Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"'Tht• future• of AdelKldc Fhllval little unccrtuln ut the moment and if it P&clts UJl or occurs less frequrntly, lhen Queens– land Is U1e obvious SI.ale to rill the ga11." he suld. Mr Creedy suld he had a fi\'e ycur plan lor the frsllvul whloh would begin with the staging or u mo~1ut• in the Brisbane , l'lty hull next Sepwmber. It would bf• Jk"rform<d by thr. 81Hli• UH'µlrc. 01w1·u n111l lmlli'L .:uinp:uucs. TIit· Qm·,·n.sh1nd Sym• phony Orchestra, the Q u 1• ,. u s I u n d Theatre Company, Um Queensland Or••m Com111my and the Quccnslaml Uullel would nil tuk1• purt In the 11n– nu11I Wnrana Festival rrom September 25 to October 3. organised and financed by government and Brlsbune bushwss lntercsLs. CENTRAL THEME "The masque will be u,e centreplc-ce of Wu– ranu thLs year." Mr Creedy snld. "It oocms expedient to use the exlsllng Wnrnna Pesllval machinery rath– r than sl.art a second fesllvul," lrn said. "There are two or three vtslonarlcs on the Warana,. committee who nl{rce lts-,magc should be brl~ht.ened up. MR CREEDY outlines his plans yesterday for a Queensland Festival of the Arts in 1975. "This is going to cost a lot of money," he said. "Perhaps by 19'15 they would agrL'll to renaming It Urn Queensland Jo"C!sllv– nl or the Arts, because by thru It will not be n Brisbone or even a south-MSt Q u cc n s l und rest.lvnl." Mr Crccdy said he hoped to plan a central theme Involving little theatre, light opera and arts nnd craft groups by 19'12. Jn 1973 he would like to see a river pageant. "We w,u,~ music on the water, brass bnnds play– Ing good music, flam– boyant music from the symphony orchestra and n1ndrlgal groups on barges," Mr Crecdy said. By 1974, the restlval would progress to a mc– dlcvnl-style pageant Ju the final year, 1975, the fesllval would have visiting companies from . ' Interstate and overseas, playing theatre, ballet and opcru, and n visiting symphony orchestra. ''This Is going to co.st a tot or money and It Is essential to be reallsllc In budgeting," Mr Crccdy sn~~ C!rccliy snld he would like to sec more decentrallsatlon or cul– tural actl\lltlcs, with 11 network oC 50 or 60 ccn• tres with populations or JJ .I I 71 Doors of the Notional Art Gallery were removed to enable o fork-Ii~ truck to dellnr some of the 56 works in the First Leesin9 Art Prise showing to be opened tonl9ht. Mr. Frank Relnehr, 36, the Brt works wee, val– or Melbourne, managing uc~ at $120,000. g~.::.'i-~r fc.~: 1 n:~~ ~l: The compelllion nance Pty. Ltd. and vlded $9000 '" prlv,es. man a g Ing director or wfut~ui;:,b~{cl~~i/:h:~"~: n~s~ sa~il 6 1~l''!r1s11~:,t;ii~~ sent LO the Australian my that the exhibition section or the lntcrnat– was the largest to come lonal division or the First to B:·isbane. Nallonnl Bank or Boslon. It will be oi>encd by The balance or the the Minister for Educo- pein~lni:;s would be OJ~n tion, Mr. FINcher Rt 8.15 1 ' • ·s p,m. Works or 19 or Austra– lin's top young art ists will be an dlSJ>lav until June 22. The First Lea.sing Art Prh:e showing openert Jr1 Melbourne in Scptemher with 60 exhibits by 20 artJ~t.s. Bu t, b~n,i.r;e or their size. Olli)' 56 could be AC– comrnodal ed by the Brls– bnne Art Gallery. Mr. Relnehr said that nbOut 4000 nlong coast nntl perhaps Inland. He htul encournged t11e establishment of vacation courses In the performing and creative arL, In country centres. The next would be held ut Lougrcach In May and, In August, a vaca– t.lon course would be held Jn the mining town of Mary · Kathleen, In north-west Queensland. THE COURIER-MAIL MONDAY JUNE Attack on art gallery ' ' game Ji. STRONG attack against the "Gallery Game" waa made by the State Labor Mem– ber for Mormon (Mr. F. P. lromley) in • Brisbone rodio broodcolt Iott 11i9ht. Mr. Bromley, the O\1P,(l,Sl- the property w,\U be ao- 11011· cultu ral act vii 1es qutred thi& year. h pok~ mnn Ud\'()('Otl'd the Mr. Bromley u ,u,– fum111 I IOII 01 a public pre:-:• g Led Lh.at the Oovem– >11r" ~roup 10 end the mem conduct special art– ""ame · and get the proJ- !lllllery lotteries, alone eCt.cd i1ew Queenslaud Art lines s1m1lar lo r..nose con. Gallery olr the ground. ducted for the new Sydney He repeated his sugges- Art O.Jlery_and the 8)1d• lion that a special Stale ney Opera House. Jotter)' should be run to He said he believed, bi• rai.se finance for the gal- cause or the publicity given tery by the media to art, that !'.fr. nromley a11acked man y more lndlvld~•I• the gallery building as were becoming respons ve, "completely outdoterl, In- by vis1ung private art 1&1· co n i r u o u s , Inadequate, te: les. t be Inconvenient, unsuitable, Theseedpeotoi>;.,• 0 ~ u!nd ~!- P • t h e t I c dllapldatea coura11 1 hm t un!_nvltlng and unrunctlon- ~~WU,esr:::ii1da11.~ al. Queensland. They muat be· bird• come a pressure ,roup, ht He said it wM " a place said. lor the b1rcls - In fact, hunrtreds Ot'Sl Ill lt." Mr. Bromley said th~ Treasurer (Sir Gordon Chalk I had annow,ced on Nol'ember 16, 1968, that he had In It I ate a an Jn– vestliiatlon Into the future of the Queensland Art Gal– lery, and hnd discussed the po,;slblllty or an Increase to the annual grant of $24,000. Mr. Bromley said this g~:~·~~ ·~:em~~~i 'a: "':!}~al th~r.last floonclal venr, 1500,000 was allocated t~r t~; 0 ~~y.,{eeslhm~~r~ Brisbane, and onlv • 202.840 wns spent. "The same amount was set aside this year, but the Works Mlnlst.er (Mr. Hod– ges, said In answer to my question on November 7, 1970, he did not know whether It would be used, sll;;:eto 6~1~: ;:; ::fJc~f 'TMI COURIER-MAIL THURSDAY JUNE 24 QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY WILL BE CLOSED FOR REHANGING TO REOPEN TUESDAY JUNE· 29. FEATURING SEL'ECTED WORKS FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION