Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

-·:o'· .. ,· • site Gallery clash looms CONSTRUCTION of Brisbane's new art gallery i1 expected to begin in 1973 - but a new claah i1 looming over the !!le of the 6 1-acre 1ite, It had been a ssumed that the site would contain on ly an a rt ga ll ery. But thP Erlth'at1011 ~1111- Mr. J<.,le1cher a rtm lttf'd ua1 111g 111rtl\ 1ctuall,r 1ster 11\lr. F'lPtrher • :,a,o t h in 11111JalJ.\· thf' ne mas the propPl'IY o"ners. t:s~6~~:?~1n;· 1 1r:i~ ri~:;~~~~ ~~1ieu~'1~~~~t:l\. R~~ f:1'~~r) 1 j Mr an \\hllP, 11 prel1m1- an Rrl gallery. The area IS t'OUl<t 1,1kr abo R mu.eurn '~::r,~r~l'lh~, 0 br~~le lr~~~-eg big enough lo 8erve a com- anri J)O:-t 1hly a theatre. 1 h binRtion or cultura l pur- "\\'he11 ~nu htHP JJO:.Sf'.\• lt~r,:i ... 'sa~Ot~r ... ,~ r),\ r:~, 11 .:~: poses." ,1.,11 of a hie, rentrol area pen., com·e1111•,1 11 ,, ,r- The irnllerr S!lr is ho rnrl - like Lh1s, 11 1s to hP hoperl ...arried as too ambn1ous, ed by Melbourne. G rey, 1J111t Its U/'lf' \\'111 be more anrl nil s1drs acree It Peel anrt Slanley streeu;, comprrhen.'il\'e lhan JWH must. he rrducPn. for ~n art. gallery," Mr. The Works 11111. ter •Mr. T IH~ ,aRllrn· t~ oucn from 10 n rn to 5 p.111. '.\1ond:n· 10 Snl t'irrtn.,· nn ci :? r>- 111· lCl !i run on S11 nc1a_,·s. This yr nn') compr 1j1_1on aurrictert r,ooo r1,Lrlrs 110111 arllsts unrter l 1. Flet, her sn1rt. 1-!nrtges, is expcrtert next Multi-use !~~{'~ otgm~n~~~ 11 ,~h1c7f:~l !'\fr. F'lt>IChPr I!-. known to plnn th e gallery. ha,·c thP ,ilwflOl'l for m ull !- A senior n111c·ml A.'1~0t·t– lllie of LhC' urr•n!-.IAnrt c·ul - RINI \\Ith tit'.' proj c>c·t :-.a1rt t ural nc·1 ,·1t 1rs rt1rertor 11st 111~h1 : ·· the romm11tee •M r. 1\ . • J. Crecr1yJ. mlL5l rletcrmine Just whut. The Art Gallery trusiees· [,~~f'~[e':-'.\~h~e~i.:rn,: 11 :fri chairman •Su· Leon Trout) not be able to embrace art , alrt la.s1 m~ht: totally. No gallery In A\16• "The lnnrt should be ap- tr•lla can do this." r6~•d1t' 0 _!h~n" 8 :npr~~H~n The Government has onl1• We need all rhe lani1 n~reert to spcnrt 17 million 10 iu:commortate 1he paint• on 1he an gallery, he said. In~• \\'e ha\'e alrrarty. In Sturtles so far hart 1n– fuc1 the nrr~ Is s,·arcely d1cnre<1 that 17 million s11ff1r1,.11t rnr 1hcm." would nay for ~n a rl gal• The French Pierre Bon- !cry anrt nothin~ else. nar,t 11rt rxhibl1lon will nni A trus1er sa1rt ~·<'slerday: be l:ro11~h1 Lo Bn. hnne be- "We are B lilt le against cnu.<e •.• Perl,! fear the Arl c n 111 n ~ for worlr1•wlde Gnllcrys IRrk nr n1r-ron<1J- rnrnpc1 11hr t1cs1cns fo lhe tlonln,: woulr1 rcsull In nrt i::nllcry. · r rlnrnaae to the $5 rmlhon •·\Ve \\'Rill to a ,·oid thc~e collect inn, no 11 ,. e a u-arch1LN:L types ar~g~f1,~~•n, ,::;•lfh!~e b~~~ ;:;~~,,'~cn;t~ 1 fh;:\,~!~~~e ~ ar1111rec1, ln\'oh·tng about and produce • mar,·eUous- $1~e"~~(~~ment Is neiro- ~~~tF edifice that doesn't The girls poin11ngs chosen from omong the 6000 enlrles -...--., in The Sunday Mod $300 Children's Art Comi:>el l- "MAIL" Brisbane, Q, • i I ..J • ..;1. I,