Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Happy about new gallery N EWS or the ne w QUPPllsl a nd Art Gallery JHopu.-a l ,tnd r nu111r ·~ i1 µprov:1 J and wa 1 n, b le,s111g provide Jnr xpres, 1ble pleasure for the grateful people of Lhls Statr . • 111 h \\OUrtPrfllf l'Hlnltl– lu.-. hrra lc1~ th fl ter1111n11 • 11011 • 111 thf' nnt 100 <11!-.– tam fu1u,e. or Quef'nlli– J;rnrt h c·11Jturn l ,trp,rs– sion Thr unhttppy ,'\ ,. or the .i:::11/111?'\' story ma\ surely now ,r">L m pP1tl P. llll~i';Wj"'f'" lt0\U' H•r c1un n~ tJ1f" ~ttllrrv·~ -10 Qr1rl )e,, r:-i' 04·– r 11p;1n'c,· nf the IOtttlly I ll n rt '1 LI J f e hu1lrt111~. lhrre trn, r bf"r 11 ihrn,r lo y al nnc1 thout: ln1 11~ people who l;\rf'f' .i:::rrat l~ rmwerneri ~nrt 1·0111mue<1 tn prr:,.s 1hr almosL rie:i-;– f"tt'ratr POIIII Wit h 11n- ilat:~m1.: Fllll rll 111- d 1u1111J,! Ciallrn• 80<·1C'l\' rnrmhr,~. thr prr"s n11rt 11 ~ c·oun ilr,.~ rrarlers, the lrmnee.\ nnct ~anff · · · Work, money It. IS lnSl)ll'lll~ Lo know R I !I o lhn t. brnefuC'lors, nrt1st.., And \'1s11ors have ,·ont IOUPct ~('nerously :o Jl res PnL nnrt bequrnth \'Rluahle "ork nr monry 10 t.hr irnllrr\', wll.h l'heerlul RIHI 0Pllml5llr: 1'011\liCtl0n thnL . lhCII Rills woulrl benefit the cow~ei:::1111·111\n'nin~ anrl tt'Ork beJ:ini,. on t ~r nr.,,· ,:uller • nroJl!cl \\'1th Its rmmenl ly 6 u11 ablc 51te, the lorn! and nntlonal 1m– n,:e nf this clt.\' nnrt 1:rnl– lery will b• thoroughly re,·itahsrd. nnd the rcpu- 1 ,._ 1 I O 11 nnrt refreshing 1 rogrcss or this ngoro11s damp and tndu•t.rJnJ fumes. The proposed sit" ,at Stanley Street. South Bri,bane I is rich In both. They Include. an\;. T~"m l>fi;':'11,,x~~~;; of the constant stream of vchtcula.r f,1-arttc using . the nt-\\' freewny along t•he north bank or the river, Immediately op– p001te the proposed Art Onllery. 2. The rlnmp sonkage from thr ri\'cr under the fo11ncfat1011s and I he damp air cJrcuhtt.tng round the ~"llllery. 3. ·n,e lJ1dustrta1 hln- M'i.'/:~/'\;,~~0~Fa,~le°;~/:."~~t on the S O II l h 5 l d e of the river. not. for~et – tlng the tnlers1n1r rall – \\'llY to be extended 0\'f'r the river to link 110 with the 11orth5ic1e which will run pn.rallel to the Art Onller.v one block re– movr d. All t.l1ls 1\'lll prol'lde verv d:tnf!rrou:; nell?h– bmir~ to an Art Onllery :1..lld will dcmoll!-h \\'OfkS of nrt In rtulrk llmr ! But wtn- not do t\'ha r I~ brine clOn('t In nil our ca pltnl c1t1c-'. r ull rtnwn lhe hu1ld1ni::: nnrt r rrrt l1f'\\' m (Hi crn mul ttstnr~· ,1rnllrrv on thr J.:nntc vrry rxrrllf':it <;1tr. nl t,tH" cor– nrr of Greaor_\' rrrrace and Bowrn flridc-r -Rnnct. Th,.. hu1lctln,1t COlllr1 be bro11eh1 fnnntrrl to ~trrrt lrt·pl, n.1- 1n t h t' l\·1U!if'llnt or Modf'rn A r In New York I hus /' rovldrng spnrr hrvonc! ltn lt, for Crnrurir c. In rnmr. fn – r idrnt:111\· r1 million dol• tn r~ \\·m•lr' he Sft \'rd. Sw1nr\' hA'- r l11~rd ltc: :\ ri · G:i flery for nI lrast thf' ln.c:1 18 mon1 h,ci "hlle lrn1lrl111j? l"\'.ICn~i n~ HI'(' m 111...... s-r~~- \Vhy 1101 rtn 1hr ~nrn~ he,·C' nnd mn kc n. ~Utrt on the new nrt ~:~ 1 ,~~.y rif~;~t~u, O 8.f~~~~ IIIA.h1mte 11111. ITALY TO SHOW ITS CULTURE •;XflllllTlfl\"~ ,.f •·:•11t1·1~11111n_,_r~· . l! Hli:o:: art ancl H cl1•111u1i-lral11111 ul ..lluh,111 '.'"'"'!'~ wili 1,,. 11arl of llri~l,;111t•·~ t,r~t It alian (II . tural \\ •·•·l,. 1t \, I t..... ,II .. i; o\ 1 1• I I at tl1• •Ji ' 'I ., Oullt:1. , 1, , !o1 .. 1. ?/~l~., ;1, •;,'.:1i'1,1111',,;;1i " ,Mr l.1: , I· ,1• . , Tlh L .!i,' u).u \\ , ! r xhUrn .~1 111\\ II , ,11 Jl ,1, l,111 li 11• con.1• . 11o,i.11 n11tn1 it '·• ·' n • , 1,,1, li•, IJ 1,, :•11,H, l .11• ! '11 111 \1111,,i,, • 1 tlnf 11)1 l ',l11,U { .111,li , I \\,Ii 11 11 /1 1 \./ ,. 11 di ,.11 ,\ p tll h d .1 '>IJl·t .. 11 !11111 11•11, 1\/ l ,llli;,•il II\ ·II,• lll'l!.11L, I• ·11,• D ,1/l lt' Ahi.:0 11 n :-;111 i,· ,. A ctrmon1tra\.u.1u t)I ll•ll•n cooking wUI Lt t I iu 1 111 ,\ I' I h •.~ ," I I'll 11i:~ uJ I ,I 1:IQ I ,II, ' , ,•1-.t• 1,J w ,· l!U S •:tlfl;i,· .\ prll !•. h,•1·111- 11 11 1, i 'Ill 11 11 .1 ·he l ' I 'I 'J Ill' • I' !.U(.,. \ \( .••· 111111 11 . JI ,11 on .,,,r !H ,ll r lw ,.._, h•+lll'Jl I I., ' Music It d .. 111 1111, .... ,•• ,111 ht!' I 111 I' I"' I'd 1,, 1.J ,t 1•11, IAIU~ l..'un, r · 111,:11111. 11: ~lutdc l 1,,, t ui ,·r , \I 1 .J.,1111 OIJ- f r i\ d i• r • Ill tl11• ('011• , ~"n:110 1111111 11 n ·\ p. I JO b1•,..,1111111i.t a l ll P 11, '1'111• \\ I 1•k \\ ill l'tld 011 Apri l IJ \\It h a r,•i,.11,:1 1 ul lluil:111 t·lin: 111'- .1111. Mn,,• \)\ I lit• O ,11:-.1•pp1· \'1•:·tll chmr. lu"~m11111~ ttl H p ,111. al Iht ltc;lo-Au•trtt– lhan Centre.