Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

1971 Cllatr ol unusual piece Hara Nor,o, local point ol s,on between Mr. and Mrs. John Barrow ot Nundah when tf1ey at– tended the open111g n1glll o/ a display ol Modern Deco1at1ve Art ol Japan ' at the Q~slruid_ A,t ~ry on Thursday n; g h t. Mrs. Barrow looked ele11ant in a I/me green pantsuit and midi coal over re-embroidered lace evening blouse. Brisbane, Q. ~2 MAY 1971 R 1 ART EXHIBIT IS WORTH A LOOK BY' FREDERIC ROGERS IT is a rare experience to visit an art exhibition and find f th P ieces without minute difficulty In pas 11 1ng even one o e examination and adequate reflection. The cxhiblLlon or Mo<l•r ern Decorat.lve Art.-; o Japan now on dlsplnr at the Queensland Gallery provides one such ex– perience. H c re . the Japanese chn rnctcrlst!cs or on nl– most obscssl\'C: prcdllec– llo u fo r dr t.H ll nnd n nr1 r s11ir'.t un.l " ppronch to acs– L ,ctic npprcclnt lnn or a sub ject nre Sl'<?n to super-, iati\·c cHrcl In " ~nrnl but <clccr. ('0111'<'11011 of work~ 1 11 me,nl cn~tlnl,,ls, lncqurr- work. crmmlcs. rtvcinµ nnrl wen,·inR nnd \\=oorl nnrt 1Jamhm 1• DC'lrtl lr cl com111r11t on Lhe h'r nut y nrnl subllrly nf the essays shown woulrt occupy ~olumns or pr, nt , nnrt It IS rllHlculL t u' s C l Cr t outslnndhlR ' feces ror eulogy. 1towe, 1 er II App~n•c~ N 7" and "In a \\ood o. examples of laeq11tr "'nrk that cannot be overlookr.d; Aklra Yam– • 1 a k 1• !' 11 Remalnln1 Llrhl" and ShnJI Man– dal'!4 ueurnln,:- .lar" are ceramlc,1 that enlrancr, The whole elitht •i!ecl· mrn!i or c1yeing and wcn\·in~ c1r 111nnd hour!-l ~f centempla1!011 : Okubo s ,;Leather Work '" defies ,!ei;crlpt.ion in Its MtJ,:. lvln~ handling or the tilec1 ium nnrt Kok! To– )ima's Inlaid wood pnnPI 18 rnlculntcrt to excite M well 118 Clll.hral. Influence No ,·!ewer should e•• pect what hM come to be trarllt!on•IIY R5M!Clated \\'jlh l,he art. of ,IAp&n_- Ille elegant d•ta1l•d P I e c e • ol naturl\ll•t1c rrpres,,ntatlon. weslern Influence la clearly dlecemlble In t.hl whole of the shm,•: wed– ded t.o Oriental charac– t.erlsucs It ls enhanced to a de 11 ree rhat must be seen to be appreciated. The art ol Brl • hane Rotarlan-artl!lt FA De– vonport will create a fur– ther link ""hrffn Au•– tralla and America. From a public exhlbl• tton or hi& work cur– rent II· being shown In !he Don · Mclnnts ORl!ery tRowe's Arcade, Adelaide si.reet, t-he Rotary Clubs or Queensland have pur– che.sed an oll palntlnr to be pre11ented to Rotary International, America. The palnUnJf ChOlll!n lo "Rush TrRck"• - • lypl– ORJly Australlan •crne that The Sunday Mnll art critic. P'reder1c Ro- 1 11.er& , d~rlbe& u one o the bett ptecu ID Iha ool• lect.m. "COURIER MAil" -f M1-rr 1~ 11 Brlsb.ine, e ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer JAPANESE ART FINE DISPLAY "MODERN Decorative Arts of Japan" make a fine ~:•play at the Queensland Art GaJ– lery, IL !s the first exhibit ion of this kind fr m J apan to rear h Drl.':lbn1w •lnpaw\•u.• 11: t a.h,a.\.'fi h.1s bt"t>U u1fu1 m <I by a h 1~hJy derelo/>ed aesthellc sensu u11tt extreme fineness of croft 1111hln a broad frame– ll'Ork or de Jgn. The Easr,ern nrt.1st hns a sens1bJ1ity for )11.s rnn teri;::il, ,, h ich ls ns m 1wh lhe rr -.,ult nf re111 urfos of n 1l11,·nuo11 ns \t 1 of naturnJ taJej11 an d of a JJarucular m entul a p– proach. This men!al o pproa,:h re– sides In a dee1ly rooted phl- ~ ';~fg~Ylu;;~/~';~':-Lil 't~ellt':[tlst Western Jnfluences ha,·e m ad their inroads on f>\'N ) ' aspect of Jnp:ln .-;e life nnrt art und it hns noL been a one-,\ ay trnftic. Some or the works In Lhl., exhlbll !on have more obvious llnk.s wJt,h tradltJon than most other• which appear t.o be w I thl n International trends. But also In these the t1~Pnaen'ifi~o~:~itar~~er~~~: .. ~~~ ~-1i'~ J~;!~~.f.~riJ'e".:\~_nlnr,nnce The ••hlbltlon la not o,·rr-larg:.. hua cutn11rises d1oh' • " urks a.s ,·.arfod in runr,•111io11 Ah. U.e)' Mre Jn matorlal, and IN:hnlques. lr~it(:~t~~; ~~~~e::,~:,;/: inar utmost skill a nd P3· llence, J1as been JJmcllsecl in Jn11n.n since the 8111 Century. Here ll IS llllJJlied to mOd– ern ideas seen, wnong other beaullful worlc In a lacquer carm ,~ h)' NlzJk! and an op- 11~ tl\',i\~\t ~Y ;~~~~'- rrom some very fine ,·ascs to sculptures as vnrted as U1e rel'el11tlon of the apirlt In a stone to elegant geometrical– ly ba.scd creations. MF.'l'AL \\'OKK !11 m l1011s mecha anr1 rrehniques in– r l11<ll's a t·or,pcr , ase of re• !1nect sunpJ,cit)• b)" Sugn but the mu.Jority are ,;culpLuree well deserving cl0&e atudy. D\'UNG and WEAVING are appJ!ed to wall pictures or highly decorath•e u well as lyrical appeal and Jn. elude refined work., b.v Ugal, Kazu~o. Takansh! anct Klbo. Among other 111n1erlnls used ls a l!Oph!stlcatcd nb– ~troct composlllon, benu– ~:ugku'/:.lled tram lea ther, ~I AP l9J[ e ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer 10 Printmakers in national exhibition T HE Australian l'rlnt Council's 4th Annual Ex– hibition replaces the Council's previous com– petitions. Ten well known print• makel's hRvc been hwnecl 10 conrrlhute Lhl'ee works each. The exh1b1t1on which i. smaller than usua~ but an imponanL one. will be on view a t the Queenslnnn ArL Gallery unt!J eRl'ly In Mny. Prem Iling flgumlh·e wo r k i s rnalnl"y ex– pressionistic nnr1 surreal. Superb e tchings by Arthur Rfl\'d hR \"e nothing sl11ck Ill r, 11·e ass u I' c c1 spontaneity $30,.7S0 for art works p 11 r ,· ha , r <. 10 1,1J!mc ,.:in,7511 hn(l h<'r-11 nrnd(• for l lll" Qurrn~!n11rl :\ 11 G nl– lCr\' IH'Cnrd111i: to r llr 1!"16~- 70 ' report or Ihe ~a llerr S rhn1 rmn11 nf n 1."tr··, 1~ 11 Leon Troull the Cuil ur,11 :\Jlni ?'fi l\it nustr : 1M r 1· !t·1 - t'hr r • :-nlri 111 S!al(' Parl1n– l1F'l1 1 \ 0 f' .. /P rr111," . Rf' fJ l\·tuc. 10 :\tr. n rom lr ~• 1 1 \ .L.r :. Nnrm.111 1 • M r. Flrt– C'l1r r ~R1d Ihr purchat-<'. rnm pn~Nl 1111w 01! pR1111- l11c_.°', 1IH Pr \\':t tr r r nlors . l \\'O ~c·ulpl Ul'f'~. llllfi th rcr r n :ns Alld ril'R\\'lll i!S, ~lnr c July 1. l!l/0, n lOIRI 0 r 27 t,,·nrk., h:1 d 1,rrn nr– qu1n•d Rt ii t'O!-l or $:!l.:1fi0. Th r f: r cnmrm~rrl nine pn111 , Hnd d nn r1111•. ~ n nrf lR pn1111t11gs. which gives us his tense im– ages or a hall-caressing, hnlC-angulshed eroticism. The brnto llsed, st,range human lmnges of George Baldes.,ln 1111d the mood or horr!Nc suspense. become the more effective thl'ough his sophisticated p!nclng and technique. Udo Scllhach's blwck-ann– wh1le lir.ltos ar~ very sl ronr;: and compelling. Jan Senherg's serigraphs, Rnd e.specially h is "Three tone doubtful\ " where the calm menace of three n!t~ned pyramids pushing for1h gun-like runnels ls much heJgh1enert by the J)RrRrtox or most sen.slt11·e!y handlerl mn11,·e.c; nf thP col– nrlng, are not easily rorgot– tcn. Lamlscape Fred \\'llllams, "'hose mas– terrul elchlnir,, a~ an Impor– tant parL of hi• work, con– trlhule• ,..Ith hi• ,•ery orl_cl– nal vision of An•lroll•n lancl~capc. Sn e I Counihan. \\:hose hlnck nnrt whil e Rrnphlr.!i I nlwn\'.c;; nl lurrt hil::hrr tlrnn lu.,; °pRllll ini::s. nrn kr,c; J)OW– rrf11I !iOrllll ('OJ110l('ti ls. Vrtr rnn pri111 ,111kr r •:rh• Thakr IS Hµhlrr In lllOOri nmt rnthrr rlrcorntln!. Earlr Riu·ken cnJoys com- !~::~1s ~~~~!!~ r1~1 1 b~~~;c)"~6J~= {'(1 r trhll1R, . Salk1n11ok11.111 t:rt:;. lw:; rrft!ct:. with 'iJ1A rsrnrs..1; anrl ·"ubrle !ilrrni;:1h. Then 1hr1r r1rP 1111necca hlc Abstrar t .c;.r rlJ?l'B ph ~ by Da,·lrf Rose, whn~e onr- nrn n ,;,f1nw J • · ·e r,crnt h'.