Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

e ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer (~C:01 artists stand-up we1·r against interstate A GOOD number of fine Interstate painters have entered the • t~o competition~. thP 8fibD1idH M..Jl.lll!I.C.I.I and the Art Gallery A oclety II James Cook 81-Cen enary, sJiiiwmi at the Queenslan"• , rt Gallery, J .• It I• pleuln11 to see haL some of 011 r local tlsts stand up ,·ery well o the best from ·1nter- ·tate. u ~ ~:. Md~~tln~i::~~~~ homson. had no easy ask In selcclln~ the win– ners, anct especially · the ne In the R1d1ards Prize, where the stan- dard Is high. · However, one has no quarrel with his cholr.es . "Mauve Acro.!i• Yellow" hl' Peter Clarke, winner In the Richards, Is 11. very elegant, lmpeccabl~• exe~ ,pughn,;1~1n,~1u~~~~tAfJ;,; Works In the new ah– stra~tton are Col Joi·– d&.n s "Uncloud" where an uncanny awareness or • P 11.ce u energy Is created and where the shaped canvos contrlb– Ules slg111f1cant1v. Morlnrty's '"Looking From Here" Is a beau– llful painting full of lvr- lcnl expression. · While I~, subject is st ill transllgured londscape, Morlarty's Cook Prl1.e •:lnnPr " Anolht'!r Pince · re\'cnls kln~h1p w11 h n111 ~ sic In It~ pure orches 4 ll'RLIOn of subtle ~I'('\"~ and bRncis f i lt ered t hro11~h wl! h lhcht. Important I cons1rter NC'v1I Mat – thew~· "Summer Inter– \·nJ·· AS nn lmport ri nl ~6·~~:!!1ro~fh h\~~Ih1/;c~~f ;~~tlJ~~ti~~~·~eJ~e j~ 1 ar:.~: Cook Prl1.r. Is no mat.eh . Dn,·lct Rankin', 1 olnt- 111~~ Ill ho1h ~hows A.re BIHOlll.! Ih{' hr'-L 81 rphrn En rlc , nl~n sho\\'~ 1 lne \\'O?'k <; Ill t-'10! h . Nnr111 11 11 B cRrf1 ' s "Bridge of 'l'lme nnd ~PRC~.. \\'R,C. Rmong the Jllrhte ~ t ommrnrlntinn. . A m o n ~ fl~ lll'al l\·e =~:kjoh~;·r~\lll~~~rl'.i; l~JJ;;: 1rn Cont,nst.o;,·· Mi – r lrnr-1 Tnylnr·." " C'nuplr-", SIbier' " M irror.' I \\'O work." b.,· Prtrr Oldlrnm , J< e w I r .\' · ~ e~hilern1 tng "Late Snow," Jone, Rob– erts' "Reel MrrlrllA 11". Erlr. Smi1 Jfc:; npprnl- 1m:1,· nnin1r rl " A(– i r r Rrrntirnnrl1 " :-omr-how IArk~ rrlr-vnncc. Fturrrln~. Pcruc:od. SRII Herman and Law– rence cont,rlbutert chnr– nrtcrlstlr work~. Annr? Grohn mc·s "Thr Happy Room" Is rhnrmln~ In lhe besL sense And Rlgb1•·s ond William Robertson·s 1111 imlsL palnt,lng:s, owing • good d,cat to Bonnard. The Queensland A rt Gallery Society's Prize could have resulted In dreary historical hom– ages to Captain Cook. I noticed that most orl.lsL, had not bothore~ creating works speclally for the competition and many ente1·ed \\'arks shown before. Some in– terpreted "Discovery" lit– erally and "° we have Sibley's whlmslcnl "Mrs. M. cllscorerlng Surfers PA rn d I sr · · . Dorothy B r A u n d · ~ 'lovers dis._ covering .each olht'r, A.11< many pa111ten subm itted work s In both com– petitions. "ANOTHER PLACE,'' the work of art incorporating the theme of "discovery,''. and its creator, Queensland artist Mervyn Moriarty Lost night 11 won the $750 Queensland Art Gallery Society Prize commemoroting the Coptoin Cook Bi-centenary. Morlart)' and Vl<:lorlan pa I n t • r Petrr Clarke, ::.c;::o:.~~\! 1 :~.::.e: r:!i nl•ht. Mr, Clarke won the 11~50 annual H. C. Rich– ards l\trmorlal Prize- for landscape, conducted h• the Quttn.•land Art Ga(– lrr-,, Ill• work, done In a• r y 11 c , wa, entlll•d 11 1\l•u•e Acros~ Yrllol\· 11 • l\lr. Morlarty's "·orll., wa• al.a done In acrylic. Queensland Art. Gal• lery Pro,ldrnt or T r u "tees f Sir Lr.on Trout! said the 11. C, Rl<hard• eompetlttnn - l':r~!~ltl~::..:r· .~'::ir~·~i function of the year". The Queensland .\rt G a 11 er y Society "DI•• cnrnry" enmpetltlnn - xhlbltlon wa• conducted lhls year In ennJunctlon wllh the Captain Cook 81-Centenar)'. ti~~te~"'\'nn~:m,r:~tl~ ntrle• from Queensland and lnler.tate and 100 have '""'" .elected ror exhibition. The twn nhlbltlnn• :l 11 1':e 0 "1~.!.c:.:,~~.ru~:~ Gallery until Nnoember 18. The •••••••••••••••••• By DAVID ROWBOTHAM •••••••••••••••••• c:nmpetltlnn. was th• Vic– torian National Gallery n e put 1 Director (Mr. Gordon Thomson1. 0 r the "Dl..o,ery" ..-Inner lly Mervyn Mo- ~1;,r t r,il MJoeo!~om;:n ahnul discovery, II I• 11· ,etr ,omothlnr nr a di•• ~~.;r?i,a\~7eJY· 1"' lmpN>- Ahoul Peter Clark•'• winner, Mr. Thomson ••Id: "Ii belonp to lhe art of conrrontauon. U '!II :u~\:;!:',':.:'o~.r,rfect as Mr. Thomsen uld he ..... 1lad to know that Queensland "·•• pmhln ron,ard ror a new ar f.allerr. The 1pace proll ,::; !:'u'':llr.,~nt pl- uln year permanent collection Joa haft man:, fine palntlnp, and It'• a l(tt&t •hame th- afl!n' permanentlJ on ylew.'' he oald. THI cou•11•-MAIL TUISDAY NOV, 17 1970 THE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY WILL BE CLOSED FROM MONDAY 16th NOVEMBER For The Mounting of Exhibition PORTRAIT OF MEXICO OPEN FRIDAY 27th NOVEMBER TO 3rd JANUARY, 1971