Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

THI COURIER -MAIL W[DNESOA Y AUG 25 197 1 :t;J / Plannillg-~riew 'I' h n ,·on11nlt1e, will ~~rn~~: :~th~~~' 1 \~!s tl~~ elop lhe now ~• Iler.I'. It has mufel'lakrn to •,tef ln e 1hr h a-. 11· hllosophy h1•hlnd 1h, pro~ed "ch,me anrl l1t ,. down i:1•11eral 1ulde1Jnes I ror lhr rirslrn." The ,•ornmltlPf' hrlcl Us flr~t m.-rlln~ In Rrlllhitnf' J'P~lrnln~·. The Sla lP (;un•r11n1r n l I h n."i houcht !I-IS Jlrl1JH'J'lit•"i In South Hrb,hanr for thf! sltr or the 1,rn11n...rd ~7 mllllnn art ,:allrr.\·. ~r,:otiallom1 are hPlnl' madf" ror olhrr lantl near tht• ,n•1thrrn 111111rmu·h nr \'k:ol'ia HrlctrP, South Hrl"ihHIII', "COURIER MAIL" l ,~.w:··~:t'{;;;{'-- '/''l';•-:; ;} - ~ .. . . 9 SEP Wl 111 a Brisbane, Qld. - . -.;.:: coach– be the for these Jminl.lngs displayed by thei r ar tists. the assista nt d lrcctor or the Quee nsland Art Gallery ( Mr. Ra oul Mellish ) and Joan RickeUs. of Hendru. Th r rr'ilorrct ninr– t f' r 111 h-l'Ct1l11rr homr, lll'!h narhArf'f', Al l\.':plr .,· \\ 111 he Ihf' h:tCkj?TOlllHi lnr R r 11 n ci - rn 1s111~ cl1!->pla.r Ihis wcrk-enrl pre~rrltrrl b~· 1 he womrn ·s R\" 111:iry of lhc Clnyl1clc1 Coll e~ • Pare111s and Fricniis Committee. In ronjunct lon n·ith 1hr rilspby, th(' nuxilinrr lla!<i at"ranµr rl l\\'O cllnnrr.'– nr 7 p.rn , tomorrow nnct 5 :Hlll'riA) , '1'11:0 ,lay.~ T lir Art .'-how will hr nn publlr \'tt' W from :? p .111. to .·, p rn nn S:i 1urrtav rnd ~ u11rt,I\' ,u the hnmC 111 :\l\la11~· Creek noncl , A,plc)·. _ "COURIER MAIL" l;O/ ~u 6 1971 Brisbane, QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY will close Friday 15th Oct. Gifts for gallery M O r e pointingl or objects of art will ltt p,esentcd to the Q1,1co1n1• land National Art Gallery by the Sir John C • andler and Lady Chandler T,u,t, l ~ Jr .lnhn \' .1~ Lo d \ 1,,n1 , n~ IL , 11111 ' :,ttll .,• \11 UJ \!1:1.! \ 11111 , " ' 11, t!' ,..,Irr..., Mr I t ' Shi ,.:1111•1. !-BIii ~f''– ; r:·rt:n I hr tna.,\f'I"" hi,rl ,tr r if' d to buy rnure p n111l– in~ ~ or nhJecl~ nf art for c1r n:1 t \('111 tn the ~nl\Pr''· Fund~ ;t \ .&1l:ible lO the t rusL lOlalled $21,696.93. ' Re-opening Thurs. 21st Oct. Three Exhibitions: H. C. Richards Memorial Prize L. J. Harvey Memorial Prize Solingen Cutlery THI• COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY OCT. 15 1971 Is now closed for mounting of new exhibitions ond re– opens Thurs. 21 sl October with H.· C. RICH~llDS L. J. HA.RVEY SOLIHGEH CUTLERY