Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

,_) 24 "~_IL" ( _ /4': .,(~IMne, Q . CT 19-/-i--- ,,., Art prizes attract traditional works RY FREDER IC ROGERS APART from their competitive interest, the annuol H. C. Richard, and l . J. Harve y memorial prizes attract cr1111-section1 of contemporary art. T he L'OIIIIH' llll\ (' , 1e1r ol t. h {' ShOWlll.! Ill· t\':11~~. 1 \dn\\ll 1;~ 11 fS{\\\ 1~ o f lhl' Jllrl~,~ nn 1tw 0t·•·a- 1uon lrn \ r 10 be tnken into rtC('Olllll f'orck now1ctTl!C or 1hr. C1 pp01ntrd Jlld~e IS ill· decr1. ilkriy to aflcct the overall style ol Jl!Ccrs submittrr1 - thLs year, omelhlll~ ltkfl :!~O Ill e nch CO!l1Pi"'llll011 - Ml that 1t. Is nm unusual to find n prc1,onncrnnce oi t rndit..101101 entries ror ne JudGe unn a surfeit or abstracts for nnnther. The selerllon nf this ,·car's cnlriCs, currenll)' on show at- lhr Queens· land Gallery IGr•~•rl' Tcrrare) cxempllfic,i lhc th1•ory - tr1ulltlo1t11l1 are far oulweighecl hy ah· ~ l r K c L,. , 1u·nhahh• In• llucnccd h)' the rad that the Jurh;e was ~1 r. l'l;rnh•I Thom11s, curator of the Art (iallrr:.· ur ~t'\'' l:ioulh \\"ah•s, n d . nh~t rnrt cn– l as t nr nOl. Mr, ~· obllgauon lo 5c– winncr could not µeen a ,fnecure - "~I ..-11dl v 1n tllr Rilh• ,l rtb P l lll' Thr " 1n11111g r 1r1r Ua • \ ,rt 1\ .• p<1,•n's · t11111t lt'd I · 11111.,1 ha\O h,1rt , ,•r1ou., rnmpr1!t1nn 1rnin su111 Vul\brnoh'~ ' '.\l11 r1 u· 1,nri l•'lowc•r~· 0 1 ,101111 ll 1.!lJ\ .; " Prolt1ti1n11" nr eren r-.c,·11 Maltht'\' ' ··Nurtr R1s– hu( , which hnnµ,") rr- 111nrkably wrll in 1ts company. I l'll\18t confeh! a ~om– piew inabtltl)' to under– stand Mr. 'J'homns' srlcc– t ton or David Rankin'• "Unt1tlcrt Orawmg'" - "untitled'", I should lhtnlt so - as w!11ner or the Harvey Prize. Adrniuediy. there are re•• nhslrarts In the sec– uon. hut ,r the " lnning scrn,,·1 i~ to he com,ltlC'red art , thrrr 1:, ~on r m •rt • ctlrct Ih1nkmi; :,nrnM, 1 ij..~ I f t hC':-f' <:or 1pf'I :~. G nre to nrnhr tnc lmp · thry Rhuu\ri, fl\'C\l'Y lover 111111,1 ~et• 11u• exl h il \0 11 WILi\ an 0 nnnct: c1on'L l!sten hc1n say, The sclrctlons wtli hnn~ing untti Novem ':L, WO sur 1es escort = Russian diplomat TWQ long-haired 1urfies, a boy and a girl, with surfboards lh1i.d to the top of their car, stamped themselves as good lmllr~sadors for Queensland on Sunday afternoon. :rh 111,u,Mtan Ambn!isadorl En r 11 r r Mr. Mr,.;iRi,F,,r\" I N,. w ~ p Apr r .,i; Pty. Ltd. 1Mr. ~lllolai ~ - MesiRtse\' ' cnllrct 011 rhr .'\cl \ni: Ch1rr butlrlin~ Rt Bowrn Hill~. dP.Cided to d~l\e rrom '?Rll• Ju~11cr. , 1 ,Mr. ,JUSIIC'r. Wnn- Tomorrow hP \\'Ill \'l~ll berra to .~,l~bane rm an slall•. l1 lps to thr Q11cc1L,i;· 11,he Golct Const Ma,· o,·rr• ~~~t{~~fin;:.1s1t which begnn I ~~~~t.~~~" i~1:i{~·r ~~ 11 ~:;: 1 nl:::llt a nrl ret~/n' bl: rRr to , •Soon nrter S11rrers· dnt.ed Rutlle Ptv. Ltd. ond Canberra on I hursdn)·. Paradise this car drew • CAIi on the Aclin~ Lord ... 1 alOnRside us and the OCCll· Mnyor I Alctcrn1Rn \VRlfih '\" ·, pan1:,S begnn to wa,,e,'' Mr. rollowr.c1. He Rl~o nt trnc1NI :·~' M e.•aat,sev !iiRld. n Cnbinet Junr hro11. f \' w~':'~h~Ol~~;·to/r.~he"' 1 ~ 1 i~t . 'l'hC' .t..mbnssnr1~1' wi ll br~, ~ They stnycc1 with us All t.he m Br,l~hnnr 1mlll tornnl'• ',;± WRY Lo Brlsbnnc. row. l orin\' 111_• wlll rlsn ~~. "Nenr Brli:;hHtle hoth cnrs iQ11er11slnnd lllll\'f'rslty. pn~· , • stopped nnc1 my intrrprcu•r 1 nn ofricJRl rnll on 1hr Go,- 4 .. a~ k e d them where we ernor I Sir Al Rn Mansrlrlr1 , lght get a swim. The)' 1 ,111rt tour t.11c Q11een.sln11d bowed 11s oil the woy to - u~ '<:l_.th e~ 0 i'~·ounn people knew we were from 1hr Sn– vlrt U11lon by 011r fl•~ Rlld the r1iplomRtlc plRte, Oil Olli' CRr." Mr. Mr-.lnl Sf'\' cRllrct 01 thf" P r<' mlrr •!\fr. Bjelk PClf'l'l-C'll I ,•rstrrclR\' . A rt r r · thr 1t'nir•ho11 mr-c1 lnt: . Mr. 13Jrlkc~Pe1er sr-n :rnlrl I hr r11scussin11. r.ovcrerl ,,;;orlnl. c111t 11ml Anr1 lnrlu~trla l ,·hnn~rs in both co1int rlc~ c1urlnsz thr Inst 20 rc-nrs. Tnlk~ on ngric11!1,arnl ciP– ,·rlopnu.•n1 lnrlm1r.rt 1hr rx• l)Ol't nr ,nnln rrom Austr:-1• 11ft to Rus,;;ln. Mr. Mec:.\Rt ,;;rr Inlet thr P rcmirr llrnt n11~~1n wn. tn k1ng 4R.ono inn!!. or ::rni11 rro lll At1st rnli:1 n11cl lhRI t.h ,~ roulcl !ncn•n!-"lf'. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Quality in Richards Prize paintings A VIS IT t o t h is yea r·s Ric h a rd: Mrmorl:ti Prize a t the Queen~land Art Gallery is rrwnrdin~. Thrrr 1,i; P11ou,;h ,·a rlf'I \ . ll fa ir prnpor11on or 1IH• \\ Ol'k"' I\IP flltfi\ Cll\'P. ;:4 J1ri I\ J.;00rl nn mbrr b\' 1 hf'lr l'Xr P1lt"IWP j!l\ f' a 11 ft i o lllf" \\'hnlf' ,,;h m \. Tilt' IIIICt-t 111durtP :-- U;nlrl .\ "prh•n 's pr11.e wln- 11l11v " Un11t lN1 Pru nt111~" whrrr the ftt"'lct 1s held su – pcrhl~ b~· c rl!-.Jl Ion1-r dJ,:f' f'lllill' , trn pe-. tlll lJl}.l. IOIO end, nllH'I' :1-. t hOll ~h e nga~ed \0 rh~~~ 11 f,!'~ub~ 1 ~~;s ··Mnrlne and Flowers" wiLh its sing– ing colors softly float ert 011 to the carwa.s unct t"'XhH.lmg a sunlit underwutcr poetry. ll~vld llankln's ··Cloud o rnw11 Anc·cdou•" whrrc lllllltllt' \',tl"lt\llOI\.'\ ~l\'f' U ~t!I\· 1'11 1\'f' ll fr 10 l he :HI ·t111 1wd rti~ 1 111:: 0 t:. ~~~te,~-~·c1-~~1ll1R Ill Interplay or paiulcr1 nnct rolorrd !-rulp1ed form~ MIii' ported h.v t.he shBJ:)("ri can\'RS. .famr~"' !\leldrum•s •·Q111rL C'ons1 ruction " whrrf' 111ul- l:,1l:~n:.1c~~Pcii-~1 1~ 1 :-;a~~'rl,. 1 ;:~~i: I\RI In~ ~llRf'C. Bikini uirl "' Pr.ler Powdlh"h·~ SUll• \\'01' ,<h1ppin~ hiktni Rlrl. hrea,ls •nr1 bikini crisply cttt from !i-kiltull~' 01r-bruslied softnes.'i on ~1:,\~I 1)nn!\T,.~~/::,~~!~· .,Nude R Is Ing .·· onr1 Moriarty'• "PIRce With I\ Dnrkn•s.s," both :-;ren m their rrcent onr-man shows and contrlh- ut.1,~,t~'·e~r~~(r'on,:'~ •·eonrct Rng·· where th e object uscrt In nn Rl'I isuc context Rrouses unexpected responsc5. Ron l.ambert'5 Spectra IX". Roy Churcher"!I Morning:· 1,1111•.n Roo<ch'• Ree[ 1mlntlngs. Pnlntlngfi done ctircctly rrom 1.h e nbjcc1 are onl~· n few. ('harlr~ C'•llln"-' "Old nnc1 New, Roseville." Is " nellghl. JOhn Rli:h,·'~ port rRit or Nr\'II Mntthews Is 11ninted wl1h wnrm conslrlern llon ror thr s1Ller. Spncr dors not l\4"'1'1111l mention of mortt or 1.hr works lhRL ha\'f' merit. RIHI thf'Y 111cl11rlP Rb~ll'RCL~ AS well a~ ri~urat.ive work!i. * * * Drawings The Harv•i• P ri1,e !01· I\ drawing. a lso held a t the R"! 1;'j!;.~~l/~ 8 n~~~~/ •~•~1;; Richarrls. is in th r mnin more conventlonRl in aLLi• tUctC!\. With "Signs nnd WonclC'n;° by Fran7: Kempf Is. an un– usunlly rtch com1>0s1Lton, or· rcl'ing many discoveries to 1he explorln1t viewer. Thrrc cRn br no great er ronLrast lhan with the prl1.e-winnln5: rhythmical scr ibble r1r•iin~ h\' oa,•ld Rankin, but Ike bolh. I RISO liked dr•winR. by trrd «·...,,,, :\Ian .'.\lilf'lm,rn. n a,11 tladlr.,·. .\nnl'li:t" Slh·rr, S ,. I ,. Ia llnlmr"', Churdt.-r a,in .\h1rlarh·. .\llrharl .I. 'l'aylur', • ·t.oc ·A• I!Oil - Wate1 fall." R 111011• ia~r ron. 1st111g of n pe11r1I rtraw1ng or atmosphen,· dr~ l!cAC.\ , th1·Pe phOIO~ ol lhP wntr.rfall anrt twn png,•, of IIJ,!hlh' l.\'J)('Wl'ltlell wore!!- d f you h11 \'f' l ilt' 1mttr11rf' to rrnrt Ltlt'm 1, 1111 ,·our 111111d \\'ll h hunctrr.cts 01 11-."0"1 nuons with wutf'r. Th1"'1 wo1 k !~r\\~cs~c::,'1\11<~xg;~'f;ics)~{1w\~:t' * * * I ho1,e you will nut br 100 Ill l'II II fl ('I' ,·1cw111g /\CJ 11\ltll\' 1•-.htllll '\ to ..,111cty thr F.xh1b1·. 11011 nf C'llllCJ'\' 11 0111 lllf• Orrmlln Kle1n~en• museum, Sohnw;en. Thr k111re and the ~poon Arr lhf" ol(lrst IOOls 115Cc1 by mnn, hut tllf' fol'k, first In• irortucrd only in thr lfilh rrntur.,·, diet not brrom!' 1>011· ulnr 1111111 the !,Ophtsllra1rd JRrh. Cut lrrr ~e,~ th~t,·r 1 nkr rnr ltl'Rlltrrt nppr rrrl 011I~· ,·rr~· lntr 111 d \'111:- on. QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY w,11 clnH nn Sun, l it.I. ,it 5 r,.m, ,mlll F-,,, 26th Nrw. lnr rru'lunltnQ ,if next ,,.h1h1linn, RUBIN ('H"WINO ovrr his lmprr~sinns or works Rt 1hr Qttrrnslnml Art Gnl lcry yr.~lrn1n y WRS the Rnssln n Ambn ssnrlor to Attst.rn lli\ 1Mr. Nlknlnl Mrsinl srv1 .