Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

A "TORN FORM COLOR" Admiring the purcho11 Douglo, Carnegie, of Hal• conclusion of the present we,1 10ll1rr 011i1tent Mr. brook, New South Wol11. Richards • Harver Priu 11 • Fred Scott iieftl and htod The QuHRll • nd Art Gal. h , . . , j attendant Mr. George lsted. lerr has nev • r before hacl a lb1,hon, which w,11 cant.nu, The Percival painting WH work by the Melbourne artitt until Nonmber 2 I. Jne of tht gallerr't moat II• John Percival. pen1iwe ocqui1ition1 in 10 M,. Wi•"•k• 1aid ye • ta, .. yran. day: "It 11 a ma;o, painting, Tht gollery dirtctor (Mr. o lo,.,, colorful conleft1pO• James Wi1n1ke) ,ut in the rary peintin1 of great merit. bid lo, the pointing on b•· "lt'1 aomothing that will holf of tht gallery trustees bt •try •aluttble to tht at o Ch,i11ie1 ort auction Qu11n1l • Rd gellery colltc- ule in Sydney, tion." Tho pointing, on o 331n. The S 11,000 P11ci•ol ·, 1 by 46in. canvas, i1 from the painting will be on dis ploy to collection af Mr. end Mrs. the public 100n after the I c. And it has no name BY DAVID ROWBOTHAM I Hew S.uth Wel11 Art Gelltrr Cu,eter (Mr, Du• itl Tho111e,I IHI Ri9ht IR lri1~eftt ewe,4e4 o $ 1250 ort ,,1u lo • pie• h,r1 which he 411cribe4 •• 1 "torn form color poi11tin1", The picture wa• lilied "Untitled I". It won the 20th annual H. C. Richards Memorial Prize at the Queensland Art Gallery. It \\'Rs P•intcd h)' the Sydnry ortlst David /\s– pden. who came: ori;lnally from Wollongong. Mr. Aspden could not be present at the official opentna at the Queensland Gallery of the H. C. Rich• ~::,:i"1rh•fi·z!':~fl11~~~: The L. J. Harvey Prizo, worth $100, Is awarded ev– , ery two years for a drawlnr In any medium. It was a warded this year to another Sydney painter, David O. Rankin. Mr. Rankin'• prize-win• ner was lilied "Untitled Drawing". Queensland Art Gallery Director IMr. James Wien– eke! said 200 entries had been recelvtd !or the Rich– ards Prize, and 250 !or the Harvey Prize. Mr. Thomas was this year's Judre tor the two memorial art competitions, "'hie)) are conducted by the Q~~sl~~~h~r~!erf,'r1ze Is awarded tor a painting of any subject In any medium. Mr. Aspden's medium was acD":~•Thomas said Mr. As• pden and his painting: "He doesn't object l'1 people seelns reflected light on water. "In these tom form color ~r1~~~ 8 ~1~Jar~:o~~ gr~.~ ture." Mr. Thomos said that good art should be ",·ery relentless," It should con– tain "ecslasr," It should "lllt you up.' It should be at the sAme time ",·ery slmole," and J)OIIOM "rhythm." He made " ~lstlnctlnn bet ,r ff n "Artists" and "Hobb7 painters and de- si~~e':i;d: "When Judqlng a paJnttng, you think ol what )'OU'd want In )'Our own ort,·ate collection. and as~ II It Is ,lanltlc• nt•v ex– pr,,slng some Important subJect matter.'' Breaking He said that art allowed for some brealllng of the rules, because: "Art Is 10• Ing to be ahead or an1 rut;,y~~o~~~~la\~. gal· lery: "You're roln1 to h~te the dr&l\1nr to which I vc awarded the Harvey Prize. It's Just a scribble.'' The Richards-Harvey exhibition wlll be open to the general public today, till No\'ember 21. Due to the gallery's size only tWS:' llfths ol the tot~I or ,t ,ntrles for the two ,tt:,:, petitions can be dl,;pla;~