Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Art display A dlsplny or Hallan sculpture, Scultura IIII· Jana. wtll be on public tfi<. htbtUon at the Queensland t~~,?~u~rr lJ.om tomorrow The isplav will be ortl • clally opened tonight at 8 gii'!'sad':rr i1:~u~\~~n~ (~:: nor Mario MaJoll). THI COUIIIH-MAIL WIDNISDAY A,111L 14 1971 .QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY Frorn today until Thursdny 22nd April the A t Gallery_w,II ,ernoin closed, The> llulron Sr:ulplu;e Exh1b~t~on will be d1smor11/,irj and the new t!')(hlb,tron mounted. MODEIIN IECOIIA TIYE ART Of JArAN · 0,-NING THURSDAY 22Nt> 11,11IL, 1971 "SCULTURA ITALIANN' The Peter Stuyvesant Trust is proud to announce the arrival of an important collection of Italian Sculpture as a further addition toils programme of bringing first-class exhibitions to Au stralia. Over the years, the Trust has brought you such wllections as; Works by Rodin Art In Industry Nordic Art Art of the Spice A11e AND NC\W..,"SCULTURA ITALIANA.'' This is one of the finest single collections of contemporar1 Italian sculpture, and provides a co~plete cross-section of the exciting work being produced in Italy .at the present time. "Scultura ltaliana" showing at the Queensland Arl Gallery, Gregory Terrace, from the 18th March for three weeks. Admission free. f"2r1 THE PETER STUYVESANTTRUST ~ for the Development of the Arts. SCULPTURES HERE FIRST IRISIANI I • th1 flrtt Au • tr1ll1n c1pit1I to • H • $25D,000 I I o I I • 11 1culptura exhibition, The 60 - piece collection, "Scultura Itallana," on 111~– play free to the publl~ at ~~eei::,~~nfee/~~ t~~ 1 ~ir~ lion people at exhibitions In Europe, Africa, and Ca– nada since 1984. The exhibition was om– clally opened la.~t night by the reth·lng Italian Am– bassador to Australia ror. Marlo MaJolll, who called It "the golden b,-ooch that cloi;es m mission," Brisbane, o. COUIIIIII-MAIL WID, MARCH 24 1971 Art review by Dr. Gertrude Lanier Sculpture of Italy displayed Once more one 11 grateful to The Peter StuyvHant Trult for a 1pl1ndid ex– hibition, It a 11 a n sculpture has or slgnltlcance Is the opened Its Australian tour universal use or metals at the Queensland Art Oai- <with one el<ceptlon, a iery where It will be on woodcarving or sheer beau– view until April 11. ty by Sguancl) because or The collection gives In- Its adaptability to every sight Into Italf;'" 20th cen- form concept, thus allow- ~~;ric~':.i~~.\1t1~n ~~t~:}:,!j lnt%~~! rr:e~'!'ct In the sculpture an~ In the main bulk or the work, again ror Expressionistic, which can- lt,s great malleability and not be obscured by the also for ILs wa:·m chuacter. strong counter-movement Most of the sculptors here It provoked In-the la.st dee- despise smooth surface-fln– ade. ish and exploit, for ex– Soon after the end or presslve ends, the crude Fascism In Italy, Its artists qualities or the caat or s L11 rte d re-thinking not wrought material. only aesthetic but also In the delightful fig– moral values. urines by Gludltta Scallnl This can be seen In such the pitted surrace texture cllrnrgent works as Lhe ten- adds to the Intended arch– cler, contemplative ones by ale appearance. M,mzu (sLIII more closely She captures the lh-ely hasect on t:•adJUonl, the expressiveness, achieved i 111 men s e I y powerful, with slmpllcJty, or pre– profound and stronglr for- historic sculpture. mally ordered ones b.r Ma- Vlanl's hlghy • polished 1·1nl. the lacerated. tor- surfaces are a necessity In menLed figures of Mlrko his works \\·Ith their swlng– nnd Ghermandl tthe lnt- Ing planes and volumes tr r"s Archangel Oabrlell, that count with the reflecL- 1lie post-cubist one., or ed light.. M,1sLcolannl, the almost. to- He h.. t,wo large beau– rnllv abstract. nnesof Con- 1.1ru1 sculptures in this sngra, I.he 1vlre sculpture show. , Memory of the M•n In the Thirty - thrrP. sculptors Concentration Camp) by or repute are Included In Mlnguzzl. this rewarding exhibition. Sculpture show most impressive R.,. F'RF:111-:Hlf' ROG l~HS Al'AllT from the intrinsic. aest hetic and artistk impart or it s indh·ictual unit s. the rnlue of a showing of forei1-:-n art is the insight it icivcs into (for the most part) contemporary trends in the lnrgl'r world outsi!le Australia. Prt;~·Jstu;:~:1i1\1 i;1'r~1~t ~~~1~m1w~~·l ~~~\ 1~1i'1 1 ! 1 1t2rL:::-u :1';.~ now on \·iew Rt the Quecn~lnnd GRllery. Ci rC'lwry Trr~ rnce. lion~~-e~'i~r~1~,1~l~l :'~1~ll~ 1~~1i., 7;;~1h~,~~1:.~~~;~1r rxt11bl- tt ls imn~lnntn·r hr~ onrt ,w :-.<T1p11011. 1r 1 hnwilll~ brvonrt rcprnR<·h. Rest hc1wnl l,· mnrr t hn11 111P1rlr rnOvm~. nnd nrt1~tlcRII~· cxrit 1m::. · E!>-sr11110lly, it riisC'ards t this will earn rnr somr cn1111n1H•I., 1 thr tong11r -1n-rhcck nhstr11ctionism or so ma 11.v nt f)tl r hrlcht youru: nn ists. Ah~tJ'fl('l work there 1:-i. hut 1t "cnmmunicRtcs·· in– st.earl of confuse~. lnte1~~cl1~·.not onlr the mnssh'e work..c; that please so . The court that first 111ects the el'c. devoted to p1er l'~ flf some stature by Emilio Greco, 1s R sl,unner. Yf'1 Frnncesco Mes.o;hrn's little bronze horses stir lhf"' ..p1r11 ~lrno~t criun llr . nrnl Loreno Sguanci's Har– mn11~· 1111d 'l'r11!'-1on 111 wond nnd the onlv non-mct - n l OffC'l'lfH: · 1, utt rrly lllflJ.!llt'lic. . The nnc rl 1.,c<wrl 1111 note - to me, Rt leR$I - is }i~~ 1 ~'/~~!'~:~,. ;~~~n colorin~ of the s1a,1rts on which Out , lhRt Apart . this is a show 1hat errn· Art lm ·er nnr1. evrn m~re lm portAnt. ercn artist. should !-PC. con slriC'J' nnrf rllgest.