Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Brisbane, Old. GALLERY ON VISIT LIST A visit to the Queensland Art Gallery .11 be the first appointment on Mond~y, :;ter some official coll1,. for . the So••e: Ambo11odor, who will be ,n Bri,bone nea week. Tlw AmlJnssnrior. M r. N. N. ~It' ,la l:-.C\', WIii IJC inak 1tll; ltlt. first ort tt·tul \"hll l tJ Q111•t•n, /i1 n d Mlll'e UITl\'ll\~ Ill " " " ' r,dta 1n l,1k1' 1111 h i-. pu,1 Ill J UI} l,1:-.I t'.ll. f\t r '.\lt•~iat..;-it' '' will ar– r l i c lu11.• 011 .S111utay_.. 011 l\l O 11 <I u l', tlftl'r 01 l1cul rutls 011 I, It' /\1'I LU~ C"htcf J U!-it..lt·e. ~I I'. Wll1\:itnll, u ncl l ht• Jlrt•1111t•r. :\1 r. BJPlkc-- Pctr•r:-,t•IJ, hr WI ii \'IS ll t he ~Ulll'I;' lo \'l(''A' l.l !'Wll'ct1011 of 1m1nt1 11~s cn- 1..t.•rccl Ill t.h1..• H. C. Htch– ll ·r d .<t :\ll'rnorlal Com- gfll~I~!, 1 .r' 1 t~~ ~n~ill'~~LI~!! I he L, J . Hnrl'C)' Me- 111onul C o1111>etJIIOII. l\fr. f\tt•:;utt~C\ 1 tdso ,,•Ill 111-.1w1•t the qur1•11sl:111d MU~('\1111 IJe fon• Ulll'IHIUli;t ll Cubll\rt lunchl'Oll ns ~ucs.l or hOIIOI'. Afterwords Mr. Mcs1at- ~~1son·,1t':!ted1111~t1\e ~·I~~ .-, e p u r u t. l o u plnnl al ~'W1~-1~\ch~~!11 n,~!~ 1 ir.:YA~i! l11g Lord MByor, Aid. w.. 1, 1• COAST DRIVE On •11 ~dil\' the Am- bO,'I.SUd o f will vlsil the University or Queensland and will then lunch nl QO\'tH'n 111t'ltt Hnusc with the Om•crnor, Sir Alnn ~1nnstlcld. Lnter, Mr. Meslatsc,·, n former Journnllst. a nd t~mcher, will mnkc nn of- h rial call ,m Q ut>en....htnd l\'(•W:,,ptq,e rl,, al BOWt.•11 H1lh. 0 11 Vfrrlne.,ctu,·. ltl' will IN l \t' IJy car !Or till· 01,ld ('011 ... t , 111 ..!~'<'l ll l~ l ~llf ) l:1n11.-. a ml ., u~u r 11111 11 - luunn:-. 1,t O rm ,•c1u. e,, .-0111 ,. t1 1 S 1 1rt,•r, P .tr;1<1 1., c . Wht•Jt• hi) will lu1 u-h Willi Litt• \ l.1 \·,ir ot t li.._, C 1l}' of iultl C'un, 1 \ lei. Srn ~d l. lluhin collection di splay d January lhe Que<>nsland rl'IIROUGIIOUT ~ber/trlth an uhlblllon or 1,at,J•· .1. -An GaU•rJ lrlU ,- l~e eollecUan ol lhe lale ~:a or Inc• and drawln11 ••• Rubin. e arouse mtrrest a.mona youn&: This probably will b• th and old ahke. la.sL op~r1uniLY for .the r,uh- Thrr, 15 hardly a ne r "'1ty lie to view them. It 15 a a.r~e an,· more Lo Sll'C'. ....._., 1hf> u~, - 01" . Ja y, whlrh ta~es u1 1 1 - 'IOi-tanc f> of ,·h 1lctren s art1s- 111J L lhe enur, ware i:;t our Lr 31. 11 , ,ue, umter q uahll•~ gallery, a.nd n 1s ~!-ma. } 1 1 )~~ ~uidtmce. llO\\ ••\·cr, thout ll'oduced by bhOYimg ln Lh, lhe need il'ii t.>t o~nu,ec1 , t e 1allery'a fro.nt. ~!1dh Ma.- opportun1lle.!i. are ta r from French r,11ntmp w 1 l adequatr Jor Rub n l&\'e to our Sta e There is an art1M Hl e, t>ti" co:~ctl~~- allory'1 PrinL ~~~~• 1 ;7~if'~:rill~~~~•~;,{ Room there ,. a dl1pl~ ~r all wtfi 1•111 by being en– work.s rrom the Arl Ga J I oourai;ed 10 express them– e h II d r • n ' d •,.cro 1 atl•aelw:i~! .,,,._. creau,·el)·. Cla& Theoe .. p ays "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Old. 1 It DEC \971 1 r.'Xr couR1ER-MA1L SATURDAY DEc. 4 1911 Orchestra trip • aim By DAVID ROWBOTHAM THE Queensland Youth Orchestra would be the ',1rst youth or– chestra h1 Australla lo perform at an annual world festival in Switzerland, l\lr. A. J, Crccdy said rcstcrclay. :\lr CrrrclJ', till' 8tntr /co11c!uctor. Mr. ,John C11rro./hcr s11ppor1crs will nrorldc C11ltt1rn l AC'tl\'IIH•s riin~ctor, snid \'C~1.crrlal' the oi-c he.°'- S2.30 to mntch 1hr Gonrn- , n1mo1J11t•cd rhi~ when hch rn " :nl-i f1rr yenrs olct. ann lmcnL rontnbut ion on n ~pr nrrl II cl~il~~ rrn·s r1\'nt - no hoy~ n11rt girls bPtWN'n cfoll:1 r tor rlollal' bn:;;1/;. l\·e ar1 P>:h1lmiu11 nt. Lill' 14 nnrl 2~ wouhl hr irH'oh·Nt I "Thr n •rnn1t1111L! sw.ono Q urrn~ln1al ,'1!:,U:i.a.Ucr..\' 1111 !he JOurn,·y. w ill IJr rn lsf'<I hr publlr cln- l-11• SH!d 1111' Qllfl'lhinnrt ~J r. Curro .. m i rt : ''Th(' or- nnt iOII'- frrnn jJ!'l\'tltC hw,1- 1 Ynuth Orl'lW.-:frn harf brt'n /r h r .i;;t rn rxcrmi,•e h:1:-, n es.';. rr nc<·t•~!-nry, \n•'II 111,· 111• r• 10 1111 ~n:t 1!H• fnrmrrl n ru nct - rn.l.-.1ni:c jcon rl11r1 n 1::t t1onnJ,11menl. (011 rth 1111."'rlUH IOn:tl fr ;11- t 111. llltCc'. Tl11.°' I"- :l ~ rr:t l Thr PXh1h11 1011 wh1rh ~fr. ,·al n! ~·nurh nrd11-..~1, •n opr •'"Pltli ,\' \\'hw h r frf"! Crrrr-ly orwr~rrt .\'f'~tcrrtnr L :1 \1.<ilHlllf'. 1:1 .luly n 11 \ ,- 1111 , , ,:?1 r .~hti'.llrf u n i 111 1.-.,." -;h ow.1:; tt1r rhtlrl rrn·., work µ11 •1. 1r ; •: f~mrl-rnr,1 110 ,. •111111·,. rr from I l1r Q11rri1s1rrnrliliiArt Thr nrr,he.s1 rn ·., roui:rlr - ,7-::~ •;::\;f ':·,;o' M.in 1 ~ :,~,1,.,rlrt,~~·,; f~ 110 ;:~} , 1 ;;•~Til~'r'' · ,.":.,~·•~ for an· rarr,'i /lllfl i\C'C"Clll\ - 1·n11,1,ierrrr1vr. 1n:·1n Lnirn n. mnr!n1 :n: •. T llr r -..:h!h111011 will br "\\'r ilnr•r ~ tn rr<·r1w• nprn cl urmc lllr ,1;f'imol ~W.00{1 fron, t11r S1ntr y:11•nr1on lrnm lfl n 111. To .5 G ,.;[.;~;:1~~/~:;·;~t1r n.;1~;r\ ,.~ "" ~11~~1 / 1,;:~~ln~~ :in p~;~.11~-~~~- eRevolwtioftery ert fotlftl •t the Queen,lend Art Gotlery were ift1,ectetl br the USSR Afflbe1_1etlo! to Au11tolio, Mr. N1laol.•1 M. Me1iatn•, toda,-p,cture •b~~~•·Mesln.t..:.cv' who a.r– rircd· In Brisbane yestl'r– day will stay in Queens~ 1 n d until Thursclal, \\~1cn he will go to Cnn- bc}~~iny he cnlled on th~ ArU11~.' Chief1\/r"s~~t ,~c ~ ~~Cl~~~nn~tl, the· Oist l'ICL Court. building ~nd tJ~:.1 snw the Premier, · B\~iltcn;T~~~r~~r\,he Art Onllery n11<1 was ~rcet.NI b~· 1111: n~slst.nnt cl~r ecl o l', ~1 ficR .il~~~~~:!!.i a selcc- tif'ln ot pnlnt in g!; ln the H. C. Hlrhnrcl!<i m cm orln l compctJtion nnct n selcc– ti11n nl elm.wings ln lhc L . J . Hn, \'ry mf'morin I con1-- pt•.~¥:~l'.~:c nrc ,·ery fc:V nbs.t rnc·1 nt tl~l:-; 111 R us – srn : · Mr. M(.'SIHI SCV told r-.Jr ~fr lll~li th :-ouµ h 1111 iot~•rpn'l er b\l0rc the ~1:1rl 1,f' 1 IH" 111SJ}CCI IOl.1. LHl f'f Mr. M r-:--lal'•C\' v is– I I I' <I I h l' a cl J a (' C 11 t Qiif't•n:-lnrnl ~f11i-r11m and 1 hr·n wa'- flJl'!--1 of h onur fd " C'R lJlllt'l lund lf'Oll.. T h i:-, fl fl t•:-110011 h P \"ls- 1 t L' d tllC' Con~ulirlal<'fl B1111lf', '-111111 mill llll,! d ry '- f" p:i tn1l n11 plnnt al. :'-h·Pn!Hh,h anrl wi ll cn ll 111 Ill\ l!n . ..,bnrn•·~ :u•I Ing: Lni·,t i\1:,.\ 0r. /\Jd1•1m n u 13. \ . \\'nbh.