Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

I I SMOHL Art • prize won by Lismore teacher; third • award ma1or Painte1· of controversial nudes. Mr. Michael won the $500 John Taylor, of The Channon, last night City of Lismore Art Prize. This is Within weeks ( QueensJ1mcl) his third major win in u few months. he won the Kempsey uncl Reclclift'e awards. Also It Is his third llsmore art prize win. Lut nt,ht'1 winner "Week Ender", which h~ priced at ..00. will Join two more or his palnttn 118 In Lllmore's permanent collection. "Week Ender" t • a ltu'le, almoat square oil palntln11, In muted tones. The lower hair or the l>Ulltln, t1 or two llllures With the eyes covered. In the centre ta a llllht llobe, At the top are tho111ht lramn, lnclud• 1111 laoes.. A few bars of DIIIIIC are Included. •Controveray hu fol– lowed Michael Taylor llnce he came to AWi• tralla. Rt • moat aensatlonal Pal n t In r, "OvernJrht 8leeper", tl In raol - In ate Cllltody .at a police ICatlon, awaltlnl! a Court -· . It WU damqed alter =nil the rich Oold art prtu, Thla nude palntlnl! wu the forerunner ol others Wblch eatabltlhed htl re1>11tatlon In Australia. It a11o caused a furore of crttlct • m, Crltlca lnclUded the ~-~ the Oold Cout, • _...,. llmall, who re– fllled to, ban It hanrlna In bis Olllce, 111chael Taylor t • a qlll!IU7 IIPOken Bnrllsh• IIIUI, 1111d 30. Be IIIUTlld the former Betty AIied, ... I.Cher !~ tbla dtltrlct, when .... made an overaeu trip. They have tour 701111S children, He teachee art at Lia– more Blah School, 130 Paintinp There are more than 130 patntlnra from two states In the City ol LII• more exhibition, IIIIJr..i the Cedar Room at Lia- " ~ ~ltY~Hall. , ~.~,. ~-'l e WU !he """""'r v thi Queena- ' i.t,d ;Art Gallery In Brtl– bane, Mr. J. Wieneke Mr, Wieneke said Mr Taylor'a Palntln11 would add exceptional quality to the city's collection. He had not met the artlat, but had watched his career with Interest. He wu a senattlve and llncere painter. "Week Ender" WU akin to a Piece ot muetc It WU Michael Taylor', reaction to an everyday occurrence tor younr people, painted wit.II re– straint. The ldenllty or the modela WU ahlelded. The colour waa exquisite, the "apotttn1" or dark pas– ._ well done, and 11 va.a be&utltuJly drawn a.'d painted, Mr. Wieneke aai,,I. He &lao Pfat • ed Mr. Taylor'• other entry "Double Imaae". ' Th e contemporary PfU4 ot '100 went to Ren Lambert'a "Phue", a hup, brllllanlly coloured abetract. Mr. Lambert won thla same prtae lut year. The tl'ldltlon&J prize of tl00 waa awarded to Queensland ar1111 John Elderahaw's "Ravena– wood Pub", H I I h I y commended were Veda Arrowsmith'• "Eacapade", Ruth Paer• ber'a "Prarments ot Time". .uaxmman Puer- rtnr·a "BIie", Hector Oil• llland's "Sea Sona", Ed– ward Hall's "Boteny Bay, the Broad View" Jean Iaherwood's "Ma 0 nrrove Renecuona", Ursula Lav– eny's "Negative, POJltlve", Robyn Mountcasue·• "Think of a Windy Beach", Joe Roae'a "Aus• trallana" and Brian WU• IIAm 'a "The Church on the HUI". Special "1ueet" at the openJnr lut nt,ht was the 11M19 Llamore prize• winner Peter Powdlch'a "Sun Torso 2" which tn the word& or Llamore 'Art Truat chairman Mr. John Stretch, created much Interest and mla• 1Mnp. Mr. Strek>h welcomed Mr. Wieneke and about 100 l\le&ta lut ntrht. Mr. Bruce Duncan oil\· clally opened the exhl• blllon. President or Llamore Art Club, Mn Mu Raward, moved a vote or thanks to Mr. Wieneke and ll&ld hla addreu had taurht everyone a rrut deal. The exhibition wlll open to the public dally from 10 a m. until 5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m, until Friday. COUIUIR-MAIL THURSDAY JAM, 21 A· LICTURI of pa1ticulor lntorHt to Stuffnh at QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY "JAPANESE WOOD-BLOCK PRINTS" • by Profenor J~yce Ackroyd (Oc1)I, of Jcpan~r.i:i, Unlvernty of Quc-cmslond). ? SSE . 1970 Brisbine, Q. R!CORD PAYOUT FOR EDUCATION RECORD amounts have been allocated by the Stbte Government on educ.I tion and public hospitals in the Budget introduced in Parliament yesterday{ P ro,·1. 1011 has been 111ade 1 685,0001 and $3 111lllto11- e~s from J a1111acy I, IY71 , mude for the Longrea for SI 14.700 1 000 ror ed11t n• nrld will lie spr11t at olhc:· \\'011ld brin~ 1hr teacher• in and F.merald rural train!. '-– uon, mcluam~ S15,300,000 centres 011 <·a1111nl work• 1rain1nq to 4901. schools and for plannln~ • for the um,·ers1t1r!i, and 1nvnh 11117 Jr.~ 1111111 "'300 ooo. l\tr. Chalk :-.nlcl a nrw new rural tralnin1 school $ 5. 400 , 000 J'orar1,,nnced 'l'h e l' r ru ., urr r 1 :\11· ...,,11 11 L>us for M><·rnl s1udie t ' · c1ekin. e?u~at1on .~ollegc:,, Chnl~ 1 :-n1ft 1he Cii,\'P_r n- " n ulrt cos t $300,000, and • . a ~• , fhts ls 16.38 per c-em OIU\'P ""' " ' • p<>l1cy ol 111,.,.ca, rng $100 ono had been proi•lded •ould be provided for re- for educaLlon than lnM Pxpc11rf11 u1 e 011 ctucauon tow~rds a new English &yl- ·umptJong assoclated "'il year and compares with nn a t a fas1er rate lhan 11s lnbus he propooed new Queen• O\·erall Increase In 1he othN , en ·11·e, was ,w,·cs- , . · land Art OaJn,ry at Sou Budget or 13.54 per crnt f • s111T 10 prodrle 1rn1ned I h e Crcche and Kinder·.~n;::r.,i•;;:b::a.:n;e;.· rtP'ffr:T"n:::-;;:::,;ir,! all services. perS011ncl Lo mc1~t tl,1e needs i.;nrtcn Asspcin.t1on ,;ran..,. • t u, pu c Emphasis aga111 nl,,., has of a srn Le rap1rlly 11wrc11s - 111,1~ hccn 111crcased from hospital sala1·y and wnge• been placed on n11 mluca• 1n g Its seeondn:·y in- Shh,000 lo $80.000, and the provlalon had 11wrea, ed t 1o II a I b u 11 d In~ s prn• dustrles. N 1dowmrnl lo nlf1lln led rrom 130.500.000 Inst year r.ammc wllh $'1R 306.043 kmdcr~artens would he In • to ..0 300 ooo ilns ycAI' provided 16 33 {7''0 more The l11creuses of lfo.04 per cren, ed rrom S151l0 to $1700 'J'hl&-Just 011 33 1•3rd pc,· than last ;,ar.' ' • cent , 1 for I he unlrer~II 1c1cs each unit as from Janua:y cent - reflected not only nnd . I.JM 11cr rent roi 3 - I next. the substa11llnl award rises Pub 11 c ho.<p1lals hnre vanced erhwnllon collc~cs F'. J , . , 1 , . 1 but the ract that addll lonal been allott,-d J•,r,.~00,000 •hawed rtramallnlly the 10111 " 1111 • 11 l ncx.. st fr' h c1 b Id c1 coml)A red Wllh $fi:l.:ill0,000 empha~ls the Government sc hool l>lts services nlll,fage ~hs f /' th eerte~~~~l ~r Inst year, with 1·011'-oltdnlcd continued to pince 011 eclu- rn_tes would mcrrnse .c a sei\'ice '! nJ 1 r malnte• rev en" e l1111rt tw11r111~ cation. n11lc with '!jl to 35 pupils . s a r roll • $38 500 000 or 59 5 ~er cent n11d le a 1111 e tor all other nan c e o u er corn of the cost.. . Higher rate services. The lotal co.,t dur- plemcnls In hospitals. lni; the current flnanclnl U N 1 Increased ~uhs1dle.1 also Over lhe last five years i·ear was expected to be P OY • have beery ~rnntert lo recurrem expenditure on $4.100.00G. Fees Ior prl\'Rte patient& church anrt chnrllnble or· educallon had tnoreasccl a t Grants to Quecnslnnd would rise rrom the present ganlsatlons, and S7,600,000 an nvcra~c annual rnle of c u J tu r a I nrlatrs organ- SIO a day to ,13.50 from has been ,;et aslrlr tcom - 14.R7 cmnpnred wllh nn nv- lsallons had been lilted No,•ember 1 and fees for pared with $4.ll00,0110 last r:·n11r Increase In Slate rev- from $260,000 to S30fi.OOO: Intermediate pntien!A from yea,·• ,ror new hos1>llal con• r.nue resources ol 11.40 per $40.000 ~•rl heen set asMe $8 IA> Sil. strucl1on. rr11t. lo co\'er 1hr Roa:-rt or Sec- These hl11her fees were Abou t $4,5011,ll(IO will he An l11nrase or 1,11:1 trn<"h.· on d a r :v Sl'l100I Studies est Im ate d IA> contribute devoted lo new wol'ks at rr,< hud 1,een allotl crt this costs (1·eq1ilred tn lmple- only 9.67 per cent of hospl• Ro y a, l B r l i:; ha n e yea,r 111 pnrnary RtHI .~rcon- men t, Rarl!ord l'cport rec- tnl cost.s: and, if co1ttli con- ($2,300,000l , Townsvllle da,·y school srnrr.,. nnd the ommenc1atlonsJ; and 1i>e• llnued to l'lse, It was ob• ($1,565,0001 nnd Cairns recruitment or 2315 train- clal provtstons had been vlous a furlher review or $26 7 · b• k fei\t~~~l~s~fcl'e~~~ridctl- m lg Wor S Ilona! 1125,350 had been • ~~~:,:itr i:i:~:n~~~~ ~~~ , , . vice ror older persons In WOR,K on the $1 SS million Gladstone power station, the Goonyell1 the metropolltAn area. railway line and lri1b1ne eiliipre11way1 and freeway • will be the Redclllte, MaryborouKh, • .1 , , • Bundaberr, oymple and prinelpal capital work • undertaken by the State during 1970-71. Nambour. Home nursing servlce.s T~~t;~~ t~vr~"~~a??i u/~ 1e~·~•ilor,~r tJ~.~~~~1~t'u~~1 t~~l.t by 'l'hless Brns Ply. ,Yr~dy,.rat~~r~~cr~~se m~ h is B~dget speech In Par- largP blocks of power for The l'elt)Rlnder wo11ld be woulc1 mean a lift In Jiamel't vesterday. Jl r o c e s s I II g natural re- usert nn rolling slock and subsldv I with a like He &alcl the capital works sources or Queensland Ior crossing loops. amourit from the Com• prog:11Lmmes covered an ex- export. Mr. Chalk ,'llllrl the total monwealth ) for the Blue pendlture or $267,300,000 Ne1!0Llalio11s were pl'O· allocnUon to the Main Nu r s Ing Service from compared with $231.700,000 ceedln~ w)th companies de- Ro a rt s Department was $121.000 to S15V,OOO. St. Ja.st yenr. sl rln~ to est11bllsh export $53.~00,000 compared with Luke's Nursing AMoclatlon [Just before Mr. Chnlk l11<1ustrles requiring lar11e $50,300,000 IMt year. from U3,100 to •29.000, and m~~~~t~ffff ~1nY.,~~;et (k~~ bi~~· ~f,f1iw:~'td the rail- Ineluc1ed In ' the RIIIOUnt i~.1i~n~ni1le'b«t•ul from Rae ) revealed that five ways ca11ltal works pro- 0 t Sff,600,000 for per- 'l'he Government also tenders ranging from $37 ~ r n m m e c n ta 11 e d manent works was $I I mll• would provide a •ubsldy or million to S60 million harl $44,900.000 compared with :,~~;wa;~r ~~&bar'::ew:~; S2000 annuallv toward., the been received (or supply $33,100.000 In 1960-70. under the fll~t staae of the salary or each lull • time ~~dsfg~;tr~~~-~~ .?~u~A'-~ Trebled Wilbur Smith trarllc ·plan t~~~~~\1.e stst ~~r.1~~•m•l:~~f main boiler plant. Good 11rngres.s had bl!en - an lncreMe 01 1 2 ,IIOO.OOO oatlents In the following The y would 11ro,•ide marle Oil the Goonyclln line on what waa provided la., t ho.spttals : - Na,.arene-. steam ror the, four 275- In Hny Pnint for exporLlng year. , Redclltte, Oreenhaven, ~~-a't'trttw;/~h11°a ~~~;{i~~t :·,~a1iJ~o!1i 11 "r!:i fi~ge~~~~~~! co~~;~.~::td ~~~lln~:t?t~ ~~~~r,:irt: :.~~=~~:: c~~: was a warded recently, he w n s $A , 8 o II, II OO anc1 roans, with $8 million al• rinda : LaurlslAln, Jp.swlch: said. , $25.400,000 hnd been pro• lot led for the ourrenL II- st. L II k e · s , Cherm•lde; ,Some time j,.•oultl elapse vlderl for 1970-71. nallclal hear. Good Samaritan. Cairn•; ~:~~~~~ a w~~~~lo~ 0 '~v~ll~ tl;~hi1f,~~~~f e~ 2 -~i 0 ·&~~"~·2 r u~r et:: a~~o :~ 1 ~ hr~·i·~~ ~rg~,~~~onfiundat:1ii~ltl'~: · able]. : lone rnll project include 27.200.000 ( R rise or worllh, Toowoombn, Mr. Chalk said under the $750,01111 Oil the hn lnnce n $1,000,000), $7,100,000 h•d Subsidy up ' agreement wjth the Com- the cost lo the St.ale for heen allotted IA> forestry monwealth which wooId provldlni; lhe first II miles I u p SA 7 5, OO o l, a II rt Subsidy rates ror teach– lend SRO 1111111011 for the or a 29-liiile .spur llue rrom $16,100,000 would be nvall• ers employed by certain po\\•er project, RIIO me~a- Sm1Lh Blnckwntr.r to the a ble LO A~rlcullural Bank charl t le8, •uch M the watts or ,ower woul<I be re- muln central line being borrowers (u , S840,000J. Queensland Sub-Normal Children's Welfare AIISOffl·, atlon. had been lncrea,;ed by s1000 in the ca11e or male.< and Sl500 In the ease ol females IA> S3000 a lencher. Two Arts Fellows from Qld. Two Queanaland arti1t1, both winner, of tht H. C. Richo1d1 Mimorlol P1IH a"d athu Au1traliafl art award1 haYe been elected Fellows of the Royol So– ciety of Arh, London. 'l'hev are Mr. John Rlg- ~ior~ra:::i"U~,1 A~P~~;. ~:;~ Reart, of Pe~ g Road, Roekle•. Arf\'icc wa."i received In Brisbane yesterrJay of their election. They Join Queen.,– lanrf ArL Gallen· 'l'l'USLCe~ president 1Sir Leon '!':·out, ond trusice., Sir Ellis M11r– phy, Mr. R. J. C. O'Loon and M1·. A. J, Creed1• as Fellows ol the Society, · Founded 1754 It was fotmrled In I i54 ~i1, l~}\:J\\~;;1 ~-~r/ is the F.nr1.,, mr.mhr.rs or the ,orlrl)' lnr.lurled Sir Jnsh111 R r y no Id s, Ollvr,1• Gnlrl– .,mtt h, Dr. Johnson nnr1 Jnmcs llns-.·pll The BIOl.!i or IhP soc1r.Ly 9.rr Lhr. ad\'Ancement, de·– "elopmrnt ond A.pr ,licat1on nr rrr.rv department. of sc1. cnr.• m connerllon with th• arts. 0 ·; Galleries jo close The oldest privote ort gallery ift Brisbone, More– ton Galleries, will close tomorrow after 25 years. The former rtlrector o Mn re Lo n Galleries. Mr. James Wieneke. has been director of the Queensland ArL Gallery. since 1067. Mr. Wieneke sa lrl yester– rla.v: "The S tale oo,·ern– m,•nt ,u,kcct m e al IhP 111~· or mr prPsen t appointment 10 rtl~pn::r or th,, prl\·., 1 fr,!, 1 ~"r'· s~~t'i1nr1 1 ~nt;.~.' t,;7.b 1 ~ sale I ha t would he dis• l\dvnn1agem1s t.o the busi– nr!-."i, Lease ends .. , ('Ot1lrt11 ·1 rl i~nm=e nf t he 111l\'a!r ~fll lPr~· ~fu isfnc– tnril,\', ,1tn t hP G nvrrnmenl rlrr1cirrf 10 rrlr.m•P me rrom nnr nbl!i:A.t1on tn ~Pll. "However, t he lease or lh• ~•lle1-y"s premises ex– plr,,,c; ·"non. and I ha.,·e cie– r.1rirrl not 10 1·enew the IPni,.r , ThP gallPr~· stock Is ;:~i'· hemg snld to the pub- ThP Moreton Galleries, \\·ho"P premises were first In the basement or the IA.M.P. Building in Edwar1 l ~~[,";\;~i~:r°P;n~~t. bthl~lr~ 1940·, . "I took o,·cr abr,ut 1950," <Rid Mr. Wlenek, I Mnrrton Gallerit'S fnr 111" linsl 11,,., )'r.a1·s h avP been In 11hr A.N.Z. Bu1lrlln g. Ed– ward Street. Brtshane. Total co.,t ol this suhsld:V would rise from $118,656 to $2l7,000 this year. or this lncrea.se $104.000 would go to the as.soolatlon, -.·hlch would now receive $204.000 towards teacher co•t• In addlUon lo the $200,000 endowment the Government paid on RS&O· ciation colleoUon,. Mr. Chalk said allow– ance• ror fo.slcr children would rise by $1 a week to S8.50 rrom November I , cost.Ing $R3.000 more. The Go,•ernment "'Ollld eonl ln11e alc1 to deserted ~\(~es°sl ~~r:.fi';~grnc~th~r~ .'ons, cnm ..-,ugh thr co~I had I rcblecf"""slnce !068-~P anrt would r!M! this year to $1 ,350,000. ' '!'he Mate,· Public Hospl– ln l nlso had been facerl w11,h heavy nrtrtil.innal >·o•L<. The Government re• coupe<I I he hospital for losses nr it.s public section. 1111d Lh.cRe wnulrt lnr.rr.a.~ 1 011 RCcnunt or 1!lR0-70 r' ,nme $585,000 IA> a total $2,044.000.