Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY The Gallery will remain dosed from Tuesday 4 to Friday 7 Apr1l and re-open with a new exhibition of ITALIAN PAINTING 1940-1960 DANTE Alighierl Society Brisbane presid– ent (Mr. John H. Oransden) poured Italian wine last night for National Gallery (Victoria) Curator of Modern European and Ame1·lcan Art (Miss Annette Dixon) at the wine tasting held at Alltalla Airlines' Ed– ward Street office as part of Brisbane's first Italian Cultural Weck. She later lectured on modern Italian painting at the Queenslnnd Art Onllery, wllcrc nn elthlbl- i /n~i~n ~~I ~~ 0 o~mg~~1~~ Until May 7. Miss Dixon, who studied i;~~n \i\lfh~o 1 ioslu~°,;~ visiting gollerlcs nnd ex• h lbltlons was "one ot the mnln acllvltles" In ltnly. Many sculptors from 1t~si ~.~y~;i,"g~d 1 nc"~~~ 11 ~1 their worka made Jn Italy. Dl~~~sti~1{:J·~~~l'ia ~\~~ pnlnllng there nt techni– cal colleges before tnklng up a scholarship In JOt; • to study contemporory arL In Fronce. She completed a IWO• yrnr tine nrts cour.1:c nL thr Unl1·crslty or Purls, then lr:w ellcct throuizh• out Europe, and UIUSht In England. For a yenr nflcr her re– turn to AustrallJL she "'ns a curator rtt the Museum or Applied Arts nnct Sci– ences nnd Sydney. then joined U1e NILtlonal Gal• !cry 111 January 1970. galleries T HE deci ·ion to spend public funrt.; on a new art ga llery is typical of the complete dis– regard for the es– sr11tial comfort and , oil-being ol the popula tion of Bris– bane. I'm not agail1ht an ~allerte!), but. a seems totally w1acce1Jlable that \\ Jule a fa \·oured minority lb 1,a tis1nn~ us cultural whims. \he rest or u.s JllUM p t up Wllh roads 1 liut II mtui)' cases art barely na,•iguble, no s~w– crage system for the maJor p11rt of Brisbane ta sauatlon difficult to u11ug1ne m most. O\'erM!ns ci11esi, a bnck'-'ard, in– ~fflclent anct exorbitantly expensive bu,'i ser\'1ee and one of the mosL unusual and unple~ant Jeature., ot Brisbane - an almost 1-0tal Jack ot sucl1 ordin– ary, common-place things as footpaths. I thtnk tl'S rrnzy to pc nd h u1;~ 5Um s of money on a luxury Item for an lnlluentlal minor– ity, Let them build il tJiemSf'lves If they want It so badl)•. they prob• abli• have the capital - whl n the basic nteds or the community are beins ~~ 0 .=iy Ro:d,';;~'."~~1!'. IIR-MAIL TUESDAY AP JT is to be hoped that the No risk to paintings ltal1ot1 • mbo11adot, D,. '•"lo Canal,, last ,119ht ••• opt1mitt1c • It o u t Au,hol10'1 future relat1on– t,h1p w,th Co...mot1 Mo,krt countriu. I ,, L ;111.t11 ~,,J•t J- 1•,11 , rtno 11 1 /1t C'o1111nnn \ J;.1- l..r1 \\ (1111'1 np n ft, 1•1 O\ 1 h,. O\ r 1 all µot,11 1o n ·" 'J'\lra!Ja Rl~\ In: f> in ri~;;; ~~lrl\:,~;f~)'..~~t'il;~ l~I~ a bru:h rrr IUtlJl p fn1 ..P1111 !!1Jhl1t ,1 ; '\\l llldlf' – rinl~ r1r1rt mmPr~d " " ,:uri 1 11~ 111 ,,~r1JI • ,,,.Jn ,, , ~ 1111,. "1111 h hPlrt rn1H 1r1f'rnnlr pr11m1-,,. tor thl' flltlll, 'fhlb u ll.\ l~ r, U ,p nf I llr "'-h 'llHt ll' \' rif A11s– l 1t1LR11 fll f' Rfltl IIP ah IJ ~~ 1 nl, ":~,r~, m::~.._ \ t ,1 111 ,i.. ... O.J' '"'1' ,I( I h< 1' 111111 ·: 1 I f"J1,c 1,Jrn .:11 ,Hrr q un 1 M purd ,a,, t, hJ1 h n r111rPri frr1~h rn -·, '.\htr n1·m plv,•rl \ 11.,1rn ha 1tn unJa ,ourahle nn:1 1r1 Dr Ci! r'Bll ""S pr-,11 a I n,,. \• a•, ltaJ1an& ha.., fT1 1rl,, 1 h.-1r nt 1,, home 1 A11ctrn/rn \'r n · It\, rr urn_,d t-- 1hf"ir hnm" land ro Jn11 anrt Ii , 1r 11hU'P(f !hl~ , ,I.P\Pral 1;1, tnrs IOC'ludlnr th,.lr nrir11i:11 :it rn11c- rt,,. ~" '" In 1,,r p/r hr1r, th,. rl1111n1r a11,1 1r /~ 11n,"ll1J With lhMP alrr11rh hrr... llr 3:11rl , ,,,. r11n,111, nnr' nan\' rluh~ - ,urh a h r llo. ln Au1rn l nt1r hrl prr1 1n I t ,u,. 1h,.n1 into th rnmmuiw r Laai n1,ht. Dr C"•na· ofllrfallv n1>en,d the ex . hlbitlnn ol Jtalron Patn1 111; 1n;n. 1oso a1 11, Qurtn~lend Art CreJlpr whir r \HI! be \'lf!W Unt Mn.1· 7, OJ-~?; 11! ~he~:~ :~~R ""\\~!~ llr. ,a 11al1 sn rrl rher · "rrr 1101 rnou h ,r\ ll-"' rn I I Rn n r 1 " ~h1b1t inn~ ~ho\,·ri 111 lln/.r nnrt th · rrq of Elll'OJ'H'. It Is common practice I n • u c h ga llerles to "wuh" all atr pa.sslng through the air conctl- new Art Gallery will act 011 an attraction lo not only Quecnslnnder~, but the many tonrist11 from interstate and overseas. Many visitors are llkely to see the Gallery from the panoramic win– dow, cir the Ansett motel on the op• poslte side or the river, or from the rcst.11urants atop our new sky– scrapers. Let's make It a magnet tor their eyes ! jN her crlticlsm of the proposed Art Gallery (C,M, 27-3- 721, Daphne Mayo dls- fi!:J\c1~~ .. 'ltt"~o;i:1.~~agr ~~~~r~~&wf~~~c~~1; 1 ~r n~'i'.lnt,~/~~t r':~~,-~he 1~; dam o. ~Ing sulphuric gnses which woulrt other– ". se rauoe yellowtng such as seen on old papers. Unique beauty Also one of Brisbane's lovellest and uncxpcclt?d vistas, tn be seen from the highest part of Albert Street Is the rlrw ol Mt. Coot-tlra and 11\ l.o br hoped t.11at the archi– rrcts r,,~ponslhle wm keep this r1ew in minrl. How manr rnpital r itlrs tn Aus– troliA. or rho~e nf f.ompnrable i:;ize ovrrsen~ ran presrnt. such nn rx– ample or unwuchcd natural Austrn– llnn bushland from so close to the city's hcort? - (llfrs.) Patricia L. Ryan, 56 ~larrlott Street, Coorparoo. some or the tnclors In· 1·olved and complete lg- "°l~~c~ c:fu?i~~otr'tc~c\~ i~"cl 1 nF..,ctt~f~1a ru!~~~l~~l; arc damaging to works or art. Jn oclual fart. It Is the !' ll Ip h u r I r ga.ic; contrnt lhRt causes the dama~e, Equa lly correct Is her s In te men t rP1rnrrtllut damp nlr. Hnwe\'er t=ih~ dirt nnt mention the rlnn~ers or air that ts too dr_v. cau~- ~t~c~ ,:d~kb;I tl lemen t or These dangers do not ~~ese.'l~ a~~J/[~t;J;:rsa'r1 gallery such as that pro– posed. As for seeoage from the rh-rr, morlern build– I n g te.chnlnurs would prr,·rnt this from occur– ina. Bu t If It cllrt occ r, thp nlr conrtt1 loni111; )11Rnt "·rH1ld RO:nln ~i, Ce"Hnrrl the art object•. r~mo,·lnc moist ure from tht nir or addlnc moisl.ur• to It If there •re nny doubts n~ to the Pffrctl\'r ncs.i:; or ,ur.h schemes It Is only necessary tn Inspect cal– lnies In lnri:r. m·f:'rse11-5 ritfc.-s wflerr nlr pollution nnd damn wrnlhrr pn~e n. much more serlot1!; t hrrnt than In Rrishan~. - ,I. I,. Thnmp,on, RR S "I'd n e y Street, Xedrnn. BRISBANE. MRr. 21 SUit,. CAblnet tOdRv RP· urovrd rN·nrnmenrlnt inns to nrnr rrrl with lhf' nlnn. nlnJ?. rnnfllrurt lnn nn,I rin– nndnlr.! of n tH' W ar1 l?n l– !fln• in Rr!~hnrw f 'nhlnut di•d<l1•d th111 ln– fnrmnlitv woultl he t h,.. kr\·nntf' nf lhA nrt s.cnl!t~n · tlc!-!lt:11 nnrl lhnt this ~houhl IA k f' Rd\'R nl tUlf? o r Hri~hnnr'" "ub . t rnnlclll 1•nn1l\tlnnl'. The nrt 2R lh~1·,·. to he hulll on the )'::Out h hl'lnk or thP Rrl~hAnc- R l\'tr. will hR\'P Rh Area or H O.Orio (~1~\71\lr/"\~-\1 "~: n~~~~,\~~ for 200 C'Aflll. Tnr.1.?rt rJnt e for cnm – nlrtlnn nf 1hr bulldlnc hR!i= hl'en ~et fo r thf' 11 nd of 1fli7 nnd the on.-n ln"' of th e 111rt enllen· ~C'hN111 1Pc1 for M rh- In t!H R, Tn1nl co~, nf thr lll'nlect tnr h1rl lne nro11hdt inn of Jnnd. rlP\'l!lnnmt ill nf thr F=lte nn 1 1 f11r nl ~hln~~ I~ r., t lmnte,I nt SiJ)')(l onr,.