Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Old. !!!win collection display mlllllOVGHOtJT O-ber ••• .Jan•r, Iii• QURniland .I. -An GlllerJ will -U•ue with an exhlblUon ol .-1nt– l • p ... llniirlnl• fl'la &be collection of the late Major a.lllL Tllia probably will be the !f:1o°"vt>:: ff[ f.h: rub· dllPlaY., which talLet up ar. moal t.111 enllre apace of our f:!111')', and II la aull.ably In- ~:~ blro~~l.n m: Pren:1; palntlnp which Ma– jor Rubin save t.o our Sllt.e i,ollectlon. ~ tl::re ,:11:~~pl~rl~f woru fllllll th, Art GallerY'• c1111•re••• c-11•• Art Cla& TIIIN dlaplay1 alwaya arouae lnt.ereat amon1 youn1 and old alike. There la hardly a neceulty any more to atreM the hn– portance of children·• utls– Uc actlvlUes under qualllled ~~d~~~ l~o~~:~la;~.o~t~ opportunities are far from adequate. There Is an arllst In every child, and some are certainly ~r'°!1fi 11 :?n th ~ t~~~• ~~~ oournged to express them– aelvea creatively. "AUSTRALIAN" U6 NOV 1971: Australia The Russian view 0 ,., II' , dor, Mr Nicolo, Mesial– sev, studies o charcoal sketch, Head of a Girl, by Elaine Henderson, at thr Queensland Art Galler· Brisbone, yesterday. Th sketch, valued at $2:i, was en! ered in the L. J. petition. Mr Mesial~ev, who is on h is first a ff1 cial visit to Queensland, yc;– terdoy met the State Premier, Mr Bjclke-Pete, -