ln~ s nnrl drnwlng.~ , Insured for Sl.5 mtllton ) 10 AusLrnlln.. E1~ht pict urrs from Lhe ex– hibit Ion. shown only In Svdnev. hn vc bcrn ~ale.I 16 Au~1rnlinn bu vf'lrs roi: n tolnl of $200,000. \ lt'rles here. nnd thcrcforr you·11 hRvc the opporum- 11y or nbtflinin~ more Olrt Not many Ma•te:·s " Aanrw',i; rlcnl~ 111 Old Ma/ii- M r. Agnew anlvcd nL Lhc ll'l"S, a11d Impressionist Queensland Art Gallery nnd Modern wnrks. The nt the time or the J~clg- rlrm. on hchnlr or n !11g or the nnnunl_ M. C. c 11 c 11 L rccrJ1ll\l pu1·- nu·hnrds compeLlllon ex- chn:1C!d One of tile most hibi tlon. expensive plcLurr.s ever 'CHR ICLE" Toowoomba, Qld. sold in the world - an Impressionist pnlntlni.r by i\toneL. for l\. price or S1.200.000. M~:,.t~:.~C'\~r~t~ ~;~:!f~·d~'>l'~ 2-: Ci~ T :97U ~tns1crs In AU!-t:·nlm. The Melbourne p:nllcry ha... 1he be~L rnllrrt ion. and there nrc one or lwo in ·· i°1'1\ 1 1~~~ c~~llgs~ro\\'Lh or ncwl ar~ µn llery bt1lldln~s In A 11 !-. I r n 11 A will nllrac:t morC' b('nrfnr1 1ons 10 gal- Art exhibition popular l'ITl'S\\'OflTII. S8UO,OOO arl uhibltiot1 In lhe Pitl'-WOl'th Town 1111 II ls pro\•in,:- po1mlar, n nd 11l– tr:1rll'd more thu.n MOU '.J!-itors in IL~ fiNl wrrk on how, Arrn ni:trcl Uy the ~een~– ln1d _Arl Gn ltery, the ~ - 1.Jltlon represents 100 ,·r ars of Australiun ar1. 11 Is· now In Its final week. nnd will IJe open from 2 p.m . to fi.30 run. and 7 pm. to $1 pm. carh day. wlLII the lnsL scs.-.1011 on F rldny ntghl.