Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

,n her Mexico shows its art .\11 t·, hlhltlou t·o,•t•rin~ morr t.h:111 :moo ,·t•.ars or ~11•, h':1 11 arl Ullf'II~ at tlw Qu1•,·n, l:md Art «::,llr~· OIi Friel:,,·. '1'!11• 1·111\t•('lld i l 1,·nt ur1•:-. p:1111111\1-!:-. s,·11 lpt11n·. 1·r– n1111, :,, lt•Xllll'S, 11\l'ta l " ..1 k anti ,~t:1:-i!, d 1\'1d,·d 111\11 fo ll r 11\:t ll \ Sl'{'IHll\'- 1 n ,111 pn'· 11l11t11ht.• l\ 1\rl <l:tl 11\I! ffi'lll t.11" J\C to 111n dt•:-11 ,tl\.'I lol~ :ll I 'l'hP I1r.,1 l\lumla b\' 1,hC' l\h' XJCl\ll CifWf'l'tlllli:111, l,, c•o111 m •mn!'fll(' IIH' •1tHl!il all · ill \'1•1~ar\', Ill l !lt:-1 ,,r 1\11 \'oya1!1' ,1f t11 j• ~ p .11w,11 1·011q u 1... 1 :1d 1 ,n•:-. t r P lll 1\ 1·:t· p11k11 l•• l l1o 1 1 \1!1 11 ,1'111": 111 I lit• pa I :,IX \'t'a r.,. II llil:s \ l~ll t·d t•:1:q1t. Ill•· Lt·h:H\1111 T U I k• \ t:,1 :11·1 \" 111.:.11'-Ll\m C'11l'J11 ,.,J11\:1 · 1· 1;1 1'111111d \ 11•,1n:1. lh •l• 1:111111 I· 1;111,, .1111! 1\I • \f ,1 ~ IU:ljllf 1tl lt11l' l.ll 1II HI t )II ._ ,·,·:11 · .\dd:11d•· 1• 1, ~, 1, .d ;111'1 11:1 ..,111• 1· h i•• I , 1·11 Ill \l nh:t l ' 111 ! \I, !\IPlllll' Tilt· Qu, I'll l.l11d \ 11 Gnllt•ry Ila~ 1>,·t:·11 i'!P!"lt'tl r11r ,:,.t•\'•·r:il dU\'S :-.o t h al 1111' 1•1111••1'1 l•lll ;.;lll h 1· pat t,, .J .111d 1111 •,1111,•d T hi , .,11,, 111111 \\ il l 111,\H\ Pll '' )HI II •Ill Hrl 1 1.1111 1:1':1 1 ••• ,.,,, \tl ,, •'I group for arts GROUP mu1iclon1 Moulded in popier moche, which will : be suspended from the ,, roof, complete with musi- • col instrument,, to em- • phosise the diversity of : e1hibits in the "Portrait 4 of Me1ico," a $2 million ol display of the country'• artistic and cultural work • which optn1 at the Queeo, lood Art Gallery : tomorrow •itht. Ho•dll•1 • the exhihit yestercley Wft ; Mrs. Christine Guador- .i rama, a meml,e, of the ' M~aicon team in charge : of the 0 di1ploy. QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY HOURS: MON . to SAT., 10 o.m. • 5 p,m .• Sun. 2-5 p.m, EXHIBITION PORTRAIT OF MEXICO ON VIEW UNTIL DEC. 28 Brco111.r nl ,,,,.. r11~rn1"uc. 1111r ,rc..l 1n 1h11, lln•au e .,nrl !,, rn 0 1,n ,.,.tu1,,11nn , thp 0!111,.,. ,.. d i rt> • rnou, '"rr ,~ ,•11 THURSDAY, DEC. 10, unt ,I 9 :;0 p n,. ,-h 11 MRS, E. GUADARRAMA will (i(){'nk a M ut thci cnllect,on 0 1 7 .30 p m .