Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. :i I ' • 'J 1968 ~ c;;,u::u,~ 7 '-- - ' j}-',I1 ~ ~ .c'/ Child art 1 open Tuesday 1 A display of children', creafr,e arts will be of. llciallv opened at the Quee,,sland Art Gallery by the Primary Educotioft dlrecto, I Mr. A. l. Guy– me, I oft Tuesday. Tlw r1tf,plny will itH·or- frir'~'t~l' :!iR~~~ 1 - 1 :l~~~c~fCd~~~~ Fund A11!'.tlrn lrnn Chrlst- ~~11,fJ 't.c l!;i!r;1~~10 2~1 °K Lions Club. Prt;,.<' moucv ol ~I tO 1,1, 1 RS provtcird bv i lH 1 Lion:, 1or t hr compri tt1011 Winners· rnunct-i nnd 1.hrrt• or 1he winnltHt rntrlrs wt•rr nub– llshed in The Sundny Mall last Sund.,y Th e dlsp 1R)' al the gnller\' will h1-t for two weeks. The olflclal opcn– lnR will be al 4 ii.Ill. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Old. 29 FEB \%8 .. ~~~a~• Art -:b~~-~t to Downs TOOWOOMBA. - Pointin11 from the Quee.,, nd Art Gqllery will be ihown for the first time In Toowoomba neat month. The collection or paint– ing., nrrlved In Toowoomba y•sterctny and wilt be shown In the city"s gallery In two weeks. The\' hnve been lent to the 'roowoombn Gnllcry undrr n new agreement be– tween provlnctnl gullcrlcs nnct the Queensland ORI· Jer)'. win 1 ;b~t ~Rf~lrm~~1 1 ~1i Robinson I snld: "We're ter– ribly excited a bout It. This ls the first renlly cultural exchange we've tlnd ns fnr n.s pntntlngs are concerned. \'sit • \Vc'rc hoplnJ.? mnny more wlll find their wny to T,,o- woombn." · Alderman Robinson snld It Wl\S hoped the Queens– land Art Galler\' Director IMr. J . W ieneke, would visit Toowoomba during the showing , perhaps lo lecture on art. Toowoomba's go.llcry, es• tnbllshcd 30 yenrs ag!•, Is now In t.hc City nail, Ruthven S treet. CHILD ARTISTS' WOiiK ON SHOW EVER since he started achool, no piece of paper or cardboard has been safe from eight-year-old Craig Claaton'1 artiltic fingers. Armed with crayons, pencils or brushes he has covered the lot with drawin9s and 1ketche•• So last May, his mother, Mrs. J. Claxton decided to, enrol him In the Saturday mor lli ng Crcall\'e Arl classes conduct~d by ~tr,;, Marrarel McNeU at l11r Queensland Art Gallery. Now, with 25 other young nrtlsts, Cmlg's work wlll go on display at the gallery next Tuesda)' in a spcclul Exhibition o! Children·• Creative Art which will continue for 12 days, The special clas~es eo,·cr not only painting but also clnv mOdclllng, 'ut which Crnlg has become equally nd<•11t. But his creative nctil'l• ties. which lnvoh•e two hours every Sa lurda.v l.>C• ~ldcs mo.nv hours nl horr,r Pn.ven 't lntcrrcrcrl with C:rnl,(:,. more convcntionnl 5chflol lr~i;ons. Last Yf'Rr. he fnoned h i!-= rln.,,, Gr:1rte "M1tc.P, nl I<e~ron Rtnte School! \Vh('ln he's not nnlntinrt Craig SDf'nrls I.he rest n! hi• !!''l&re time T"Atfin·'? :inrt Jn,;;t ri~r1in1t· started p)aylnP The Plthltiltlc>n will b• nnP.ned hv thP. nlrcrtnr "' r>rlmnry F.ducatlnn. Mr. A V., Gnvmor, at 4 n.m. OP Tue.,dtW nntl will hn one" to the puhllc from 10 n.m to 5 p.m. Monda't tn Sat.nr– day and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m, on Sundays. "CHRONICLE" Toowoomba, Qld. 2 MAR1~~3 'btJfit!z Paintings for gallery to be hung today Thr.: firsl or ,1ute11~land Arl Gallery Jmlntln,:s foi loa•«-•lcrm dii.play In 'l'oo• woomba wltl be unpacked 11.lld hun, at the TOOWOOIII• ba Art Gallery thi• mom In.-. Abonl 100 paintings ;_ by British, European and Australian arllsts - ar– rl.-ed al tbe gallery yester– dl\y. AL 10 a.111. tod,iy moat or the paintings presently tn the ~•llery wlll be re– pltlccd by the -.Brlabane paintings. The unpacking wilt be supervised by the president of the Toowoom– bR Art Society tM1·. w . Coston 1. Delivery of the follows a visit by the Director of the Queensla.nd Art Oallcry (Mr. James Wieneke) to Toowoontbl\ on February 6. The Toowoomba Art Oal– lcry (at the City Hall) had shortly before become I\ branch or the Queensland Art Gallery. and Mr, Wleneke's vtalt wtl.! ar- ranged so approval could be given for Brisbane paintings Lo be brought here. The display, which will slay In the city for nbou L two months, will be of– ficially opened on March 13. However. Toowoomba people should be able to see the paintings almost immedlatety. About th1·ee exhibitions a year are planned. INVITATION