Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

OVERSEAS ·PAINTINGS TO BE SHOWN HERE From early next month, large numbers ol paintings by over– seas and Australian a11tists will be displayed regularly in Toowoom– ba. Yealerday. the Director or I stages or dcl'elopmcnt," but the Queemland An Gallery thls would lnlJ}rov w'.th (Mr. .,_ Wieneke) In• Mme. apecled the 'l'oowoomba ""J The control'Cl'slel Ln Gallery 11·lth memhrro_ "' lls Bello tnlhmdul. L, -.:hlcb . lruslee!I, and 11'1'"" bJS 11 P· wns stolen trom the Quecns– proval for about 30 oil land Art Gnllery severnl paintings, water coloun and years ugo, COUid eventually dra,l'lnr• to be brourhl here bt' dls11Jnycd here, nlthough for exhlblllon. It would not be with tho The dL5plny, which will first exhibition. Mr. stay In the city for nbout Wieneke snlcl. ~~~t {;; 0 ~~~~it ~fi~c ~~ht~]~ Aware of art tlons unnu111ly In Toowocm– ba rrom now on. Mr. Wlenekc's vlslt fol– lOW:-4 nn Rnn01111rcmcnt. lntc !Ast year t.thn.L the Toowoom– ba Art Gallery had become R branch or U1e Quccnslund Art Clnllcry. English artists Mr. A. C. RobcrLson. rctnry or trus~ees or the Toowo<1rnha ArL Gnllcry, s1tld the exhibition next monlh woulct llc tcr.v \lnJu .. nblc 1111d It \\'Us hoped that. by the presence or the palnUnss. more Toowoomba people would become ln– crcn.slngly lnlerested In arr. The paintings, which will He said that. nflcr mnny go on dlsplny from the first yenrs, Toowoombn was now week Jn Mnrch. wlll bo recognised ns nn nrl,Jsllc work.q by lending English I centre, and with I.he slnrt or artists from the Jntc nlnr- these exhibitions. It woultt tccnth and enrly l~vcntleth be possible t•a r<o~ulnrly re• century crns. N•i v1• pnJntings rrom vlslti11~ Mr. Wieneke snl<I yest cr- 1o\'crs1•ns exhlblllo11s. day 1hc paintings In the 1 "Thro.•gh ~lr. Wieneke, Quccnslnnd Art Gallery did I we hnre found n grrnt dcnl , not belong to Brisbane bui of co-oprrutlon. lntrrcsl nncl 1 . to Q11ecnslnn d nnd frorn encouragemen t In prm·lt1c1al I now on ·•we will hr lp ~·ot1 centres," J\fr. Rnbr rtson ns much ns we cnn to build . ~nld. 1 Lhc Too\\·oombn. gnllcry," / B ctwrf'11 cxl1lbit lons from I :Mr. \Vicnckc dr H'l"l h(•d lhc Q11r rn~l1111ct :\rt Gnllcry, Uic Toowoomba Art? Gnllcry, In lhc Clly Hnll, ns n "nice lltllc gnller.r . centrnlly sltuat.l'rt nnrt spacious." He sn.ld the 48-plerc ~al- the Too11·oombll galle1·y will hold exhlbMons or Its own, Jn addition to exhibits by guest artists. Mr. ~l. J: R . Anc:ersnu, anot.hcr ~ncrn~ r or tl:c trustees, will orgnnlse the 1rans11ort of the paintings ~~ and from Bt·lsb11nc, free or chnrgc, through Western Tl'IUlSJ)ort. The Toowoomba Art Gnl– lery will pay lnsur11ncc the shipments. "TELEGRAPH" Toowoomba, Qld. I . •· ~ ar./j.:i,(½ b /J~. MR. J. WIENEKE (second from right), Director ol. t~e Quecnsla_nd_ Art ~allery, freely expressal opm,ons on pamtmgs m the Toowoomba Art Gallery during his visit yesterday. He is seen here talking with Mr. John Stirling, one al the trustees ol the Toowoomba gallery, while Mr. Com Robertson, secretary of trustess, and Mrs. W. Coston, art teacher and 'wife ol the president ol the Toowoomba Art Society, discuss his views. The Art Society has offered to help stage the first exhibition in Toowoomba of Queensland Art Gallery paintings. BrlslNne, Old. . a__,.. 7 aa,,.':( u.,P1C'·. 27_FEB . ' . . can Hll'c NII Despcr– a11d11m , 23-2-681 som~ lnformRI ton rf'gnrdlng: lhr ldenlliY or the sta1uc In the grounds or till' Art Gallery It r~,1rescnts Lucrcc10 or L ucr<'cc. the Roman malron y;ho wns out– rngro b,• Srxt us. son or Torqunfus Su1,~rb11s. the '-<'Vrnt h rult•r or nnclrnt Rome-. 1h~fs: n~•;:/~•;:.'~~~~r~!~::l~d 10 thl' QuN•nstnnd GO\'• ,• rnment b y nn ,uw1tymom, donor. some Yl':trs br-fnrf' \Vorlcl Wru rt. Thi· doi;c(•r wn:-- re• :~1~~('~ n!~r u" w~! 1~!1n~ri~ In ll w Onllrrl' It's n J>ltv the . tatue cnu lei nol h , ,·r hrt•n left lnstdP . t1 ·.s nl Illr nwrcy ~!1,._\~ll~~i"l~ ll J.!- 1rri~~l! 1T,M1wno111hn \ lcry Jn the. "cnrly Brisbane, Old. 23 FE.B