Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

THI COURllR-M,tdL WlDtHSD~~ ,i.R. 11 1911 5 1 Informality keynote innewQld. art gallery QUEEMSLAMD'S new $7 million Art Gal• lery, to be opened in 1978, was eapected to take full odvontoge of its prominent loca• tion, the Works Minister (Mr. tiodgesl said yesterday. It would be o buildi ng of orch11ecturol aesthetic merit, unique in character, incorporating the latest developments the best focilit ies available, he said. Mr. J-{odi;c-: spoke nrt,·r State Caoint 1tppro,•rd the Art Ga1·er\' c ,,m– nuuec's reco111·111:ii1dnllrn1, to proceerl w·d1 the p\un– nma. const · uction. nnrl fi nancln.: ,,r thl" new ,;111- lery hull~1ng on a hosis get, ou•.. in the com– mll ce's report. ~~o r !q. > 'rt.~~ 11 t~f1~~i:~~ l-i\011\Ce 12:?,4f>O Sil· (L I, . f'n·1t·r i,r,· 101, cJ0,000 WI· ll. ,. nnr1 lluilclrnK ser\'11.:es 115,1100 "''· 11.t. The de -1~11. while ade• q urtlC for lltlUlY )'far& l,O come. would pro,·1rle for I u lure hor11.ontal ex- The r allcry will he on th' sout11. 1de ol lhe lln•· ban e River up ~trr.nm fro1.t the Victoria Bndge. r~~:'0~ns':fr1:{~e t~~ld~~f~ lery's tong-term neec1s. Sequence Mr. Hodges said thaL lnlormall\y would be 1he keynote or Lhe desi~n. which would tnke ndVan· tage or Brisbnne·s imb– tropicnl cllmal"- Wlth views Filleen Individual gal· lerles would be arranged In a 1og1cni ..,quence var• ylng in plan lornis, sizes, a n d proportion• dis• tinctive from each other m expression of mood and character. "lt should he an OUI· ,v a r d-lookinl?' building which will take nd\'nn– tnge of the views of thr river, the city a11d the trce-olnd hills In the dis· tance," he said. wo~,fct e ~! a ~ii~~ni~~a~~: ::.,~~ntetP't.,Y ;g~~~~ niodate temporary and visiting exhibitions. "The buifding wlll ~ light in co\or, cnrefuill' modelled, simple in form. a n d con SL r u d • d or maintenance-tree mate• rlais. "Landscaped areu will form an Integral par~ ol the total design. "Courts will be pro· vlded for the display ol aculpLures, and shaded area• wlll be included for re&\ and relaxation.'' Mr. Hod11es snld nrchl· tects !or 1.he project would be selected from Queensland architectural firms. · Ten llrms would be se• lected Initially, and the ~g:etr ~ •o~~re:e I'r~~ which the winning firm would be nominated. Selection would be on the nieriL of submil,ted designs. W i n n Ing architects would be required to cnr· r; out further coni· ~r .. ~t~h~tui~:t ~~~~i examples bclore submitt – ing the final design. Mr. Hodges SAld the f:/,'.~b•~,q.t?:~~-o~f~•co~~ slst ol a mnin foyer !ROOO sq. ft.l. display ~nllerlc• <50 1 800 sq. IL. ,. education sec<lon (6400 sq. lt.l. au• dltorlum i46~0 sq. 11.), restaurant , 4300 sq. 11-.l, ~~~~l'rn\~~~o •1·6J~{ •t It.). Gallery society (20~ IL THURSQAY MAICH 21 Id masters for gallery? W».ILE the pro– posed new Queensland A r t OaHerv Is ""'"~ dlsc,111s,d pei haps r,ro, 1 1s1on to d1 • ~!;, reproducuon• of old Idea. ers would be a aood llb~~el~now it IS OOL POS• na\ pafnr:/:',~re the orig,. ere gra t-f I S, and u e lery. for I u lo tht OR . Jection an~P/cf'•"~·1sen1 coJ. \ 1rwer1 1 1 1 le men,· think th~t 1 ~1iht~: hut ~, <'OUlrl 1mpro\')! e. U ('0Plfl5 For Instance I been 1ry,no f . lm, e ,;,,. a • or years 1o C • r I o '"iS:;?1i1c1 lon of Homo" w 01 · "Eoce and t •h•\' h out •uccesa, "·nndrrrng. 1 probably die I am not that the"" co iuggest.tnr he hung b pies shouln are enlJtltdULl I think "'8 them II ,.. 0 access to r1a1e 'art. ~ "'1 1,' 0 JPPrt· kln1, 3! Tom1 "s Pa1- Too•on1. ce trHt, THE FLOOR · slof f T •s th c only storage ' revor Hyit, of 13olinorol ~~odceV lef t fo r members of lhc hove complc1cly I II ' ,v,a n Homs Porn I rngs Q~ccnslond Art Gallery ,, .., i ·,·n , eel present storage co•Joc ,ty ot 1l1e Q' scu PIlures and furn,·ture :,, ·,, I n11·,, ,',,'1','1·r 1_·" \\n_,_•h 1·1 ' UC I •• 11 111<·~ lrnr I ens One Art Goller 1 11111' 11 ,1,,J lar ... ·,~r~IIJR•',,,t. j 1.:itl NI l•l ui, I' ~"."~1 rr>II'- ,, ,,11 hrh111'f wl1 ,. . y. n II 1 ! ll 1 • p ·1 1 an!\" tll I \ lCJ11• I -. ~ n \ (JII tfl;r-1\ ' ,f' .. r• ,1:n1,rd rnrrl- . . r~:,••11r:1.11s !.!.n;'1•n· awr,h: ,;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= 111, • c:,11·,1',,,.,•l•Jr.l~(' :irr11 .,t S1• i!JH 'lrl's h\' H • ' n·,,,; ,rr r .. ''; l'r. Dr ca~. flodi ,,:11·- 1···n1\flo•,• '•· \ I \ln•111rlv . l11•,·c 1i: II r-,·011rl1 (, rr, ••1re,• o I 11 11111\ .,:110 . r. \1'1<•1•1•1•k,• ~-~ •.~.~~.,'.fMILY GROUPS iu,.1111., '"" 111.111.. 1110'. ..-:·,~,: kl'\· T 11,,,.,-1,,. . T I ' """""' "" :;,r•· ....., 'lllr,ia,• :or,•., 1111 ,r , 1111 t:nlll'n I, ;,,,,'.' :o n .\rt 111 •1 ·r~C rnlllO,llll lllC C-0111• :'..,'~; :::;, ~.,.,.i•.,~ •,(:(~ nb ll• t,1 lw11·,,t' ·1, I - :11:r :in•;1 \\'11·,,,1, 1!'1','.''' ,tor - r,·.,1,,•,·v ,'. hr Jll'\\ •\rl ,r, r1 ... I I ..,. , You "'* \ 1 , r, r ·,s 1IS I " •m ,.,;• ~, '".' ""' "'" "'"; ;t•rl, ,,, . ' •11:i.:h:r .,,,; ;~:-~~;, lo ~,-rr,· l\ork' ,;~ ,1·, r1,,i· ,.:. , ''.:1110,rrl n "''"" ,.,,.,,;'""" ,.,,.,w,, .., b;L:r; /'~~I':',',',','· ""''Plll ,CS ,.' r. II h·n,•c·kr salrl -Q11,,:·r r..ri ;nil I .,o onn :,:"!·";:,;,,:• m,~i· .•~; ,•• ·,::~~;;,~ :\ t ' hr !110111 111 ,,.• , ·re 2:.? onn -.n 11nr• le} ,l llf'\' }H•r II Dn\blfl~ , , 0 I) hfhl 'l'lti·, J , ., '- .. -l ot •t I Vvfhu , .,,,,, ','" M,qh 1fhl'I00 . 1·'' r "" '" l1n11c\11 • ~• , pncc." ., or• • " '" • t•-• lu• ;rnr•, h1 Ille tlrl ,' " '"' . , .., ",",m "'""'· •"_ '' 1 ' or <!nn,urrt bv C(",l'! Oll-- UHL\ 1clunl~. ~