Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Brlsl,.ne, Old. 2 AUG 197 f T.A.B. backing for art urged By DAVI D ROWBOTHAM Queensland T..-\.B. punters left more than ~ l million in winnings uncollected cat·h year, the Stat e Opposition spokesman for cultural acti \'itics (Mr. F. P. Bromley, Norman) said last night. " \\ hr l' uu ld11 't thuRe u11da in11•d di\·idend~ ~u townrd t lw m•w late art ga ller.v "/" he 11.•d,1•1 I. Mr. Bromley mad lus e.~ Rl lea-1t $!} m 111011 t llCh kPl h US.lllt>M; 1, 11u-rea.>1JI~ proposal o! a deJ'lniLe use rear from thls tunounL beL all the ume " he ....airt. or the T.A.B. tor lhe ari.. by peo11le, · he said. •The Golcten Ca.,keL ts whJle sptalunr on cultural This, in addition 10 the used to asslSL hospnal scr– ac1lvltw In a Brisbane ra• I I m1lllon unclaimed dlV• r1ces.1 du> broadcast. dends, wem 11110 Consoli- Mr. Bromley &aid: " I He also propotiE<l the In• dated Reve1111e. he said ar• ~Ulli• 1 tha t people who troduclion or special ·'Art ier the broadc.. ,t. ntver buy Ca., ket ucke Unions for An ." "The resl of tht ·take' who clo noL het 0 11 th,.. Mr. Bromle}' said the roes 111 admhiis1rn1 1on unc1 ruccs. woulc1 ne\·enl1f•t, 1 --. Queensland T.A.B. was an 1and-ou1s lO r11cu1g ana IJu, lots of LickeLS 111 •1"'· 180 miUfon annual busl• .rollln~ clubs." cial Art Union. ror Art." r:~n H:ui salJ :~~;7/ .,:: . ~ fsh1!i~~le~r s~I! I ~~A•:;_ Jo~ri 8 h~:n.~P•ll~ l'~r~~if which wail waaed as a b_et. 1ad not detrlmentall)' ar- a rrected lotteries like the '1'b• Oevernment .--Iv• ected the Golden Cuket. Golden Ca ·ket In New ore C&skfltS were drawn South Wale., he a id. ow' than e,·er berore. The new Queensland Ar "In fact, Lhe Oold~ ~[le~r t:i'~to,f.5 1 ~~~\lfnd ~g "COURIER MAIL" . BrftlNne, Old. I . built •• soon ... po Ible lO reduce cost- tnflatton, anci ll~c'i~r t!~~d~1 ,;rnt need or j Australia u \97 Seven to prepare plan for new art gallery A 11c,·en-w.a n tommltke " 'ill the T!•• propo.sed •It of the &•l– lery 1.5 011 the Brisbane River 111 Eouth Brishllne. Moro l,han hall the land ha. been acquired. The report, lO be presenued to the State Worn and Ho111ln1 Minister, Mr Hod&••· will be the basis for the d,• Im, development and corulrucuon or lh• gallery. 1110 commlLLee adopted programme or work aud decided to re\lt'W thr !unc– uon nf tlw w;allery. prOJt'Cl tr nds 01 JU, ~rowth, clellnr the baste idea behind the M.'ht>me und lay down .::r1wral .::u1de1tnes tor 1t. . J; '\\v--' 1r? Gallery . -,.--~-- s1te clash looms CONS1fRUCTIOM of Brisbone'·, 11ew art gallery I • expected to bogl11 111 1973 - but a 11ew cla • h 1, laoml119 over the uM of the 61-acre • lte. I I ! " >'-