Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

t.,"I• ICK tlais ti111e C 0.\"( il< .\ 'ITI..\TIO.\' 'i lu 1hr Siat r ( ; u , ,·111 1111· 11 1. II p l.t ll "- lfl h,n ·r thf> Ill' \\ t l1 11·,·11,l.11111 \ 1 I f ,.ll lt•1, 0111•11 in l'l"; M - t1 11 1\ l!i u ·.u-, .11t1·r tlw ( i11\1·r 1utu·11l p r o m1,f'd /i t i11·11 "" :1 llt' \\' 1·11l111 r .1l t·t•nt rr :t-, )""~"-'""'""" a 'i la l e !'l'llll'll.11',\ JJl'l'M' III. B1•11cr latC' 1h a11 JlP\'l' r Lrl u., hupr l hat tlw lo tr .,1 plan has morr l'!rnnre or brrc,m 111c rr:i llty han 1hr 1050 011r Sl!H'1' :i 1 11,1.,1 1805, Qu r- rh a11rt1·1, ha l'r hP,... 11 lb<·cl to a pru~rr :-i:--1011 ol I prn l.·, ,t d1 , , :11 d , uhml" 11111, 011 pl:111, f11r a proper An G a ll ery 1:.,·r ryt h1 11g ha; bee n dc,n - CXl'C' Pt hll ild 11 E, tlma t cl 1·0,1, l! ;, 11• n ·"" IJ'n rn SI 11111- lton Ill l !J.,!I , 1, t 111 S'i 1111 111011 1111w ,11ccr, 1Nt E,· 11 a t tl , ., t:thl' . a!! the ancl ha.- not bP n ncq ul rrd . Sta te Ca bl llC' t has CrtC'cl poor llHllt lh a:· o ne exc w,e fo r d ela y~. Yr t 111 the lnt l'l't m It h as spr n la v1: hl y on !I s prern cwus Exrr uti vr Ru1lcl1 111;, a mnnc 01lirr, . Q111'r11, l:1 11cl rr rt aln l; rt 1'1I, a ur w lrry T llr , x1., r i11 L: n11P 111 , dr1·n' p1 0 1w- 11mr oper l1uthl' 1, bu, h lr•, rcrr , 111 ff tor a c11y wh ich has prl't r n, 1011 t(, tw111i; a mod er n ca pll a l. Ca n SJW!ld lil~ S7 m l!IIO!l 011 n 1.:allrry IJr Jus11f1f' d '! T h r a n.,wrr 1, a rr, ou11cli111: "yr,". fo r a clt ,• wit hout a clrct·nt nrl cal lrry 1,,11ct a collr r llon lo 1\1:l tl' hl IS l\'tth(Jlll n .,oul. T h e , r lr C'trcl s11 r, on till' , 1111 t11, 1cl<' a p– proar h to V1ctorm Rrirt1.:r. 1s a , p!P nd icl on~ look1nµ ar·ro,, the rl vr1 to lltr ,... ,.,, or Rrt,· banr. It Is withi n a fr w mlnu tr,· st roll of . t h m a in buslnrss a rea . Bu t thr projr clccl rivr rs1rlr rrnt rr nrrcl s to hr more l11n11 a µa!lr ry. l3y Ihe I lmr ii opens 1n nd Ille la tes t propu, als , cr m !llfJre 111:111 r lrcllonerrl m: I thr mrt ropolita n popu lation wlll be r lo, c to onr ml!llon Facilitirs for other aspects of t ltr nrts ought to be Included - Mr lbo11 rnr ·, (' li ltur11 I cen t re should be :1 11 rxamplr nf llir ~ta ncl– ards, lmnglnat.1011 and rn rirly rr qulrrd - because this ccn ~re l5 to be built for the future , not just. the la te 'Scvcn1 1r s Art in all Its varied forms nerds spa,·e. Fnllure to build commodiously now will be a shackling of culture a few years later. Gallery a h~;~n place as well as a home for art THE proposed new Q will be o human I uccnslond Art Gallery soid yesterday, pace, Mr, R. Pavlyshyn Tit,, 10111p f'X I h 1•11u• 111 1 , 111 , , 1 ·' 10111 ri 11111 n 11, \ hp P.n I • H ' d ": · I I I • u!l, 1·1 inn 11 ... ,H1ri· 1n,11,•:: •11 , , , 11 _,n ',.'/' \~11r 11• rlu• p hi!•• ,. . . tht• \\ ,.,1,.;., l 1t p.1 ,11, 1 ','.:1,, ,11 ..11/.1, \ !1 l',,h1 n~n- \ 1, l':1,1,~1,\11 irr rr,nn·1n / O/fu,r 'ui ' 111 m1111ru r I\/Pr l • "flt,kr.,m nn nr lhfl ,.,. · .. ru i,:n l,1 C'.d>1;,,..: r.;,•'n1,1,1 rr1 ' llr , ,•port r n ih~r11a-JJ11on ,r -.rrn \ · Pry Visitor facilities . The committee ph,losophics ond cone ~qtch rd oy outl ined should follow, ep s "' >eh the gallery