Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

~•;t°" LTllif.\ l'l'\LI - • A ~ .4, \\l1.rt1 L"i I1allu 11 . 11111 1111· 1.') th,· tltr1111· ul tl1t· Pdrr ·1ur– \ t"-,tU ll 1 111."II 1•\ h,Ullll.111 ul t ilt' Arl Oulh•q 1111., y,·a r. 1'ht· r\nihuMttciur 0 1 Jl :11' :ill 11111' ~l.1IIU M ~1Jol1 \\I ll 1111111• 1r11111 Cui\lJ1•11:1 tu Ujl•'II II Ull Th u~du, ut Ii 1u11 a1al ltall,111 l"1111;,11l 1J1 J-'11·d – t'rl1 u V,.tlli 111 N1•\\ l·'tt l'lll , Ila:, M"ILI 111\llttflllll', tu p111111 1l1l'III 1111•111IJ1•r-. 111 l lh l l ttll1111 111111111111111 , Ill Bn.-.bu11t• l\lODERN piece clent Goddes~" by l,ar• dcra Berto Rnd othl'r l te ms In the Pt>lcr :~ihvc.;.~~tbli~~~l\c~l;: lure Jtallan•, look lhe aUenlion ye.lerdRI' of Chrlsline Slggs, 1,, of Herston. The rshlbltlnn wns hrlnir arran~ed In the (lneensland Arl Galler~. \\'ork~ from the ,· t.ry ~mall lo the \'rrv lar~e make up lhe exhlhltlun whld1 h11~ been ~hown In Cann.tin and t:nropc. pr~~·~11dh;,,)w~'\Cl~~1ill:h•,~ !iiculpture which pnrtrRY!' a cro~s-secllon of the work helnr produced In ll'i1;., llallan Ambassa• dnr !Signor ~larlo )la– Joll I will open lhll nhl– bltlon on Thursda)'. .. l~"•:.;:~:,~!~~-~~~ J\1 A IH'II IG. 1!171 lridtaN: will IN tll• fir1t Au1tralie11 citr to see • •aior iflteu1etioflel collection of ltolien 1culpture whir.II wm tour Australia for 12 •0111tt.1. TIie Amba.'--iador o f lt.u.ly , S1g111ir Mano Majoli, 0£1t1•1all v will 111K:11 the ct1s1,tur at 1.hl ' Queensland Ar\ Cullen un Thur:,,Oay, The d1:,;pl11y of the Soultul'a Jtallana. y,•os brought l!l/;~:;•~~.~rre~'~t:.::rh~~~~~~~.•, 1 :1 i~'t:~ ;:~;..~~ sant Fou11duuon lrom the art collector and critic, GaslJl!ro del Corso The collection. wl11ch wo.s rormect by del Corso in 1964-65, has been valued al $250,000. The under secretary of Forei~n Alfalrs, !or lhe problem of emigration and soclnl uffairs, Signor Al– berto Bemporud, of Italy, will also attend the 01.,11- INO. The executive director of Lile Peter Stuyvesont J~.:r111! 1~1~r.~,; w~w..ic.::~nrtt,. 1 ~.!r~•.~.~·i::r~~t to Auslralla. It. ls the seventh c ultura l e.'CIUhitlon shown in Aust ralia by Liu• Trus t . Tiu~ ctisphly of fiO pie,ce." ol conte1111K1rnry ltaltRn .scul\)t.urc will rem tun 111 the Queensland Art Oallcry ~1~~~ ii~~~~, ~~tJ\~'a'.'\val~,/ ''111 continue it6 Australian Sydney, ITALIAN SCULPTURE DISPLAY A major collection of Italian 1culpture will be shown in Aus– tralia from Miuch 18. The collection, ~·1111111 a llaliana, will b< exh i1,,1eJ for 11 monlhs Lh rou i;huut tht C111nn1onwc3llh . The :,1..'ulrtur~.. ;,, c h~ing brought lo Aw~tralb h\ the l'\.'lcr St11p •c,:1nt ' I I l1,1. Th~ Cl•lkc1i11n ,, a, fut m~d hr Ci:1, pcw d\.'I ( u1 ,l.,, an in1ernat1on:illy rc .. 1x-1..h:J url collel.'.lOr und 1..·ritii..·. The exhibition '"" ;1 I• rc:,Uy hcen seen b)' 11i.uc th:.111 two million pcupl'-' in Furore anJ Camula. It i~ rcputcJ one of thi: rim•,t single collection, ur llulian sculplurc. port1:a~· in, n comrlete cn,,14~,..:1:· t ion of lluliun work . ., The rxhihition \\ ill 1,e officially Ol"'neil in Ori<• b;111e hy Italian Amhu,,a. dor, Mr Mario 1\1:ijuli. u11 March 18. Galleries From llal,•: Sixty !'leces of modern Italian scu pture including wol'ks by Greco, Glacomctll, Manzu, Carlucci and a bronze portrait of Henry Miller by Marini. Owned by the Peter -s tuyve– sant Trust the collection was organised by an Hallan art critic and collector, Gaspcro ctei Corso. in 1964- 65. !Brisbane, National Art Gallery, opens Friday.)