Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

goes into the art f't1lltl'liu11 ot llall1u1 M"Ulpt11,., "'orlb ,:!at1,11no nrrdNI 11umt ,,.,-rul1tl– ln1 ,nll poll•l1h11 on Its • rrlr • l Y'"lrrd•Y lnr It., flrNt. Am ,tnll.en 11howi1111: In Hri1d1o111r, Wm·kmrn Juul lo wrhlhlR: tor1'11 In :l tall :-cul1,t11rr Ancr stnll l111111,1e nrlgl111\l sh:tlU' h1•fr1n• 11l11cl11t.: IL a1110111,: Ol lll'r pirt·r.'i 11( llU' Pl"tl'r HL11\'\'1•snnt 1"11unt1n1 ln11'J. S1·1llt11;·1\ 11.Allitna 1:ollrr– t hm in 1111• "lll'l!ll!'-lr\11d Arl 0Rllt-ry, R'l'hr ,•x • •1•11l l\'C dlrr•d,111· or lhl' Prlrr Sllt)'VClinlll TrllNI, In AU1'tn\11:l Ml' n . H. Ht\Wk••· AAhl t.hr v.·ork Wit'i 11roh11hl)' dnnlRRrd llL 1'U, . on JI:,. WRY from C1111acln. ThP llnllnn A111h11ss11clor, Mr Mnl'lo MnJr,11, .-111 Of)f'll I hr r xhihll Ion 111• 11111rmw 11h:h1. 'l'lu• ell).• pin_\' I,;; 10 1,!fl flll :-1111\\' iii :di Ht:111• 1•:tpil :11::. Nrw1·1:,tlr 111111 l ,:11111- 111 111•• 111"-:I l:! A'/ AJOh~ i11te 1·n11fi1n, - 11t cnllt·r·t111 n r,f /111!– ian .~r11t1,t11rp i."i uo 1t· .~lwivi uy i11 th e ()u c,•11."· lc,nd Ar t Gu/le ,·.,, u11rl will tour 1\ 11Nl r11 fi11 tJl'f' r H_~.~•. 'llC:l'l. I ! IH iJlltlt ~. Bnm!_lhl to A11."fl1·aliu b11 1/w Pdc r St11,11v,•.,. ai,t 1'n1Ht , tll, · ,·nlle,·ti,m f o rm ed ill the 191;0, ul– most 1•11lirdy b.11 tlu· in • tf'ruoliom1ll!I r espected {'ollector and crUic, Ga."'• pcro del Corx", lrn s al· rcml.1 been s,•,·n by twu 111il/io11 7H'Op/,, rrt exl,ib• ilionN tl1ro11yho11t Eur• ut•l' und Cana,tn. ,l/tr:1· 1111' e,:/1 ibilirm ill u, iRl)Rlll' ,,,,, f'fJl/(l(•f . ;,.,,, "Sc11l71tu-ra Itrrli~-,- 1111'' , will be di.•l1/u:11cd 111 !111· Sfnfr• gu/ e rif's of N.S.W., Vir·t111·i1:1, Tas· . w,,s t,•nt ilusf· S1J11th A11, t• MODERN DECORATIVE ARTS OF JAPAN An exhibition of Japa– nese decorotl\!c an was of– f i C I ll 11 y opened aL Lhe ~~•~~~'\:l~ ILAi~c1uCJ!! 1 e~b r~~~~ror ,.c:r:.m~%1~~tt::?d weavtng and metal work. The exhibition will be shown unLII May 16. e_. Artistic la!her dau}hter, Mr. J im Tim , mermans and Sophre Timmermans ol Bardon , studied Fauinr's bronze work, The Sibyl, at the Peter Stuyvesant exhibi, I/on ol Italian Sculpture al Queensland Art Gal– lery during Thursday night's ollicial opening. Mr. Timmermans is art teacher at Brisbane Girls'fl{;rammar School, and Sophie is in third year commerdal art. THI COURIER-MAIL SATURDAY MAY 1, QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY Because of alterations to the building entrance, the dismantling of 1hc JAPANESE EXHIBITION, a"d the mounting of the FIRST LEASING ART PRIZE COMPETITION, the Art Gallery will close from 5 p,m., SUNDAY, 16th May, 1971 , until 10 a.m , TUESDAY, 25th Moy, 1971. LAST WEEKEND TO VIEW THE JAPANESE EXHIBITIO"I - 15 116th MAY, 1971. Ja11a11ese art of today 011 s110,v • A SELECTION of Japan 's m od e 1·1 rleco1·ative a,rts will he exhibited in th Queensland' Art Gallery from Friday Ap1·il 23. The ll'Ol'k s being dls– pluycrl. nrc the prize w111- 11rrs from an exhibition hrlrl h,· the Modern Dec– or 1Ll\'r ArLc. Assnclo! ln11 nr lnpn11, ln~L ~ 1 cnr. Th,.._,. inrlw1c ccrn1111n,. nirotnl wnrc. IAcqucr wn r(', tl ,\ r 111 J.! nnci wri1\'it11,Z. Wl"'orl wnrk. hamhoo work n11tl r11s1tn ~. Th~ c;nrHrnl of .Japnn. ~l r. f s11kno K11wnhn111 . H1U nfl1rlnll~· Of)f"l'I 1hr "Xh1bllln11 011 Thursdn\· i\ pril :?:.!. nl H. l !i p.m. · · The rxhlbl1lo11 llas nl– rrnrl.\' 1011rec-t Nnw 7.ra– lcwd. nnd Is nt present on n t,nur of A11sLrnlfn.