Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"TELEGRAPH" Sydney, N.s.w. I :,i. Uri~IJ,4 11_. lbr :.itm&tion L'ln'l i4J.J t h:,H 1Uut'11 ht"llf'r lh:rn in Sydut:y. Tht:v l·,u 1 !H !t:a ,l n• ·et\ c e3hJl.n– uo11 Btu ,...hL•n l w tl1ctrt' thl.' Olhc1 day, Lhc exl11b1t10CI at lhc Qu --,..11:.la nd A.1 L O:iltery h~d. a:. u:,uut. di:i,µl~,c~d th~ enttr~ P\.TIH.Jll• L'llL tOlli..•c.·llou W h .1l ·_., l h t• lt • 0 1 0 4 11!11~ 11 (ll,U • vello1.1:, Pt<.'..ki,,::,(J 11 yo,1 L",t 1l ' put It ou vi~w·t Penuane1u. coll'-"<'I h)lb , vb1la Lh_• when thl! nt."i"d or the OIOOd spo.n - W th!OLLi lY Ort. ·.~. urc a r 1~n· efft-c • 1lvt: t h an runp; 1.,ry t·xl1th ll10tL., A. 11 U"''urcn '!-.., o( q1mlity c,·eelh UJ) ou uu :..lowly a.ftt!I r.:Jll!at,·ct. fl'lJ 1.•fl vi.siLS w, !:,ay, Sydney's Muud. or Mulbourue·b 11t1r ht'l- l h1"bol. 0 ht:mg Lwo Jlictures who.'l• bubtle, 1w•na.5J, e tnttu-•nce i'i vi...;iblc 1n work by Arn; – trall~n IU"ILSI,. Brilibanr', c·oUe•·liuu hi mu,·b Mtter tllan bi ,,·nrr411y knuwn. BeHidcs the P1rasso.'i thcrr L'i uu outMnndtng i,;rou,, 01 1a111t ini,!s Uy S Jrken und oLhcr lirllhill 1n -.t~t 111• l U'ttSb-lonish,. Thi!rc am t 1,·1.1L scull)• urcs by Hod l11 and R~nolr. B rlsbunc':, Aus1rullun holdm~:; 111: elude the key work in looa1 Ill t nouveau, Sychh'y's Long's ··SplnL ol the Philns:• muybe the best n -..s,,el) Dryschtle lhnt exlst:-i. out ta.·ndtn~ 1·Mllll1,1n:;s by S. T. ~ Ill. Ru,,..1·t liunny, Ch11rl0n Comk r. Phi li(lS Fox and 1mt11)' or hl'I'., 11; SOm L• w.,ys inorv arr •s...,lhh·. for they ncvt"r dl:-:n_1,poor Into 11torngc. are the Am,t.rulls n ,,_,intmt:~ ~l\'t'II by Or. Norman Behan lO "'wart • holme. a co11vt•nt school In l:Srlsbd.ne. Thon, an, lo.. ul ''""I lhln,• there, bu& one pir.&ure o1lone ... enourh lo dom•nd • •1•11. Mo :t M cld1 11n. wh _1'(!' hl~h l' '!m: Latlon tn h L-. home clly, MclbOIII ll(' .·,us UC\'Cl' quite sc.._•mr d jlL'U lf1~c1 h?' Lhc 1·•h-t w·c. ... (O lM: Sl't'l1 In S) dl\Cj. l" rcpresent.ed nt St.iurth,oll~~ by whnt m li;h t, be his rnustcnnc~. 11, IK ,t row of t\vc fros wet 1~ v1n_,~– s Lnmg struigh t ncross . thr cu nv.. 1s. a nd rlslnc out or n durk band o1 ear th llnd Jumble or hoLLo;es, Suddenly nil th•• stale t1d lt nholtt P..feldrum us B mostc_r uC t,m,101 uccurocy, of pcm JJt ic,11 und ob::icn a- 1,ton. seems lnndt•qm\lc. He ts a lHO a rlcorou~ formnlli-t : he carries a st r 010: rhythm or v~r– tlcala th.-ough one 1>lcture, a s11lrnl bhrotlKh anothrr. And 1>erh n1.s lie b nl,o n syn~– bollc mor111t.•H : l hl'~ while llOJllnr ", 8Jlpro))rlatcly I ·r I heir COll\'('tll hom e seem tremulously nspil'lng skyw3rd's to utmo-,t 1mrlly. nLtem1•t: lni: t.o Uberu t.e tllemsehics Crom d"rk eartl1l>ound boiwncAA. NTIIIES for two m1morl1I • rt prl111 werth $1,350 ore btln1 lnwltt• •r th • 111tn1lan• Art G1ll1r,. They are the 11,250 H. c. Richards emorlal Prize for palnttnr, and the L. . Harvey Memorial Prize of SIOO for drawln11 of any subject In any med– m drawing al\•ard. presented by the Half Dozen Group of Artlsb!, •hall become the property of the Queensland Art Gallery_ Entries for both competitions must have been prOduced durlnr the two years precedlnr September 30, 1971. Both competitions close at the ral– ry on September 30. Paintings of any subject In any ecllum may be submitted for the H. . Richards Mr.mortal Prize. All worka must be marked c,early on the back with the competitor's name, address. and the title. and each paint– Ing should nlso have the price marked on the back. The trustees will be tlven th~ llnt pllon of purchaalnr any P • lntlnr bmltted, lncludlnr the prlze-..•lnnlnr try. The Entries should be addressed to the Director. Queensland Art Gallery, Gregory Tee, Brisbane, Queensland, 4(06. Gallery land THE State Government hos acquired six properties in South Brisbane for the site of the proposed new $7 million art gallery. Purchnsr or nnothcr rou r the Qurcnsln ncf Art Gnl- i,;1lr!- is in l he flnnl nrJ?olln - lrrv hoRr<I of trusll't'S' 1011 stnar . AL·q1i1s1 1inn nf •· h n I r m n n , S I r Lron livr more sllr.s i.s unc1f' r rr - T rout 1, n bmu-rl mrmh r \·1r w. 1.\11 ,\ .J f-51 rn t l!!n~ 1. Ihr Thr pniposrd gn ll<'r~· Is / C ~t1.rr ,nst: 1 11d Art , ~ni!f'n• l> 1 111 nrnr the south - Dll r(tn, 1 i\l r. ,I \.\ il rll'kf'• , :.~11 r:q~~~ro11 f' h 1 nr Vlrf11r111 1 llf' 11 n,!11 r, tu n~ pn~l.t.'~i,,o.r Ii! 1t!~r. ~0\11 h B1•1shn llt:", ~ ~Tf~~~:,:t•'ct<\~ UJ 1~~ 1 ~,r;:~~; 1 ,•, 'the Work!-. :\tinislt' r i i\t r lnnd l\\o \\.'ork" llf'p11rr- JJ,,rtµ- r,1 ,.-sit•rd,1' :tll · 1111f'11t s1•n1nr 111 111 r•r.s 1,oun,,,.. ,1 the Rpµolntmr nl , , "' fl ll nrl £"R llf'rf "1-.IN·rln~ ' hr ~'"''l"IIHC ,·n11 un ltlt 1(1 111111111 1ttr,··· 1n n•,·n111 nwnrl \\ JI/ nwt•t 1'nrlr 11rx1 1110111 11 n plnn <lr f Ining f111w11nr1A I I M r. H Pn vlri-h\·n. ~<'I 111,ll nnri :1rn1mmo<1n 11011 rr- Wor ks IJ1•pfl rt mrn l nrlcr- q lllt f'l111'n ts fnr 1hr Ill''\\' ~<"<'l'f'tn r,\·, will he com- l!allrry. m1tlf'P f hnirnrnn, The <'Olllm lltrr Is . T hr J,;clunt!l(lr, O lrf'r-lnr - Gcn- Prnl J M r. 1\ F: G11ymer1 THE COURIER-MAIL SIITURDAY JULY 3 197 Art for our sake W HAT a bitter plll to aw1llow! Of all the capital cities Jn Australia, Brisbane Is the only one to be excluded from the Itinerary of a $5 mllllon French art exhibition. The reason, of course, Is the Inadequacy of the so-called Queensland Art Gallery. It has no air conditioning, and the Pierre Bonnard exhibition spansors will not risk damage to the paintings by atmospheric variations. With or Without air conditioning, the small section set aside for art In the 70-year-old museum building Is a sorry excuse for a State gallery. Queeuslanders, and 'successive Govern– ments, have known this for 41 years - ever since the converted concert hall was made the "tem– Porary" home for the State's art collection and given the gr.and title of "art gallery." Countless plans and campaigns for a new gallery have foundered In a sea of official In– difference, disagreement, Indecision, general apathy, and talk, talk, talk. There was a bolct ,,Slan Ii, 1958, for Instance - complete with /.tnptt •tve sketches - for a gallery near the. 'Botanic u1'rdens. Predictably, It fizzled out. At last, however, the present Government has launched a speclflc: project with construc– tion to start In 1973 on a new gallery In South Brisbane. Half of the six-and-a-half-acre site has been acquired at a cost of $1.7 million. But now ccn1,es that familiar spectre, a dis– agreement. Is the new building to be only an art gallery, or serve a combination ot cultural pur– poses? T.vo schools of thought have emerged. It ls more than reasonable to examine both proposals, tor each has merit. It wm be most unreasonable, however, It the Issue, pro and con, delays the project. A planning committee for the gallery Is ex– pected to be announced next week. Its first duty must be to discard the Inertia of the past, determine the ., • -•~e function or the building, and get on with It. For without a major art gallery, Brisbane really cannot pretend to be, In the full sense, a major city, Th• t•ll•r, h- • lu1t llou1ht the fflo4el. Au,trolieft entl OYtr• 11a1 reco,_., aupport the claiffl thot the woo,le11 llladtl wo, ....... 11, • crolt1111H who 1ollttl with Cook In the lllclHvour on the fint Yoyoge f , o M Engloncl to New South w.,••. The lntleavour fflH • I, with o fflotlel of ColuMltu1'1 co,.ver, Pinto, which ••J•tttl to tht Americo1, were Ncentfy bou1ht ot 011 untll1clo1tcl prlct lty tht Art Gallery D I ,. c I o , !Mr. Jefflta )"ltntktl at • Mtlltourne auction. lath fflotltl1 ore ,art of a spoclal cll1ola, which lht Hlltry ho • fflountto• 01 °lt1 contrlhtlan to lu,opton Culture! w.,1, n 1,1,bont, lroffl July 16 0 25.