Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

COURICH t MAIL ~. JB- 3-1 968 Waiting on sale of galleries Q UIINSL.+.ND Art Gel• lory Dlroctor t Mr. J•111H Wlonok•) 11 .... °'""' • w.,,......... policy •b0¥1 the • ale of Iha Moroton GellorlH, Mr. Wieneke'• appoint– ment as Art Gallery dir– ector wae confirmed last June aubJect to a written undertaklnR by him to the trustees that he would try ~-~~~\:e1nol 1 Jhriio~t~:ton He Is director of the Moreton Oallerlea, Mr. Wieneke said yes– terday: "The buyer hasn't come up yet." un¥1Y ~~d d~i..w~~r;·w3~~ cldlnll what to do In the event of being unable to sell the Moreton Oallerlea. 'Come later' "These are things that wUI have to come up later," he said. Mr. Wieneke has been In his Job as Queensland Art Oalfery Director since Sep- te~~~.!c1.!i'~e~e job aa •'more than enough hard work." But It wa.. work• lnll out. he said. Mr. Wieneke went t,o Toowoomba last week ror the opening or an exhlbl- ;1th,g~.oo~t~•~rt."t5~Pi!1rt~ He 111\ld t,hls was thP first time such a showing had been held at Too• woomba. "We will 11Sslst them u wr will assist anyone," he · said. Mr. Wieneke •aid t11e palntlnRS, by EnllllSh art– . tsts. were part of a n Art Oa.Jlery scheme to assist • countrv towns. He said hr hoped some– thing could be done to e!~ec~ 1 ~n~~ftr In the ore- The ,rnrk or th""" ::i:~,d 1 f:~: J::- a~f1~~ ry'• ehlldren'a tlaasea, and from the wlnnln1 en• trlea In the art competi– tion held hy the Queen•· land Dl•l•lnn of the San the Ohlldran Fund. Mr. Gu1mer opened lhe Exhibition or Chll• dren'1 Crtall,e Art ye.– terday after aohool. II ~~rchl~ on Sunday, The Save the Children Fu n d arl competition wu 1upporled 6v the Llona lnternatlona) Brls• b1ne•Metropollbn Club who pve Ifie prize-. and the wlnnen 1 names were r:!f1tedw~7ehTh~o:duunc'l:a the competlllon on Fehr• uar, is. The ehUdren had lo de• I,rn a Chrlslmao 1reellnp card for JOOS and 1ub11equent ycan, Yesterday, Me. Guymer ra•e 1peclal credit to Mn. M. McNeil who hu been takln,r the Saturday mornlnr arl classes al the Gallery ror children aced between el1ht and 13 year • •once 19114. He also mentioned Miss Vida Laber who beran the claun In 11141. Mr. Gurmer told the children they had been encour1~ed to do lmast• native work to e,,presa lhem1elvea. Lion• district rovernor (l\lr, W. S. Holder> was allo present. Brisbane, Q. °""v~ 2 "'::lEC f967 , 13 · BRANCH OF ART GALLERY TOOWOOMBA. Toowoo111bo 11 tht second pravlnciol city in Queefttland to han a hronch of th1 Queensland "" ••"••r. S,,,re1.arv ol, t,he tru,1.,.. or t,he Toowoomba Ari Oollerv. Mr. A. O. Robert– son •nld v~t.erdnv the Toowoomba a.rt ollen• nnd 11., 1,ru•t- h!UI been •ooroved M n branch of r.he Queensland ort ullerv by Ihe trustees .JI the Queenslnncl Art. Gallen· 1.nr .<tees. I "CHRONICLE" Toowoomba, Qld . .13 M ', 1968 Exhibition of paintings opens tonight An txhlblllon or 11alnth1~• h~· fonu111"' Rrltlsh artlsl1 will hr n11r11rd :II R o'dn1·k tnnh: hl In the art i;11llery In lhe ('11,r IIKII. ..Ml'. · lll~li..J'llcurkr •Ill'· tor oUJJc...Quwwaud...Ar.t OnllCO!.. amlJl0lCd..ll.111hw:iLY Ill) nn, Vi OJ)CU~i– n. Thr. cxl1ibltion com;lst:-. ,,t 35 plcrnrcs Jn wtttcr nnd oils, which nrc owned by 1ho Quc,•nslnnd ArL Oallcry nnd lent Lo t.hr Toowoomba Art Oa llei·y undrr a new ar. rangement . Mr. A. c. Robel'lS0II, chn11·111nn o! the trustees of 1,he Toowoomb• ArL O11ll~ry, Sil let ln.st 11l~h1 that lhc dis. piny would be open for two months from l to 5 p.111. da 1l,v. H e .said lhRL rturi11g t.hnt period Mr. Wieneke woulrl ,·lslt Toowoombn 10 hold regular clnsscs lor secondary school students. M r. Rob,,r1 son snld he hoped I hat all scco11dnry schools would n rail them– selves of this or po1·1unlty, During the t .<hlbltlon ot the British paintings, works of the Toowoomba Art Onl• lery would be stored, hr said. The Toowoombn Art So– cle1y has been rcspon~lble for unpncklng 11nd hanging the special collccllon. "COURIER MAIL" 18 MAR 1968 Waiting on sale of galleries Brisbtlne, Qld. Q UHNSL.+.MD Art Gel• lory DlrectM tMr, J • rn- • Wlon • kel 11 .... optin1 a w • lt•and•H• poller •bout the Hie et tho Moroton G1llerl • 1, Mr. WIP-neke's appoint• ~!g; ~s ../rc'on~I~~ ?~t June 8ubJect to a \\•rltten undertaklnll bv him to the trustees that he would t.ry ~l\~!~\:e1nof1Jt\;,o~Wii lon He Is director of the Moret.on Galleliee, Mr. Wieneke 11t.ld vcs- 1.r.rday: "The buyer hMn'I, come up yet." He said he would "we.It until the day" before de– cldlnit what to do In th• event of being unable to ""II the Moreton Oallerle11. 'Come later' "These are thlnga that will have to come up later," he eatd. Mr. Wieneke ha. been In hll< Job •• Queensland Ar·t Gallery Director since Sf!p- te'n~"'.i.!r!:i~Jef;e Joh •• "more LhBn enm1Rh hnrd \\'Ol'k." nnt It w-. wnrk• lnll 0111 , he Mid. :'vtr Wienek, " 1 ent. to Toow'oomba t... t week for the opcnlnp; or an exhlbr - 1 ~'t~~'~'~'":~~•l~rt""oU.:U:;f tie said thl• w•• lh• fi n.;;1, UmP fJ\ICh a ~hawing had been held ot Too– "'ootnbn.. "We will •·"'t,t them aa w, will a.11~1.'!t anyone," h@ said . Mr. Wieneke aalti the onlntings, by EnRll•h art- 8~:ite; ir~cg:~e 0 ;,,""a.:i~ co11ntr'v towtu1. He snld he hoped •omt• th inp; could be done to e rrrcL chnngc• in the ore– sen t Al't o allcry.