Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

target date m. PLAN FO ART GALLERY THE new Queensland Art allery on the south bank of the Brisbane River near the Victoria Bridge shou Id be ready by 1978. Recommendations for the gallery complex were com– pleted yesterday and will go bet ore State Cabinet on Tuesday. The Cultural Affairs Minister (Mr. Fletcher) said last night he would press hard tor high priority to be given to the new gallery. A commltlre to study the ~allrry project was ap– poln tl'd la st. July. IP~ll .~.~~t~trl~I~ l ;~blll~~; \Vnrk~ ~111 11.,trr I i 1r. J·lodGe~• it rrrommc11f1NI lhRI Ihe $7 mHhun J,!111- t,•ry s hould hn "' a 140.000 lif.1. ft. floor 11rra. I t ~llg~f'SlCtl his lll'f'R ~houltl rontu111 n nrn111 fo~·(•r. cl1:-.play R11lf 1 1·11•~. nn n1urn1io11 !WCtiun, nd– minlstruLton lll'l!II, ll l'('S- 1 :1 n r 11 11 t . ltlJr,tl'\', rnn– M'l'\ ,tl Ion. l'llllt·,·11on Mor– a:,:r. . , r1,11f' \f'CllClll, 1111d wrnt 1 /ll l lu1ilct1111-: -.r n u·r•, II l'Pl'Ollllllf'rtrll'd l llf' m ,•rnll l'OSI of 1111• p 10 Jl'f·L '-hn11lr! llf' 11ii"j 11111\11111, 111- d 11dt111,! 111,; MII' 1,1111 pm– \ l'-IUII ttf pur l.Ill)! lur ~OIi l'III!\. ,\l r llorl~,•~ 1-111(1 ! IU! l'Ollllllllli'f' \\ llll"h !-llb– mll trrt tl1r r"l)(lrl c·mn– prh,•cl the Works D1 1 part– llH'lll chtrf tr d1111ral of– f1n •r 1'.\fr. R. Ph\"ly~hy111 , IIW !'.:<lllc11IJOII Dll'l'l'IOr• Cirnnal 1Mr. Ouymrr •. lilt· QUt'Cll,"ihtlld 1\rL Onl• h•ry ll'HS\C'f',_ •R1r Lt'on Tro111 ,, WPll– known BIJ!\hn111• hus1- J1P,,nrn n l\.t r, /\ , J . S1 rn- 11~n, 1hr l,!Rllf'ry rlln•,•1or , \l r. ,I. \VH'11<'kr 1. Prnfr. • ,n,· Ci E. rtnhrrt1' 1 rnr- 111NI\' Q11r•P11~hu1d l ll\l– ,r1 , 1I." u1i-lHlf•r 1111f' prn– Jf';,,,, OI' •, nnrt M i . r. Prys– ' 11p11, a \Vork:-. Drpa1 L– nwnl 11rd11 tP1·1. It h1uJ hN•n 1t~krrl 10 ~11hmi1 --u l"Ollll>l'r hrllSl\"C rrpor1 w11 h approprrnte n•rommrndnuonli <:O\'• rnng \'Hl'I0\1:-. tt~llN'l!\ of thf' l'Cf'1\lll'C'lllf'l1l /ii of I\ new 1n1 ~nllrry :;.urrwlrnt to ronu t hC' hn/iits for prPp11n,11on or 1hr rtrsh:n ''"' 1hr ,trn.. lnpmrn of plAnllln~ an<I 1·011~1 r11r– tion rtor1111w111 s for the nrw butl<lln~... $1m. spent l\'11'. lfo<l~f'~ SRi<I 1hr rrcom111rn<INI 1411.000 !-i(l. 11 floor nrrn cnmpnn•rl ffl\'Ollrnbly Wllh n 1e:;.ooo S 'l.ft . n.rrn for Cnnbrrrn·~ Nn1tonnl Art Gnllr.ry. The f'Xprctrct J)flflf"l'll of nnnunl rxprm1ilure r<' lntr.rt to n slx-yrnr pro~ ,: r R m m P for plnnnln~ n 11<1 consI rurt Ion of the h11llrlln1< by 1~77-iR. To ela te about SI mil– lion had hcrn spent In ~~~;1~l~~~~:~s~.~~,1~lrln~1~ ~~~ rp11rrct hv 1!11~. T hrf'r \·cnrs wo11lri 1hrn br 1:ikrn· up 111 hnllrtin~. CommlLtl• mcmbrr Sir Lr.nn T rout i,;n1t1 thnl thP nrra 1w: nlq~rl wonlrl limit, the h11lldin~ to beln~ R rinr Art Onllrr\', nnd nnl hn,·e Lhr wirtrr conrept or n ,•11l1urnl cent rr . "Thr lrnllr1 ln~ will he rlr/iiicnrrl !-O rxp:1 n~1on will hr nns:,.lhtr In thP fu– tt1rr." hr sAirl ~ir Lrnn snirt thn1 ii wn~ nn1 ir.inn1crt lhRt a rlr,/iilJ?n comm iLlrP \\'nlllrl he Annolntr rl ·"onn nfler Cnhinel. npprornl or 1he J)l'O IN•I . ·•Jt will bP n lorrlv ,:?111- lrr)', nnr1 whllr lhe r1e– -~ir.n rnnrrnl.~ hn,·p nnl vr1 brrn rlr 1 rrminr rl . II \\rill fil ln1n 1hr. rlrrr hni,k ~,.tl mr. nnrl hr " " · trrmrly nt1rncli\'r,'' IH' p;;nirt. Museum too ~tr. Fletr hrr i,:.nirt IA!iil n ltthl : "\Vr nrrrl n nrw Arl J;?A llrrr \ 1 t"r~· h11dly nnci Also R nrw m11!-eum b 111 1 dlmi:. "Prlva lr l~r I hopr \\'P mR~' mRkr. it no1 nnl~· a:1 Hrl jZAllrry h11t 11 l!=n il crnt rr or <·ultu rnl Af– rn1 r.~:· HI!'- nffi1 •r Imel F-l n::i trrl t hr 111/\l l{'I' in tll{' hnpr t hr (';m·{'r11111rn1 \\'nuld ~r nhlP 1n 111·orlrlP <'l'lOIJL:h mnnp~• to rnrry Jt throHSlh.