Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

from Mexico of a kneellng bull held the auen– tlon of young Queensland Art Gal– lery visitor, Deborah Anderson, of Ever– ton Park. yesterday. The Art Gallery and adjoining Museum popular spots with hundreds of visitors escaping the disma l weather con- ditions. / QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY POWER INSTITUTE and ORIENTAL EXHIBITIONS Openlns Date to be announced. COURIER-MAIL SATURDAY JAN. QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY 1971 CHILDRENS CREATIVE ART CLASSES Held Saturday Mornings 9 to 11 o.m , for childtC!,, aged 7 to 12 yl!nn BEGINNING SAT., 6th FED. Ati0l1cot•"" r,.,,,.,., o,o,lcl"'I" o t ,1,.., r,J r , SlJbm,11,.t1 ,~ thr r,,,or, \. "",u, .,o,..r ,... " ' FP.~r,,nr. .~..,, ("} An.. ~EBRUARY 7, 1971 ',IJ /J.\\ 11-111 Planning report on new gallery TRUSTEES of Queen1land's gallery have submitted their first report to two State Governme nt menh, T II r le11~1h.v rPport ~1 1 1;•~;·~~~1:~~e~~~•ll,~ I ~r"i ):·t~ nf !-lorn~P displa \', I ram – Ill!.' fftr1l1t1t•,, n nci r,....,ta11- r11111 nN•<1.-. I c1 t' !'J p e C 1 a I I .!, l cou– ,•q1lt .t II l , s,rn lhlill a plan11l11,: franu-"ork ha,. ht•t•n ,uh– tnilli·d lu 1t,(• ourks llc- 111'rl111,•n1 a 11II Che l•:1l11n1- li1111 IJ1•pou ·lnwnl, a cum – mllh••· "ill !'>hor·ll., lw fornird lo in~lilult• 111or·1• detall.-11 plauniu" (or lht! ,:alll'ry, 11 nh.n f' \ Hl11 111••.., pt.tk- 11~ !or Ill l M:ttll•·I } µ 1 - l1t111~ Tl·,·,r phrn,;; HI~ "''JJH· nttl' rrum thO!-ie for a '1Uhhc car pa rk under Ihe gallery which hac1 been .'iu gi,;f'C.!Pr1 as a re\'enue ear11rr Howrvrr Jt U\ 1111rlrr- lHo<,d lhRI uh,11,- for I hr 1111bl11· ('11r PRrk wrn • ~c~~R~~>;<l&ll~g.~~'i ~y c,7,~~: The GO\'ernm f'lll will c11~dcte 1111 I he r1w111 lw r- !1~/;.h 0 ~,·o~/i'J 3 s~~~~ 111 1 1 6~~~ l'a/ly 10 rtrnw on rt•pn •• :,('fll llll \'f>.lo f r u 111 ! Ill• \\'nrk,; Rllct F'rl ll'AllO!l !~~i\':/.~ 11 !7-~:'\;;~r/nl~'/; 1 ct :~~-~ t1•re.c;:1rct bo<iJP!-i. Jn t hr 111Pa111 imp I l.111 UIH1f'fSl{)()ci t h • I R ro111- ~:r:~~l!~\~'r11~~~1~:~~.r~r i~,~~ 4\1) 1 ,111\NI from Oll! SHIC t1111.~u11 n111 .., Annrrl \\ 11 h the rn11- ~ult11nL,' rrport a11rl thr Art gnllrry U'ustr-e report , the new con1n11LLec will preJ>nre a final brJcf. What type This Is expected to 111- clude I.he type of collrr - 11011s the a rt gn llrry :;hou lc1 speCJRllfiie in , Bllc1 1r.r l)·pe of conci1t1ons 111 wluch they .,ltould be JIOIISC'cl. 'l'hc nex I stai:1• wouhl ht• 1hr brlefln,: or ard1i- 1 ..c-tural 11nd enchwerinl" con"ultanb. fhl~'i 1 ~c\~or,~;~ ;j)~~\.J~~~lr;; the fa rt tl•11 l It. Is a lnp level Ciovrrnrncn t dcd- ~1~i'!Sc~>l:!!·d ~~~• ~,~n ~rp ~Y lhc dl'l'hite,·t~ w1lht11 I~ I.he archilPCII'; wllhl 12 months. Cos1 e~llma1p,-.; ot the pro1H>sed uller.v near the s ou t. her n a ppronch of Victoria Bric1Re is about S7 m11/lon. Work i~ expec ted ro be– ~in 1n li'e 1073-74 fi nan- 1 cl~rie 8 ciolicry Building I Commlll.cc cha lt·mnn <Mr. I A. J . Stral lgos, .said he hooed that the com– mi11ee woulc1 be cstnb– lishecl •• .oon "-' possible. COUIIIH 0 MAIL SATUIIDAY PII. C QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY WILL BE CLOSED From MONDAY, FEB, 8 To REOPEN SATURDAY, FEB. 13 Featuring paintmg!> thor hove been pre– sented lo th• Golle,y by the Qu••nsiand Art Gollerv Society and other donors, 'l'HE exhibition of "Girt• LO the Al'L Gallery," now in tt.s last week al the Queensland Art Gallery, shows us work Of Eut·opcAn n1astel's such as Picasso, Re– noir, Vlnminck, Degas and Sicken earlier Austrailun painters. Streeton, Lambert and good moc1ern •.,n'fk both Australian and European. This I., ln\'Alttable lo ~ii of us and n great boon to teachers o! A.rt. Th is shnw A/,._o hnug."i home th e cnurgy of ns,;ocla– I ions like Ihe Quecn1,Jn11rt : ~t,t ':~~e;T I~- 0 ~ 1 nc1~~l~ut:i: such a..s Lhe lnte Major Ru– bins. To see only one original g~\\~ 11 :'i~11! 1 ~~aifjH~~~; h 0 ~t: a bettr.r understandinJ: of t he print.Ct we usuAlly rely on. \.